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What is it with young people today? NF

Big Cliff

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I apologize for making what was probably a fairly personal attack. I don't know you personally, but I get really tired of hearing "what's wrong with kids these days?" it's pretty tough to blame someone for living as they've been taught or as they figure is acceptable in a world they've inherited. It wasnt kids who invented, popularized or even bought (most likely) the phones you can't stand seeing them on all the time. You can hardly blame most people for not wanting to take a menial job when they've been told they should expect a $60,000 job right out of school, and doing a job search these days for a decent career type job is a full time job of its own.


Again, I probably should stop talk this personally. But we were not the ones who determined what our expectations should be, told us we're all special, or gave us participation trophies. We didn't demand to be coddled or have everything handed to us on a platter. But let's be honest, we do have it easier than you did in a lot of respects, just like you had it easier than your parents. Society changes and evolves.


Maybe you should hire a Mexican :)

Edited by netminder
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Every generation will have their hard workers and bums.


Rick, I don't know where you can build a 6 bedroom house for 180K? that's what it will take in materials alone, land and trades, especially where you live. Regardless I have told you before stop renting.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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Every generation will have their hard workers and bums.


Rick, I don't know where you can build a 6 bedroom house for 180K? that's what it will take in materials alone, land and trades, especially where you live. Regardless I have told you before stop renting.

I told you before how housing works up here lol.


And we dont have to pay for land, remember???


And why would I quit renting when everything I pay is reimbursed???


And no way is it 180,000 for materials only for a 6 bedroom bud. Its wood not gold lol

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I apologize for making what was probably a fairly personal attack. I don't know you personally, but I get really tired of hearing "what's wrong with kids these days?" it's pretty tough to blame someone for living as they've been taught or as they figure is acceptable in a world they've inherited. It wasnt kids who invented, popularized or even bought (most likely) the phones you can't stand seeing them on all the time. You can hardly blame most people for not wanting to take a menial job when they've been told they should expect a $60,000 job right out of school, and doing a job search these days for a decent career type job is a full time job of its own.


Again, I probably should stop talk this personally. But we were not the ones who determined what our expectations should be, told us we're all special, or gave us participation trophies. We didn't demand to be coddled or have everything handed to us on a platter. But let's be honest, we do have it easier than you did in a lot of respects, just like you had it easier than your parents. Society changes and evolves.


Maybe you should hire a Mexican :)

Now you are going to attack Mexicans,your mouth is big enough to put both feet in.

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I'm not attacking mexicans... my point is they're the bones who take all the low paying jobs all the "young people" these days won't take. Isn't that the joke?


Sheesh some of the stuff that gets said here and you're going to pile on me?

Edited by netminder
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I'm not attacking mexicans... my point is they're the bones who take all the low paying jobs all the "young people" these days won't take. Isn't that the joke?


Sheesh some of the stuff that gets said here and you're going to pile on me?

No need to defend yourself. I'm sure 99.9% who read that comment understood it was a joke. Some people just gotta poke the bear.

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I told you before how housing works up here lol.


And we dont have to pay for land, remember???


And why would I quit renting when everything I pay is reimbursed???


And no way is it 180,000 for materials only for a 6 bedroom bud. Its wood not gold lol

I remember now.


Materials for a home here is around 90 bucks a sqft. From footings to shingles. Nothing fancy like granite and 3/4" solid hardwoods and ceramics. I guess it all depends on how big 6 bedrooms would be.


I'll say it again no generation has the market sewn up on lazy useless kids. I grew up with more than one that is on the dole, always has been. One guy I was close to turned down more than a few jobs from me and others in our gang over the years. I ran into him a few years ago hitch hiking in Hamilton, a bum then and still a bum. He was bragging he hasn't worked a day in his life. The he wanted to know how I could drive a Benz, the old fashioned way Jerry you goof, I earned it. Different kids now but not much has changed over the centuries.


I sure would not want to be a 25 year old today. As I said long gone are the days of landing a job for 30 years with benefits and a good pension. These kids have it a lot tougher now than when I did and I have plenty of empathy for them. Heck I was making $10.00 an hour working for a contractor at 16 in grade 10 in 1970. How can a working man with a young family constantly being laid off save 10% down to buy a modest townhouse at 200 grand (if one exists) today and try and keep up with a $180,000.00 principle, interest and taxes impossible or highly difficult at least. Don't be so hard on these youngsters, it's a different world today.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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And the discounted lumber I can get from the local mill lol.


It does pay to make and keep good contacts, remember that people.


I lay no blame on anyone young or old. Things have changed its undeniable.


Nowadays you really need a plan, and exucute that plan, and then catch a few breaks.


Its doable for sure.


OI, where there is a will, there is usually a way.


Some people just dont get it. Maybe some people just catch bad breaks(illness, disease, injuries etc)

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Cliff I need my deck done and I have done many decks over the years to keep myself in lures and golf balls. To sand and stain my deck which is 12X35 at the back and 12X20 on the side = 660 sqft. I would charge myself 2 bucks a square foot minimum and that's exactly $1320.00. I also broke it down in detail with materials, fixed operating costs, a helper at $15.00 an hour and the actual time for that deck, not just the time at the homeowners all the hours put in. That would be procuring all materials, loading and unloading the truck, cleaning rollers and brushes etc. and ubloading at the end of the day. Plus the cost of doing business. CPP payments, Comp, liability insurance and, and, and. It all adds up. I would be making maybe 30 bucks an hour not the $132.00 calculating your way for the 10 hours you would see me. No helper I would earn $45.00 an hour, maybe. When we had our business the fixed operating cost for 1 of our trucks was $50.00 a day and that was before a key was turned. You got a fair price Cliff if your deck is of a similar size.


We all want the wages we feel we are worth but seem to not want to pay the wages that someone else deserves. I want to add if a kid wanted to earn 15 bucks an hour doing odd jobs after taxes and deductions they would need to charge you at least $25.00 an hour, no one thinks that way though.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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I'll chime in on this, I live just south of Barrie in a decent 3 bedroom with a basement that was a foreclosure from the bank, had holes everywhere and smelt of cat piss lol, I was able to see past it and do the repairs myself. We bought a home in the area when we were 23, and have since sold and moved into here. I work in the GTA, Audio Visual Installer (corporate boardrooms, schools, meeting rooms, theatres). I live up here not only because I hate the city, but there's no way I could afford a regular home in the Toronto area, I don't understand it. 1 million dollar average home price, and I was reading a study that suggested that in a decade that will be close to 4 million for a regular run of the mill home. Insane! what do these people do to afford such homes? Isn't this how a housing market crash happens?


And I certainly agree with everyone about young people now a days, and I'm turning 30 this fall! LOL! I am really scared for this world in the next few decades, no one actually wants to do any actual work anymore. Work with your hands people!

Edited by LefroyFisherman
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Im 30 and i have run a concrete pump for the same company since i was 19, i have been trying to save for a house for years but the winters kill me.

Unfortunately not all trades make 40+ hours a week all year and sometimes im lucky to get one day a week in the winter which doesnt do much so i started snowploughing too.

This year i went out twice ploughing all winter so i had to spend 5g of my savings to stay afloat, i work my ass off for what i have but sometimes the breaks arent there so i will keep at it until i get what i want.

We have a high turnaround of young guys at my work who want to make big pay but are afraid of doing work, maybe 1 in 5 is worth the effort of trying to teach them something.

Most of them come in wanting to run a crane and refuse to do any pump work whatsoever lol.


I also wonder what the world will look like down the road but i try not to worry about other peoples problems when i got enough of my own.


For the record i was raised by a single mother so i learned what real work ethic looked like early and therefore was never afraid of work, i tried to earn every dollar i could anywhere i could so i could have my own spending money for fishing equiptment, cut grass, rake leaves, shovel snow, help take docks in and out, or any other odd job basically from the age of 10 on.


Gotta get out and get it if you want it.

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Im 30 and i have run a concrete pump for the same company since i was 19, i have been trying to save for a house for years but the winters kill me.

Unfortunately not all trades make 40+ hours a week all year and sometimes im lucky to get one day a week in the winter which doesnt do much so i started snowploughing too.

This year i went out twice ploughing all winter so i had to spend 5g of my savings to stay afloat, i work my ass off for what i have but sometimes the breaks arent there so i will keep at it until i get what i want.

We have a high turnaround of young guys at my work who want to make big pay but are afraid of doing work, maybe 1 in 5 is worth the effort of trying to teach them something.

Most of them come in wanting to run a crane and refuse to do any pump work whatsoever lol.


I also wonder what the world will look like down the road but i try not to worry about other peoples problems when i got enough of my own.


For the record i was raised by a single mother so i learned what real work ethic looked like early and therefore was never afraid of work, i tried to earn every dollar i could anywhere i could so i could have my own spending money for fishing equiptment, cut grass, rake leaves, shovel snow, help take docks in and out, or any other odd job basically from the age of 10 on.


Gotta get out and get it if you want it.


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Going back to my first high paying job at the sawmill.


Worst thing I seen was 18-25 year olds working for 6 months or 2 years.


Pay was good, seemed stable.


These guys my age, all ran out, bought houses, trucks, boats, atvs, wined and dined.


I was on vacation when I got the news weyerhauser sold the ear falls mill and laid of tons.


I was one of them.


I was pissed yeah, i loved that job and woulda likely stayed for life.


Others, not so much. Many filed bankruptcy, others had connections and moved to the red lake mine (goldcorp).


Didnt hurt me one bit finacially but I had to smh at some.


"Make a sound plan, stick to it. Live within your means. The toys come later"

Edited by manitoubass2
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In my environment we see the other side of the coin too. Like most manufacturing facilities now we have bare bones staff and all wear many hats. When we get crazy busy we get overtime but most of it is eaten up by our company calling Temp agencies and sending in bodies to help with the workload. I understand why it is done and if I was way up the food chain calling the shots I'm sure that's the path I would follow as well.


However what is sad to see is when a temp comes in and just works like an animal and puts many of the full timers to shame with there work ethic. They are hoping for a foot in the door and our company is just using them. Sad to see when we have full time "dead wood" and a keene energetic and motivated individual is just being used for cheap labour.

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In my environment we see the other side of the coin too. Like most manufacturing facilities now we have bare bones staff and all wear many hats. When we get crazy busy we get overtime but most of it is eaten up by our company calling Temp agencies and sending in bodies to help with the workload. I understand why it is done and if I was way up the food chain calling the shots I'm sure that's the path I would follow as well.


However what is sad to see is when a temp comes in and just works like an animal and puts many of the full timers to shame with there work ethic. They are hoping for a foot in the door and our company is just using them. Sad to see when we have full time "dead wood" and a keene energetic and motivated individual is just being used for cheap labour.



I stayed away til I seen your post Steve.




And for the pay they are getting, they still put in a full effort. More effort like you said then a full timer.


I guess while Im at it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, CLIFF




Time to sell everything, move into a small low maint. place, change the will to leave nothing to the son (he doesn't seem to need or want any help).



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In my environment we see the other side of the coin too. Like most manufacturing facilities now we have bare bones staff and all wear many hats. When we get crazy busy we get overtime but most of it is eaten up by our company calling Temp agencies and sending in bodies to help with the workload. I understand why it is done and if I was way up the food chain calling the shots I'm sure that's the path I would follow as well.


However what is sad to see is when a temp comes in and just works like an animal and puts many of the full timers to shame with there work ethic. They are hoping for a foot in the door and our company is just using them. Sad to see when we have full time "dead wood" and a keene energetic and motivated individual is just being used for cheap labour.

Yes and no, my company uses them quite a bit and for the most part they are good guys, but its funny the ones who have the most to lose usually are the worst workers, I'm running a job at casino rama doing sheet metal, and the genius temp guy who knows he doesn't have a job after we are complete next week decided to go and buy a brand new Honda crv because his wife "wouldn't drive the 2012 murano" while she sits at home, and in all reality I only get 4-5 actual work hours out of the guy, who has 3 kids as well, he's a good guy and I feel for him and his situation because they are not hiring him on after as they would have to pay a few thousand due to the structure of his temp contract but its frustrating when I can't count on the amount of work I need done after lunch to be done

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I think at this point, most of us can agree to make your kids work. Love them, enjoy life with them, and set an example.

Life is hard, work is hard, i have 7 kids

Nobody is perfect though. Just do the best ya can. But really, really try.

Or you have no right to complain

Edited by aplumma
sorry over the line.
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Yes and no, my company uses them quite a bit and for the most part they are good guys, but its funny the ones who have the most to lose usually are the worst workers, I'm running a job at casino rama doing sheet metal, and the genius temp guy who knows he doesn't have a job after we are complete next week decided to go and buy a brand new Honda crv because his wife "wouldn't drive the 2012 murano" while she sits at home, and in all reality I only get 4-5 actual work hours out of the guy, who has 3 kids as well, he's a good guy and I feel for him and his situation because they are not hiring him on after as they would have to pay a few thousand due to the structure of his temp contract but its frustrating when I can't count on the amount of work I need done after lunch to be done

Trust me we get lots of temps who don't give a darn about what they do when they come in the door. I'm not talking about them. I'm referring to the odd few who really have something to offer and really wanna full time job. Sad to see how the system uses these individuals.

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Trust me we get lots of temps who don't give a darn about what they do when they come in the door. I'm not talking about them. I'm referring to the odd few who really have something to offer and really wanna full time job. Sad to see how the system uses these individuals.


Companies use these scum jobber temp outfits, so they have no risks . Thats the thing that pisses me off. What happen to, hire, 3 months probation, then hire. My mrs,s has been through this many times thought these temp agencies. Oh we both thought she would be with the same plant for a long long time, but they sold and well, no job. At 55, she finally got hired full time after 6 months with a local family owned company. That makes us both working for family owned companies. She has been through 3-5 other jobs til this one over the past 4 years. Min pay, $11.50, max $12.75. She took jobs that she didnt like,but the bottom line was the $ income. No income, no paying the bills.

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I feel for cliff. Imo hes right about his son.


But.... is this an isolated thing or happens often?


His son, if he cant be bothered to help his 70 year old father, thats not right.


Thats assuming big cliff did his son right as well, but...


Your money cliff, your decision.

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I don't understand it. 1 million dollar average home price, and I was reading a study that suggested that in a decade that will be close to 4 million for a regular run of the mill home. Insane! what do these people do to afford such homes? Isn't this how a housing market crash happens?




To afford these homes people take on massive debt. If interest rates go up a mere 2 points, there would be so many people that couldn't make their payments it would rock the real estate market and economy.


Interesting, my financial planner guy here in Oakville said the people in the modest, older neighborhoods typically have a lot more net worth than the debt laden people in the ritzy, trendy neighborhoods.

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To afford these homes people take on massive debt. If interest rates go up a mere 2 points, there would be so many people that couldn't make their payments it would rock the real estate market and economy.


Interesting, my financial planner guy here in Oakville said the people in the modest, older neighborhoods typically have a lot more net worth than the debt laden people in the ritzy, trendy neighborhoods.

I also have heard similar things, working at a BMW dealership years back talking to a financial planner he said you'd be shocked how many people are 'house poor' in Burlington Oakville etc, have the nice house but can't afford to do anything with their lives other than pay to hold onto that house

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