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An open letter to Justin

Big Cliff

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I think you guys missed the main point of my post: There are better options, and once it's legalized for recreational use it's no longer medicine. It's just weed. Not saying it's good or bad, I believe it's relatively harmless. But if you truly believe in it as a medicine there's no way you can say with a straight, not-wanting-to-get-high face that it should be legalized for recreational use.

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I think you guys missed the main point of my post: There are better options, and once it's legalized for recreational use it's no longer medicine. It's just weed. Not saying it's good or bad, I believe it's relatively harmless. But if you truly believe in it as a medicine there's no way you can say with a straight, not-wanting-to-get-high face that it should be legalized for recreational use.

They didn't miss the point, hearing from a pharmacist that there are better synthetic options is equivalent to a car mechanic telling you your tires will explode if you don't pay him to put them on - of course they won't, but he won't make any money then. Pharmacists endorse what lines their pockets, and that's not marijuana.


Also, ask anyone who suffers from multiple sclerosis, my dads cousin who is in his 60's and is a very successful person suffers, and uses weed to deal with it and that's how he medicates, so anyone who says it doesn't help, please look into all of the different ways it does help before saying so.

Edited by Lucas F
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I think you guys missed the main point of my post: There are better options, and once it's legalized for recreational use it's no longer medicine. It's just weed. Not saying it's good or bad, I believe it's relatively harmless. But if you truly believe in it as a medicine there's no way you can say with a straight, not-wanting-to-get-high face that it should be legalized for recreational use.

Im not a recreational user..I take it as medicine I vaporize and consume edible oil..Ill tell ya what, no matter what they do, it will always be medicine to me..I could care less if they want to tax it and sell it..

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Trudeau is dancing in a field of flowers. He will see what the real world looks like in a few months.


And, pot is quite dangerous to teenage kids.

It greatly affects the onset of schizophrenia




That would be the disease that got that kid killed by a cop on the streetcar, and the one that killed and started to eat people on the Greyhound bus, and the one that affects most of the mass murderers hitting movie theatres and schools in the US lately

Oh Rona :rolleyes: how little you know

Edited by GbayGiant
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I think you guys missed the main point of my post: There are better options, and once it's legalized for recreational use it's no longer medicine. It's just weed. Not saying it's good or bad, I believe it's relatively harmless. But if you truly believe in it as a medicine there's no way you can say with a straight, not-wanting-to-get-high face that it should be legalized for recreational use.

I don't think I missed your point but rather was making a different point. I am not a medical marijuana patient, and I'm not trying to use "medical marijuana" in order to "back door" recreational legalization.


I do not accept that our government (who govern by our leave) has any right to restrict my personal use of marijuana for any purpose. Full stop.

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They didn't miss the point, hearing from a pharmacist that there are better synthetic options is equivalent to a car mechanic telling you your tires will explode if you don't pay him to put them on - of course they won't, but he won't make any money then. Pharmacists endorse what lines their pockets, and that's not marijuana.


Also, ask anyone who suffers from multiple sclerosis, my dads cousin who is in his 60's and is a very successful person suffers, and uses weed to deal with it and that's how he medicates, so anyone who says it doesn't help, please look into all of the different ways it does help before saying so.

Lucas, my cousin passed away from MS about three years ago. Her quantity and quality of life were improved immeasurably by marijuana. No one who watched what she went through could tell her she shouldn't use weed unless they had a heart of stone. I wish you the best of luck with your Dad's cousin.

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The only people that legalizing weed is going to hurt are the individuals that have for decades, during it's prohibition, controlled the street trafficking. As kids it was taboo and something that we could be "cool" doing with our friends. Today with more people aware of it's positive uses that stigma is long gone and high school kids no longer hang around together and share a joint... as it's no longer cool to do so. I think legalizing will have the opposite effect that most think....


Give thought, would you rather your daughter hanging around with a group of guys drinking or smoking weed?

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Thank you! I'm very passionate about this issue, so I apologize to those that think I've hijacked the thread, but it's nice to know some of you see it my way too.

As you are I too am very passionate about this subject.I was actually shocked to see others support this..That means folks are turning their opinions into facts!

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you guys are awesome!!! (seriously).



I wish I could pull up my post on here, from circa 2003, when I made a comment about enjoying a puff while fishing.


the VAST MAJORITY of this board ripped me a new arse for saying it. Many members, and no I'm not naming names, were 100% against it...while now those same people are singing a different tune....




folks are opening their eyes and minds to the truths....it is great to see a society start to become more tolerant. Its no longer considered (by most) to be the evil devil it was once looked at as.


Still a few folks refuse to accept....we'll see how the coppers handle it when they lose their revenue stream for seizing goods relating to the criminal sales. Colorado, the first to legalize, had a number of cops interviewed...and the cops said they truly didn't care that it was legal, but they missed the seizures they had relating to the criminal aspects of it....but the state collected so much taxes that the state funneled some extra coin to the coppers, and they quickly shut up about it....


all about getting their dollars.


Even Bill Blair has done a total 180, now that he's not a cop. When he was a cop, he advised that pot should be kept illegal (gee, what a surprise).


Now that he isn't part of the blue brotherhood, he's all for the legalization of it.


Anyway, glad to see the tune has changed by the majority of our population...and for those who refuse to change...well.....so be it...they are now the minority, not the majority.

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I find it interesting that no one has mentioned what will be the main impetus for legalizing pot.....


The tourism industry here will eventually DEMAND it happen, as more States close to our border legalize we will have to do it to compete for the stoner trip dollar (pun intended). Like during prohibition it will make no sense to have different laws across a border, as lawless chaos will result.


In the end it won't be a moral, financial or medical decision it will be a financial one. Also once pot is legalized then hemp production can be ramped up for cloth, edible oils, paper and bio diesel.

Edited by Canuck2fan
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Aww shucks, you guys are gonna make me blush

red cheeks or eyes? ;) sorry I had to...

I see some great info you have posted in this topic so thanks.

I'm neither here nor there on people smoking for any reason (high for fun or not and medical reasons). But I do know some with a "green-card" and to those it helps them a lot with daily tasks to live a live rather than sit or lay in bed all day in crazy pain.

Edited by GBW
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I have vertigo and pot could help but currently my employer believes that you are impaired up to 28 days after smoking it. They only do post incident testing but an incident could be anything from a simple emission release to being caught sleeping during your lunch break... A positive test would result in a locker, vehicle search and a lengthy suspension/rehab followed by random tests for a year and last chance letter. They obviously subscribe to more Conservative beliefs about pot....

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I have vertigo and pot could help but currently my employer believes that you are impaired up to 28 days after smoking it. They only do post incident testing but an incident could be anything from a simple emission release to being caught sleeping during your lunch break... A positive test would result in a locker, vehicle search and a lengthy suspension/rehab followed by random tests for a year and last chance letter. They obviously subscribe to more Conservative beliefs about pot....


How very enlightened!!

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So, what will your company do once it is legalized?

Also curious, it would equate to getting drunk on the weekend, but with their "28 day in your system" I wonder if there will be legislation to enforce ability to be able to use it in such situations

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The employer won't change anything Steve... no different than Booze and Opioids being legal. You still can't be tuned out on them at work, especially if you flying, running a crane, press, shear, etc, etc, etc.

The month time frame of course is bogus and should always have been, as what you do on your days off is your business and why many of my employees had no problems sitting in my back yard on a Sunday as I didn't care.

Edited by irishfield
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The employer won't change anything Steve... no different than Booze and Opioids being legal. You still can't be tuned out on them at work, especially if you flying, running a crane, press, shear, etc, etc, etc.

The month time frame of course is bogus and should always have been, as what you do on your days off is your business.

Obviously not for use while working, but the 28 day rule restricts you from using it at all in your personal life Edited by Lucas F
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