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2 minutes ago, bow slayer said:

mathews a no show again  9 playoff games vs. bruins 1 goal  and what can you say about nylander that Kelly Hrudey didnt say,totally uselss

yep, where's god mode? he can do it, he was invisible, it's the same as Sundin, I don't care what #'s in the regular season, this is the real season

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Debrusk should have gotten two, no doubt about it.  Also the hit on Marleau was questionable as well.  But you can't go crosschecking guys in the face.  Stupid stupid play by Naz.

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9 hours ago, glen said:

the leafs never skated fast  I wonder if the ice was soft.

 I’ve seen that trick used before 

Thats what I was thinking the whole game. No speed what so ever.


9 minutes ago, DRIFTER_016 said:


Selfish play. He's gone for the rest of the series and probably longer.

Babs should of known Kaz was going off the rails out there. Should of sat him for the rest of the game before that hit. Stupid did it again.

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What the hell is that ? Crosby with a tablet in his hands on the bench. My gawd really ????????? Slap him up side the head and tell him to step up and play.


I see he is whining too out there. Another trade mark. Mario, slap the kid silly will ya. Oh wait,I want the isles in this series. LOL

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avery should just quietly disappear, never to be heard from again

I'm against the grain on this,  I know Julian disagrees.

It's definitely not the way I would have done it, but this team was built for finesse and speed only. There was no consideration for toughness and grit. A mistake IMO, but so be it.

Why the frig would the Leafs suddenly try to get tough, fight them in the alley, turn the series into a war? That's falling right into the bruins hands. That's what happened in game 2 and the Leafs got steamrolled.

If I was Babcock, I'd tell the team, turn the other cheek, no pushing after the whistle, finish your check but don't be over zealous, no trash talking, LULL THEM AND THEIR FANS TO SLEEP AND THEN OUR TALENT WILL TAKE OVER, and the cream will rise to the top.

If I was bruce cassidy I would have blasted the bruins after the 1st period, game 1, HIT EVERYTHING IN BLUE THAT MOVES!

I love Kadri's passion and pest qualities but I don't care if he's gone, don't poke the bear, the skilled Leaf pussies disappear when the game gets chippy. Why make it into a war when we have no warriors? A match up of speed, skill and talent, Leafs by a mile!  


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Amazing how all the pundits were saying we need kadri (no caps)  to step up and play hard against the bruins. Now that he did something really DUMB he is being chastised by the folks that were propping him up?? He gets 5 games, the leafs lose the series and Toronto does not resign him. Tampa is a real joke!! kill everyone during the regular season and now they are playing with their tails between their legs. Cooper seems to be out coached by torts. Islanders were obviously letting tavares do all the work when he played for them. Now that he is gone, they are able to compete with all for lines and Lou and trotz have them all skating in the right direction.

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The only hope for the Leafs would be if the Bruins can't play the intimidation game they like. The officials would need to start calling some of the Boston tactics and the Leafs powerplay needs to catch fire.  Toronto can out skate Boston but they can't play Boston's style of hockey. Boston penalties need to hurt so they abandon the Marchand style of hockey and try to skate with the Leafs.

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Babcock should know when to sit a guy who is obviously out of control.  Even a midget coach knows not to play a guy like Kadri when his eyes are rolling back into his head!  Six minutes left in a 3-1 game that is clearly done...... why is he out there!! 

Kadri isn't frustrated at the Bruins.  He's fed up with the other 17 skaters on that bench that won't get their shirts dirty. He can't run over Nylander, Matthews,  and the other noncontact players on his team so he exploded at a Bruin.

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