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Why do we keep shooting ourselves in the foot?

Dave Bailey

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If it isn't enough that too many inconsiderate slobs leave litter all over the shore, or trespass, it seems we have another problem cropping up. This was posted minutes ago on the message board of the Ontario Field Ornithologists:


Today we were at one of our favourite local birding spots, Reesor Pond, on Reesor Road south of Highway 7. To our amazement, there were about 20 people fishing there, some even in waders, and actually in the pond. This is a first for us, we have never seen this before. It is infuriating, as this is a stop-off for all sorts of migratory ducks, swans, shorebirds, grebes, terns, geese and more. There was not a single one of them in sight today. We are sure that the many fellow birders we see during the year at Reesor Pond will be most disturbed by this as well. It will not take long for the pond to be depleted of fish, and for fishing line and tackle etc. to be afloat, thus endangering all the visitors. Does anyone have any idea if fishing is permitted in a stormwater pond like this, or have any suggestions on who to contact to report this? Town of Markham? Ministry of Natural Resources?


I am both an angler and a birder, and am quite familiar with Reesor Pond. It is a small but significant local staging area for migratory waterfowl, and to have twenty people in there, especially during the peak migration period, is ridiculous.


I realise that it is (probably) completely legal, but 'legal' does not necessarily mean 'sensible'.


Can people please exercise a little common sense, or am I asking too much? :angry:

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Enjoy it now if crap hit's the fan they will fence it off like they were supposed to do from day one .

so 20 guy fiishing one day. That means all the coffee cups and plastic chairs that are all over there Ive seen in the last few years are from Birders then??

Edited by Rodbender
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, or am I asking too much? :angry:



Sorry but, YUP


I hunted fowl here on Little lake for many years. Set up decoys only to have a boat or two move in. They had just as much right as I did to be there. Walked out and explained it was fowl season. They moved on.


I really dont miss this as mush as I thought I would.

Edited by Brian B
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To be honest I wouldn't have known. Im a fisherman but if someone came over to tell me what was going on in the grand scheme of the migratory birding thing and how important it was. I would have happily left that much smarter. Did anyone go over and talk to the guys fishing?

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Why are people hunting a pond?


Even if its legal, thats just silly.


The part of hunting I love is the chase, just like fishing.


Id never fish a pond unless I was teaching a 3 year old to fish. Even then I probably wouldnt bother.


Most these birds also land in fields.


Makes no sense to me???


As I type this there is maybe 200 geese to my right, IN A FIELD

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Why are people hunting a pond?


They were fishing a pond; not hunting it.


This probably affects the bird watchers more than it affects the birds. There are lots of small ponds around where birds can stop for a rest. In fact, there are some ponds (which are inaccesible to people) less than a kilometer west of this location. The birds will just stop at a different pond; but the birders don't get to watch them.


If this one particular pond is important to the migration; and if there is a concern that the presence of people interferes with the migration, then the pond and surrounding area should be offlimits to all people (including bird watchers) during the migration.

Edited by JohnBacon
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What do you want to bet that the bird watcher that posted this has their P3TA membership up to date and maybe a few tax receipts for donations stuffed away till tax time. They feel that sport fishing, especially the "catch and release " variety is barbaric and should be banned, fishing for the table has some merit in their eyes, just some one pushing their own agenda, I have to check it out for next weekend, what kind of fish are in there?

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They were fishing a pond; not hunting it.


This probably affects the bird watchers more than it affects the birds. There are lots of small ponds around where birds can stop for a rest. In fact, there are some ponds (which are inaccesible to people) less than a kilometer west of this location. The birds will just stop at a different pond; but the birders don't get to watch them.


If this one particular pond is important to the migration; and if there is a concern that the presence of people interferes with the migration, then the pond and surrounding area should be offlimits to all people (including bird watchers) during the migration.



My bad. Around here "birders" are hunters. I did not realize it was bird watchers.


So again, are bird watchers super lazy?


Why are they watching a pond? Get out in the bush ffs

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What are they fishing for in there?


Everyone is so entitled these days. So a group of fosherman are out enjoying a day, but scared off the birds, so the bird watchers are upset...so they whine about it on the internet to stop fishing. Seriously? I think i will post on the internet about the birders scaring my fish and ban them.


Anyways....i had a great day.



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