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Two of same new lures won't work like my old one


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I found this lure on the water 7 years ago. Put it on and immediately caught a pike. Have used it religiously since and is by far my most productive lure, particularly while trolling. It is so banged up that I've replaced all the hooks.





Well I thought that I should find the same one as a spare. My friend found it online and in a store in Hamilton. He got the same one for me. Everything exactly the same. Size, colour, profile, lip, etc.


But, in the five times I've tried it, casting or trolling, it just will not stay down in the water for more than three seconds. It will always go sideways and come up to the surface. No matter if the rod tip is up, horizontal or submerged in water. And I tried it at various distances. And the leader is never tangled.


I looked at the eye of the lure where the split ring goes, and it was slightly crooked so I straightened it with pliers. Made no difference.


Two days ago my beat up lure hooked 8 pike. So I thought I'd go to Sail and buy another of these lures but in a different colour because I was bringing my gf for one last outing in the year and I wanted us to both troll them. Tried it yesterday and doing exact same thing. Won't stay down.


So I've gotten these from two different stores in different colours and neither works at all.


My original one never messes up. Stays down consistently and has almost violent action when you look at my medium action rod with sensitive tip. The side to side action is amazing. This lure dives down to 3 feet.


I contacted the maker and they have a policy of returning them and they will try and figure out why. And fix it if they can. And also to determine if a bad batch was made. Well that's down in the US and I sent the first one in and have to wait a while. And now I have to tell them about the next one.


Has this happened to anyone? Have you ever stuck something to the bottom of the lip to add a slight bit of weight and slightly change the profile so that it will stay down?


I don't want to name the company and give them a bad name while they are working on fixing this issue with me.


Here is a video:



Edited by rhymobot
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can we see a picture of both lures old and new side by side....


Come to think of it, I've held them both at same time and they look exactly the same. But that's from a side view. One thing I didn't do is put them side by side and look from above to see if they are contoured exactly the same.


The first new one is in the mail. I'll try and remember to compare second new one tonight.

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yep. it's blowing out.


couple of things you can try.


- look at the three hook hangers and make sure they are straight and aligned with each other

- slow down and try to observe which way the lure wants to go. bend the lure attachment eye opposite of this direction it wants to go.


i also recommend removing the middle treble on that lure. no real need for it.


sometimes, there's nothing you can do to fix it and it's a defect. if that's the case, send it to me and i will dispose of it for you. these lures are terrible.

Edited by Raf
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I have a ton of those lures, and as said run it slow to see which way it is pulling and slightly bend the eye in the opposite direction.

These are killer walleye baits in Erie!!! ;)


It is possible it's defective. I have had a couple of defective hollow lures over the years.

Usually caused by a pin hole allowing water inside that messes up the balance.

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wanna know why they won't work the same?


check the plastic lips. I mean closely. the new rr'fins have a cheap, light, plastic lip....


yes, you can spend time tuning them, but as someone who owns over 100 riplin redfins (yes, I have a problem, I admit it), the new ones simply put - suck.


and don't get me started on the super weak split rings and the flaking paint (on the silver blue and black blue ones).


once you get that new one finally working, one fish and it'll be back out again.


but nothing beats a working riplin redfin, and that includes all the fancy 30 dollar japanese baits.

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i've looked and looked at still can't tell the difference. if anything, the lip on the old one is 1 or 2mm wider. of course i can't find my tape measure anywhere in the house. the old lip is all scratched up and no longer clear like the new one. so maybe it's an illusion.


i would need a microscope to further examine.


anyway, thanks. i will try tuning next time to see if it changes anything.


in the meantime, i await word from them.

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all i know is that i've only seen them selling for 7, 8, and $9. and the beat up one i found and has landed well over 40 pike. nothing over 30" though as I am typically fishing near the city.


also gotten a few 2 to 3 lb SMB and LMB.


still going strong but hooks have all been replaced and they will need to be again as 2 of the 9 shanks are missing and a 3rd's barb is worn off.

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As noted, you have a Cotton Cordell Ripplin' Redfin. These are tremendous lures for all sorts of fish, one of my favourites actually. They're made of hollow plastic, which means in the water, their buoyancy is super-touchy. It doesn't take much to put the lure in or out of tune.


Apart from checking to ensure the hook hangers are all straight, check the front eye, to which the split ring you tie onto attaches. This little wire loop must be dead straight, or the bait won't run properly. It doesn't take much, even being off by a hair makes a HUGE difference in how the bait runs. Just because a lure is new doesn't mean it's right. Check it.


Also check the hooks. These lures are super-sensitive, and the action can be changed by going to hooks that are slightly heavier or lighter than the originals. Look at your two baits, and look at the hooks. Of course they won't run the same. The different hooks result in a substantial weight and balance difference between them.







Finally, as Steve mentioned in an earlier post, at some point Cotton Cordell did make a minor change to the lip - I don't know when or why, I just know that there is a slight difference in the diving lip between old baits (over 10 years old) and new ones. The reinforcing strip on the back of the lip on old baits was straight, and the new ones have a slight curve. There is a similar, almost identical change to the lips on another of my favourite baits (Smithwick Rogue) which is (was?) made by the same corporation. In my personal opinion, the older baits work better than the new ones do. But even so , the new ones are still pretty good. Point is, neither of them will run right if they have oversized hooks or a bent eyelet (and yes, I do think the stock hooks are slightly oversized).


Finally, the change in the lip slightly affects the speed where you will get optimal action. Older baits seem to work best at a slightly higher speed than the new ones will. Try a bit slower or faster retrieve / trolling speed, and see if that makes a difference.


Check all of the metal eyes on your new lure. If you're sure everything is straight, experiment with retrieve speed, and replace the original hooks with either the same style in a slightly smaller size, or something in the same size but lighter in weight. You should see a difference. Balance is absolutely critical with these things.

Edited by Craig_Ritchie
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by the way, i also bought 3 of the lipless cranks from the same maker and since last summer they caught me several bass. two of them were lost to a snag and a pike while bass fishing while the third i still have and it was my 2nd most productive lure this year. probably landed at least 10 pike and a couple smallies. i have the red one now. the others were a white one and a green and white one.


they make various other hard baits and i wouldn't mind trying some of the other variety but first i want these two new ones to be sorted out.


the lipless cranks have all worked fine and i'd like to replace the ones i lost but haven't seen them in store yet. next time i pass by different tackle shops i will stop in and have a look.

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I will remind people that the lure maker is taking steps to help the original poster solve his issues kudos to them,





Yes, but if we can help the OP to tune his lure and not have to send it in for warranty he'll be ahead by not having to pay shipping to return it.

Would likely be as much as the lure is worth.

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You appear to be trolling it pretty fast in the video, does it run properly at a slower speed ? some lures like flatfish just roll over and plane to the surface at too high a speed.


I have a 32lb motor and run it at 5 speed usually and occasionally at 4. Anything under that is a snail's pace for trolling. But ya, I tried it at all speeds out of curiosity and all kinds of retrieval speeds when casting.

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