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This might make you mad NF

Dave Bailey

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It doesn't make me mad it just makes me shake my head, again. The Black Tick aka Deer ticks seem to be everywhere here this year. We have never seen one now all the neighbours are saying they are finding them on the pets. My wife found one on her belly and had to get tweezers to get it off. She saved it and called the Dr's. We were told they inject a antithetic when they latch on usually the belly and you will never feel a thing. Then they burrow below the skin, they won't do any harm until 24 to 48 hrs. on the body. If there is a red " Bulls eye" pattern on the skin get to the emergency dept. Kinda scary knowing they are here now, we would hear they were along the beaches in tall grass at Long Point but they were rare here where we are in Haldimand County. Not rare now. We got some vial of liquid from the vet that you break and rub onto the back of the Cats neck once a month. I can find out from Tia what it exactly is if anyone wants to know.

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Thanks to the ravings of anti-science fools, we who enjoy the outdoors are being denied an effective vaccine against Lyme disease: http://www.wbur.org/2012/06/27/lyme-vaccine

"There were a number of East Coast lawyers who started putting together class-action lawsuits." You can thank these guys more than the anti-science dupes. The size of settlements against drug makers is mind boggling, and the percentage the legal beagles receive is equally mind boggling in the US. Maybe we need to class action sue them for depriving us of a solution to a disease that can completely devastate your life?

Edited by spincast
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It's a hush hush thing in the Canadian medical community as it's very expensive to treat and to detect Lyme disease and it's wrong as doctors are being told not to diagnose it !!! There is a huge cover up going on and even a book about how bad it really is !!!! It affects way more people than they tell us !!!

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A few years back before this came to light, a prominent winery owner in the GTA (I'm a client and produced his first advertising brochure) and avid hunter took his dogs out for a run and got bitten, never kew anything about it, took along time to figure it out and by the time they figured it out he died.:(

The family has donated a lot of funds toward it.

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How would a Phama group have influence on individuals Doctors? I don't know but can tell you my Sister-in-law is a Physician in Philly Pa. and goes on these extravagant vacations every year and has never reached in her pocket for a penny. The staff in her office has never had to bring a lunch in the entire time she has had a practice, the Pharma reps. fight over who is bringing in lunches and we aren't talking sub sandwiches. The graft they give these people is sickening. And who pays? If anyone thinks this stuff is free I have some prime land in Fla. for you.

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How would a Phama group have influence on individuals Doctors? I don't know but can tell you my Sister-in-law is a Physician in Philly Pa. and goes on these extravagant vacations every year and has never reached in her pocket for a penny. The staff in her office has never had to bring a lunch in the entire time she has had a practice, the Pharma reps. fight over who is bringing in lunches and we aren't talking sub sandwiches. The graft they give these people is sickening. And who pays? If anyone thinks this stuff is free I have some prime land in Fla. for you.

They have a lot of influance, I also deal in medical advertising, And yes they target doctors, To what extent I do not know. Pharma as we call them have deep pockets and can influance who they want.

Why aren't they happy with making a decent profit and just Help people out.

I have a thought, doesn't matter what we have accomplished, we cannot take it with us.

As I mentioned before the prominent person I knew is gone with nothing. he left a

lot, doesn't do him any good. :(

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A coworker of mine has been suffering from Lyme disease for over a year. She had to go south of the border and pay for proper testing. Then she had to get a Dr up here to prescribe the meds because he family dr wouldn't. Brutal process

Yup, my aunt had to do the exact same thing! Only she couldn't find a doctor to prescribe the meds here. So she travelled to the U.S. For them... Spent her life savings 40+k but she's alive and doing well.



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Pulling off ticks and answering questions to the tune of about half a dozen to a dozen patients per day in one of the rural ER's I work in.


It's quite annoying really... and per person per visit that's also an average of about $300-400 billed to the tax payer.


Yes Lyme would suck... The percentages of getting it, quite low. Go into the bush nowadays, come out, check for ticks. Find tick under 24 hours, remove, destroy, and go to the doctor if you come down with fever and/or headache, or bullseye rash. Over 24 hours and tick engorged, go to the doctor for prophylaxis.

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Talk about deep pockets... I'm in the process of venting a radiation extraction chamber for a company that produces isotopes for chemotherapy, the filter alone on the system (the system is temporary I might add) is $50,000

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