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Lakair G2G 2007 !!!!!!


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What a blast... I can't remember ever laughing so much!



Spent the day working on my boat taking care of last minute details in blistering heat. Just little stuff like sealing up holes in the transom, installing the fishfinder, GPS, VHF, re-wiring and installing a seat. One of two that I ordered from Cabela's... I still don't know where the second one is! My wife was kind enough to pack my coolers and clothes while I slaved over a hot solding iron and I finally got to bed at 1:15AM.



A little more than 45 minutes after going to bed, my Lakair partner Doug shows up. Doug is a friend from work and lives in Windsor. As it turns out, he didn't get much more sleep than I did! He was very patiant and helpful as I didn't have every thing ready to make our departure time. A quick shower, pack the tackle bag, hook up the boat, put the cover on and we hit the road...




I think I fell asleap shortly after leaving my driveway. I would nod off, Doug say something and I'd nod off again. His passive approach of denying me of slumber would eventualy evolve into backhanding me to stay awake.




The trip up was reletivly uneventful, except for missing the 400 exit. You'd think two truck drivers equipped with a map and GPS would remember to get off at the right exit. In our defense, neither get past the 427 for work and I was probably sleeping. We got off at Keele and doubled back on Finch stopping for a coffee and my first smoke break.


Next stop, Perry Sound. By this time Canadian Tire was open and I picked up some fire wood and a cast iron skillet. A quick smoke and top up the fuel at .99/ltr (cheaper than London) and off we went.


A short time later and we arrived at Lakair... ahhh! As Roy said, "fresh air is nice but Lakair is better".




We got the boat launched and settled into the cottage beside our neighbours... Irishfield & Deg.




Between thier boats was the 'plummas. Not quite a tiller, not quite a console.




I really enjoyed our location in camp. A cozy little cottage with a great view and the boat at our doorstep.


View from the dock



View from the cottage



It wasn't easy parking beside Irishfield's new Lund. It made mine look like an "adorable little 18 footer".




To ease the boat envy we began drinking. It wasn't long before our view of Wayne's boat looked something like this




Prior to heading up to Lakair I sent Muskiestud an email... something to the effect of "we'll be arriving Tuesday to cabin 9, drop in and there will be a beer, a map and a crayon waiting for you. Chris not only stopped by but went out with us for an afternoon fish. It was nice to get out with someone with as much experience on that water. The chart makes the West Bay look like a mine field but it wasn't nearly as bad as it looked on the map.


Chris got us onto the fish rather quickly. A nice near shore controlled drift over some cabbage would bring up 7 pike in total. None were that big but I never had snot rockets hit so agressively! Chris wanted to acknowledge his sponsers in this shot. Stanfields Underware have been "supporting" Chris for some time now.




We got back to camp and invited Chris to stay for dinner. We had two racks of ribs and Chris supplied some pike fillets. I generally don't eat anything that swims or flies (chickens don't fly) but I have to admit, the pike was pretty tasty done in fish crisp. We had a few beverages and a bunch of laughs and probably got to bed around 1 or 2am.



Wanting an early start, I got up at the crack of 10AM. I must have needed the sleep! I poked around camp for a while, met some other OFNer's and decided if I didn't wake up Doug, we wouldn't be getting out to fish! After he waited on me to get my crap together tuesday morning I thought it was only fair to let him sleep in a little longer. By 11:30 I went into the cottage and said "the boats leaving". Doug sprang to life and we were on the water by noon. Wayne and Leah got a late start too. We decided if anybody asks we would say we just came in for lunch and are heading back out!


Doug and I explored some different water to the west and picked up a few pike. Nothing worth taking pictures, saving the batteries for something more picture worthy. We did find some large suspended fish in about 30' FOW but couldn't raise them.

We put in a good day on the water. The weather was good, a little gusty but still enjoyable. Back at camp we started in on dinner. Doug handled the BBQ for the steaks while I handled the veggies on the stove. It looked so good I had to take a picture!




After dinner we decided to try for some nearby walleye. My anchor light was a little wonky and I borrowed Wayne's stick-on suction cup light - brilliant idea Wayne! We made one run to the west in the dark and packed it in.


A few more beverages, a lot more laughs and another late night.



I managed to crawl out of bed around 8ish and stumbled over to the lodge for a coffee and a smoke.

Around 9ish I woke up Doug and we got out on the water. We went for a longer run to the east to explore some new water. We picked up a few pike nosing in and out of the weeds until the bow-mount battery died. I never thought about it until now but I guess I could have charged it on the fly with the main motor while trolling. We found another inviting small bay and trolled across the wind following gps tracks making our way inwards. We picked up fish nearly every pass, about 7 or 8 in total... dropped a waypoint there for next year! On our way back to camp we dropped our lines on the spot Chris showed us. Within a few minutes we had a double headed. Small fish but double headers are always picture worthy!




We picked up a few more in the area to give us over a dozen pike for the day.

After that we decided to head west for some wally's. No luck but found a nice hole holding some big fish. Had the trolling battery been charged I would have sat over them jigging but the wind wasn't cooperating with a drift and we couldn't keep tight enough to the spot.


No report is complete without the ubiquitous sunset shot.



We got back to camp for a late dinner. We had bacon wrapped chicken breats with mozzarella cheese and some sauteed vegtables. We brought other side dishes but the sauteed vegtables from the night before were so good we decided to make more. Much to the delight of our neighbour Ruth who commented on the delicious smells coming her way from our kitchen window!


Another picture worthy meal!



We continued our pattern of late night beverages and laughs.



I got up around 7ish and joined the 'breakfast club' with Lew, Squid, Beans, the 'plummas, Greencoachdog, Rich Clemmens, Deg & family and probably a few others. Nice breakfast followed by some good conversation and laughs at the rear deck of the lodge.

We got a late start on fishing, around 10ish but we more than made up for it with the number of hours we would spend on the water that day. There was an impromptu get together planned on Tombstone Island planned for a noon so we stuck close by. Set the alarm on the fishfinfder for 11:45 and began fishing. We got our share of smallish pike and then I got into a decent one. Something I wouldn't have ashamed of to bring to the fishfry on Tombstone. A very scrappy pike under 30" that fought like a 40"er. I got it on a muskie spinnerbait and it was seemingly well hooked in the bottom jaw. As I was flipping the seat to get into the livewell it gave me a nasty headshake, a wink and a splash. Gone. A few more little ones released and the alarm went off.


We made our way to Tombstone about a mile away and moored beside Rick O'banion's nicely equipped 14' Smokercraft. Now my boat looks like an 18'er! Then Wayne showed up minutes later... boat envy set in again. Wayne found a nice mooring spot against the rock but then had to move because his boat was hiding the island and others would have trouble finding us. Just kidding, we had to move Wayne's boat because the only suitable fire pit location was about fifteen feet upwind of his boat. Several others began showing up and we had a pretty good gathering. Some of us were casting and I managed a little pike from the deck of Mike's bass boat.


Rick did pretty well casting too... Ruth and maybe Bill in the background



Some stuff happened (what happens at Lakair stays at Lakair) You'll have to come out to get the real stories!


Chris with his back to the 2/3 of the Southern contingent, Joe and Glenn (insert your own joke here)



Kevin, our host, putting Lew's big pike to the pan while Chris, Doug and I think Beans look on.



Wayne has another new camara firmly in hand with a strap on the wrist. Rich, Chris and Maureen in the background



The fishfry was a blast and yeilded the biggest laugh of the week when Art said.... oh nevermind, you had to be there. Everyone had a good time on the rock but it was time to get back to fishing.


Doug and I followed Kevin/Chris with Lew and Squid chasing. It was all I could do to keep up with Kevin's 90hp and Lew was closing in fast. Some more stuff happened (what happens at Lakair stays at Lakair) You'll have to come out to get the real stories!

We got to a spot fished over some prime muskie cabbage but couldn't raise any. Kevin/Chris split and a short time later Lew/Squid packed it in. Doug and I decided to go back to snot rocket heaven to re-build our confidence and bagged a few more.


On our way back to camp we decided to troll around a couple islands, no luck but we found this waterfront gem. I wonder if it's for sale?




We moved over to hump within a mile of camp for some bottom bouncing. It looked like prime walleye grounds but only yielded a pike some perch and some crappie after a couple passes. We trolled back to camp for some dinner after a long day on the water.


Nothing special about Friday's dinner... soup, sandwiches and a pasta cassarole. We headed down to the dock to socialize and chatted with Don, Ruth and thier grandson Tyler for a while and then we made our way over to the party at Joey and Tybo's. We had a blast there and got to meet some more members. Roy and TJ were well behaved, Joey treated everybody to some jerky and most importently we were able to finish off our beer before it spoiled.


Way too many laughs and a very late night!



I arranged an early wake up call from Allan the cook. He tapped on my bedroom window around 6AM. I may or may not have reached through the curtain and gave him the finger. It's all a blur but I know I was thinking that! I had about 3 hours sleep so I stayed in bed for a nap. I got up about a little while later... a little too late for the breakfast club but Glenn and Rich were still at the lodge. After breakfast, a little reminiscing on the back deck about the ole days in Bronte and it was time to start packing for home. I wanted to stay for the pike derby but Doug wanted to get home at a reasonable time. He was facing an 8 hour drive back to Windsor. I made it to the docks just in time for the big picture ceremony but not early enough to get any myself. We loaded the boat on the trailer, said goodbye and we were on our way home.

The return trip was smooth, arrived home at 7:15 and that's how my fishing trip went with the Unabomber, Theodore Kazinsky ;)




Until next year (or sooner),


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Just wanted to let you all know that the G2G at Lakair went as scheduled and turned out to be possibly one of our best ever. Great times had by all with a bonus shore lunch fish fry on Tombstone Island in West Bay put on by our host kevin Cameron otherwise known as Captain Hooked and yours truly Muskiestudd Friday afternoon. We had a great turn out at the pike derby and incredibly enough Rick Obanion took the trophy and a Garmin GPS with most accumilated inches in total and myself taking the big fish of the day which rewarded me with Speils donation which was a Minn Kotta electric trolling motor :clapping: .....

There were many other prizes handed out and a Lakair trip raffled off as well.......

Soooooo,I would like to invite all who were involved to chime in with there pictures and stories of the G2G event...This should be good......

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Yep what happens at Lakair stays at ....well you know :thumbsup_anim::whistling::lol:


LOL "crack of 10am" heck Lew already had a 1/2 day of fishing in by then!


Good report! would say glad you had a great time but one can't help not too!



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Great report,thanks for sharing.Wish I could have made it but I'm sure it won't be the last.This year was just not meant to be for me,but rest assured I shall return.I'd like to give a shout out to everyone I missed and look forward to the future G2Gs.



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Excellent report and pics Brian!! :thumbsup_anim: Thanks for sharing. I'm happier then a pig in %$@& with all these excellent lakair reports. I'm looking forward to Lakair 2008 already. This kid is gonna be there or be square. B)






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Thanks everyone for the kind remarks and taking the time to post them. It was my first Lakair trip and certainly not my last. In fact, I might do it again this year. If you've never been you owe it to yourself to go. We had outstanding weather all week but even if it rained, I would have enjoyed my stay just as much.


Most rewarding was the one-on-one conversations. There were too many too mention without leaving somebody out but I learned a lot about life, fishing and way more than I needed to know about Alabama goats.


Thanks for a great report! :clapping: Any musky caught while you were there? I've been up a coupla times and keep hoping someone during the June OFC weekend will actually catch one!

There was indeed a muskie caught but I'll leave it up them to post a report.



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