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OK, I'll open the can of worms, US Presidential Election thread

Old Ironmaker

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Getting rid of Assad could have the same result as getting rid of Gadhafi where now Libya is a total mess with ISIS making big gains there. At the time Gadhafi was a small problem if a problem at all. He had cancelled all his expansionist ambitions and was actually helping the U.S. with intelligence. As bad as Libya was by western standards it would have been on the short list of places to live in the ME then but not now. No surprise that Hillary bombed and killed him without Congressional approval and laughed about it on camera. She now condemns Bush for Iraq who did have Congressional approval and with her's at the time. Hypocrite thy name is Hillary.

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akrisner .... OOPS!!! I meant Russia is supporting the government of Assad against the rebels who want to overthrow him.

And the US is funding/arming said rebels.


Who are the warmongerers?


Syria asked for russias help. US wants him overthrown so they intervene.


Its no wonder the US reputation is stocking the lake with brown trout.

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Getting rid of Assad could have the same result as getting rid of Gadhafi where now Libya is a total mess with ISIS making big gains there. At the time Gadhafi was a small problem if a problem at all. He had cancelled all his expansionist ambitions and was actually helping the U.S. with intelligence. As bad as Libya was by western standards it would have been on the short list of places to live in the ME then but not now. No surprise that Hillary bombed and killed him without Congressional approval and laughed about it on camera. She now condemns Bush for Iraq who did have Congressional approval and with her's at the time. Hypocrite thy name is Hillary.


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"Russia is looking better and better on the world stage every passing day"


no one involved in this mess looks great while cluster bombing hospitals


stay the hell outta it, its sickening to commit war crimes in an offensive position.


Trust me...im not a fan of US intervention anywhere but whats going on in Syria is effed up.

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"Russia is looking better and better on the world stage every passing day"


no one involved in this mess looks great while cluster bombing hospitals


stay the hell outta it, its sickening to commit war crimes in an offensive position.


Trust me...im not a fan of US intervention anywhere but whats going on in Syria is effed up.

It is indeed. But its nowhere on the scale of iraq and libya


Russia is bombing proxie US rebels.


No innocents should die.


But the US created al queda and ISIS.


So who is really to blame???

Edited by manitoubass2
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What's going on in Syria is simply a replay of what happened there around 50 years ago, ethnic cleansing. Do some reading.

As far as the election coming up, I don't envy anyone making a decision. It's becoming more and more obvious that there is so much more to what's happening, then is being spoon fed to the masses.

As a measure of good will between our countries, I will volunteer Wynn for the job. We might even pay you!!!!


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Russia continues to try diplomacy


The US rejects it


It doesnt take a rocket scientist to see who is in the right

On the surface you see diplomacy however there actions behind the scenes not so much. Should the US be involved short answer is not anymore but we are committed to try to rebalance what was upset. Even without interference the timeline would have been extended but the end results would still be oppressed citizens. It is tough to be big brother because you are always in the wrong in someones eyes.



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K.C. I watched the Clinton bash video, if 5% is actually true it stinks to high Heaven. Both sides stink to high Heaven. There is so much dung being spewed out of the mouths of both parties and players it would take a life time of work to go through it all and try and sort out what is true or false.

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On the surface you see diplomacy however there actions behind the scenes not so much. Should the US be involved short answer is not anymore but we are committed to try to rebalance what was upset. Even without interference the timeline would have been extended but the end results would still be oppressed citizens. It is tough to be big brother because you are always in the wrong in someones eyes.







not sure the last time a cluster bomb was used diplomatically

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Read the books and then comment a wiki search hardly puts you in a position of debunking his list of references. Reading all sources of information both the good and the bad gives you balance and allows you to identify what is the consensus of opinions among like minded people. That is what the thread is about.




I did way more then a wiki search. I searched the author and the title and went to every reputable website that stated anything about either topic. Since there was little reputable information I expanded out from there to sources like the National Enquirer simply because information was sparse. It was very clear that, "The Secret Life of Barack Hussein Obama", has no merit as a source of information whatsoever. It was so bad a citation that I thought it obvious, by association, that the book list cited all comes into question. People who are truly interested in the truth such as scientists or academics take the utmost care NEVER to have bogus or blatantly biased sources when they reference others to information sources. If you like I can dig further into that book list but how many books would have to be propaganda before all of them come into question?


Finally, to be educated on a topic doesn't mean that one must read, "all sources of information both the good and the bad" to give you a balance and help you find the consensus viewpoint. "Consensus" isn't a numbers game where the most citations is considered the consensus. For example so much has been written about how homosexuality is a learned behaviour and that it can be unlearned with the "right" teaching. The majority of information on the internet on the causes of homosexuality may back up that claim but no expert in the field would support that as a consensus position. Nor would you have to read all the information about how homosexuality is a learned behaviour to be informed. Bogus information can simply be ignored.


If debunking is not allowed, and truth and fiction have equal weighting on this thread, what are we really doing?

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If we had to personally read everything ever written or said about a subject no one would ever be able to offer an opinion on any subject. Impossible. Legislators at all levels of government would never be able to vote on a bill if that were the case.

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Simply put if this descends into argumentative he said she said crap that happens when people critique each others knowledge and bruises ego it will be locked. It goes better if you disagree with someones facts ignore/discard them. The world does not need an internet warrior to point out the obvious.Now if you point it out to them and the thread goes sideways then it gets locked. We got rules here if you don't follow them then you pay the price it is your choice. I step in when they are broken I do not wish to be a babysitter and answering a wack load of P.M.s that such and such is breaking the rules and he said something that I don't like. Given the amount of time I have for family and friends I will use the rules to make this place run as smoothly as possible and if it means taking away posting privileges so be it.So continue on and you will have made the choice for me.




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What happens in the US is always fascinating.. especially in politics.. compare a voter in California with one in Georgia and you would think you are talking about 2 different countries altogether ...

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What happens in the US is always fascinating.. especially in politics.. compare a voter in California with one in Georgia and you would think you are talking about 2 different countries altogether ...



Not any different than a voter in rural southern Ontario and one from the GTA or other metropolitan area

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I encourage you all to watch The White Helmets (Netflix) and then tell me if you support the bombing being done in Syria.


I just watched a one month old baby pulled from the rubble of a building, thankfully still alive. As a parent, it's heartbreaking to me to watch this. Neither Russia nor the US stands on high ground here.


To tie it back into this thread, I would rather have any one of those Syrian "white helmets" as my next door neighbor than Donald Trump.

Edited by Dutch01
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Art this thread has digressed from a debate from the original discussion of the impending election to US foreign policy to the spewing of ridiculous partisan propaganda. I think we have voiced our opinions about the election and you may lock this thing and I won't be upset. When I open a can of worms I do a pretty good job.

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