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  On 10/18/2015 at 12:45 PM, Canuck2fan said:

If any member of the CTF could do math they sure wouldn't be recommending Harper to run anything where money was involved.


156 Billion in new deficit spending after vowing before he was elected to pass a law guaranteeing balanced budgets. Still waiting for law after 4 yrs of him the absolute power to do so. Don't worry though his finance minister is on the record as saying that Harper's granddaughter will pay that off in the future with her mystical credit card.


Responsible for the worst trade deficits in Canadian history, coupled with the LOWEST corporate tax rates in Canadian history.


Gave Canadian banks a 114 Billion dollar bailout during the recession and has denied doing it every since.


Highest youth unemployment rate in Canadian history since we kept stats.


Drove the dollar to it lowest level in over 10 yrs making almost everything more expensive for everybody and still the trade deficit grows LARGER.


Has allowed oil companies to gouge us at the pumps to the tune of over 5 BILLION dollars and said not a word.


Has let Canadian companies hide 200 Billion in profits offshore so they paid no Canadian tax on that money. What did he do about that? He gave the company representing the tax cheats against the CRA a huge government contract as a reward for fighting the CRA in court...


He has also tried to sneak through multiple pieces of legislation he was told WOULD BE struck down by the courts costing us the taxpayer millions in unnecessary court costs.


How in anyway shape or form could that horrible record of what Harper ACTUALLY did in the last 9yrs lead anyone to think the conservatives are good with our money? I know OOOOH look a boogey woman is over there. LOL

Well Canuck you seem to have all the info at your finger tips....how about giving us a rundown of Federal Liberal faux pas during their last tenure and if your are not too tired from all the typing...throw in the provincial Liberals amazing record....

Posted (edited)
  On 10/18/2015 at 2:18 PM, lookinforwalleye said:

Well Canuck you seem to have all the info at your finger tips....how about giving us a rundown of Federal Liberal faux pas during their last tenure and if your are not too tired from all the typing...throw in the provincial Liberals amazing record....


Why haven't you have listed all the mistakes the federal Liberals made time and time again?


No need to list anything about the provincial liberals because we can't VOTE them OUT tomorrow.... It is best to concentrate on sending Harper off on the rubber chicken circuit first. Plenty of time to air the facts on Wynn's tenure when she is actually on the ballot... Also some of the court cases might be settled by then. Assuming the Ontario Conservatives can run a candidate that isn't a complete failure like the last 2 times, it should be a land side of epic proportions.

Edited by Canuck2fan
Posted (edited)
  On 10/18/2015 at 11:36 AM, Old Man said:


So you don't trust the information provide freely by each party as to promises and costs because the information was recorded and compiled by the Canadian Tax Payers Federation and you don't like the fact that the CTF has too many Conservatives as members. Funny thing is, anyone can join, support and get involved with the group. I guess the reason the CTF is a little light on Liberal and NDP'ers as members, is that they are never interested in minimizing taxation and being held accountable for what they do with our taxes.


Oh, and argue about individual costs all you want, we're still comparing billions of $ to millions of $.

Personally, I would trust information provided by a group, as long as it's honest and unbiased. The fact that I was able to find one thing left out, leads me to believe that there would be more items that weren't included in their report.


Here's something else that wasn't part of the CTF Report for the CPC: The New Canada Building Plan that suppose to go till 2023-2024 and guess how many millions that will run...sorry, my mistake, not millions, but billions and to be exact, it's $80 billion, for an average of almost $9 billion per year or $2.25 billion for that first fiscal quarter. This is not something I'm pulling out of thin air, but right on the CPC website:



So again, why was this omitted in the CTF report and again, what else has NOT been included in their report?


EDIT: Sorry, I mis-read the amount earmarked for The New Canada Building Plan budget and said it was $80 billion. To quote from the source:


"That is why we have introduced the New Building Canada Plan, an unprecedented initiative totalling more than $80 billion proposed by the Conservative Government to fund infrastructure projects over the next decade that will benefit all provinces, territories and municipalities."


So, the initial $80 billion amount seems to be the minimum and again, this was not included in the CTF report. You really gotta wonder if it's even possible to run a budget of $256 million for the first quarter fiscal of 2016/2017 and really question what the actual amount is. Cleary, the CTF is picking and choosing what they want you to read, which is why I can't accept the report as accurate or truthful.

Edited by FrankTheRabbit

I thought I was done with this but I thought I would address some points raised by Canuck2fan...


re: new deficit spending - consider the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression and the fact that the budget is now in surplus. As for the law, OMG, a broken election promise. Ontario has proven time and time again nobody cares about broken election promises.


re: trade deficit - consider inflation. Do you believe it won't be trumped in the future? During any economic cycle in which the world is not in need of our resources, expect a record trade deficit.


re: bailout - who cares? Would you rather the banks failed? Your solution would have been???


re: youth unemployment - see comments about economic crisis. Also, how are we relatively speaking? Perhaps compare our numbers to a European country or two?


re: dollar - Ironically, by your rationale, you could also say that he drove the dollar to its highest level in far longer than 10 years. Incidentally, the record low dollar was in 2002 nearing the end of an extended liberal reign.


re: oil companies - that ship has sailed. The NDP in Alberta will be the final nail in the coffin for Canadian oil companies. Good luck when Chinese companies establish an even greater footprint in our energy patch. Be careful what you wish for?


The remaining points work out in the wash with any government. Nobody will be perfect as has been proven over and over throughout history. The reality is we are seeking the best alternative and in as much as you are clear you don't believe it is Harper, I feel equally strong in that it is also none of the other candidates. Clearly somebody from this forum should run as it seems to have all the answers ;-)

  On 10/18/2015 at 2:18 PM, lookinforwalleye said:

Well Canuck you seem to have all the info at your finger tips.



That's the first time I've heard someone criticized for being knowledgeable!! But spoken like a true Harperite!! Political dogma trumps facts.


We don't need no steenkin' census!!!

  On 10/18/2015 at 12:45 PM, Canuck2fan said:


Drove the dollar to it lowest level in over 10 yrs making almost everything more expensive for everybody and still the trade deficit grows LARGER.



You are complaining that someone who has been Prime Minister for 9 and 3/4 years has had the lowest dollar in the last 10 years? That is not a lot different than complaining that Harper had the lowest doller since Harper became Prime Minister.


Canada also had the highest dollar in in over 40 years while Harper was Prime Minister. And the dollar slipped lower under the previous Liberal government than it did under Harper.



I am pretty much done with all this political diatribe...it is very clear that there are some that have a severe hate on for Harper and that is fine that is nothing new it`s politics....I do not agree with everything the Conservative party has done but non the less I will be voting Conservative as I have done all my life.

I can not see my self voting for a guy just because he is the son of a former PM...and the other big thing for me is this triumbrant of fools that tried to take down a elected government....can you imagine what could have happened if these 3 fools were allowed to rule the country pandering to a party that who`s one mandate is to break up this country during one of the toughest economic times in our history....I will have no part in voting for a party that was on board with this!!!







And some here are worried about a census.....





Well, thanks to all that responded. I have learned a lot from listening and reading each and every one of the replies and I have done what I can do. I went and voted for the person that I think will do the least damage to our country in the next four years. Time will tell and we will see who gets in and what the results are but by then it will be too late to change anything and this whole process will start all over again.


I was at our polling station this morning when it opened at 8.30.Community hall in the village.

I cast my ballot & hung around chatting to the returning officers for +- 1/2 hour.When I left my guy was in first place,I was the only voter during that time :clapping:

The joys of rural living.


Well I did my deed today. All I know is, from reading bits and pieces here ( which none made me change my mind), there will still be complaining about who got in and why they shouldnt be there.


In the end, we voted, the people have spoken.




Posted (edited)
  On 10/19/2015 at 8:37 PM, Brian B said:

Well I did my deed today. All I know is, from reading bits and pieces here ( which none made me change my mind), there will still be complaining about who got in and why they shouldnt be there.


In the end, we voted, the people have spoken.






Lets see what happens folks, hopefully more positive then negative?

Edited by manitoubass2

It wasnt meant to come accross negative.


We have a chance to make change. If it dosent come out like you hope, oh well. What else can be done.


Like I said,


The people have spoken.

  On 10/19/2015 at 8:45 PM, Brian B said:

It wasnt meant to come accross negative.


We have a chance to make change. If it dosent come out like you hope, oh well. What else can be done.


Like I said,


The people have spoken.

I didnt take it that way brian, look at the smileys?


Either way we get what we get?


Brian,good for you knowing all along what you wanted,I just think all were no good.Did go back to my original thought only because of all the debate.Just a terrible lot to pick from,never been so hard to pick the best of the worst lol.

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