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This just in! Don't eat anything!


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I personally do not trust the sources where most fish/shellfish comes from. Its my opinion that the ocean is highly polluted along with aquaculture farms and many lakes and streams within North America where commercial fishing takes place.


I think the food industry, particularly in the United States is highly corrupt and the large companies are providing horrible and unhealthy food products for massive profits at the expense of the general populations health.


Just my opinion.

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I wouldn't take offence to that article, wasn't really directed at recreational harvest...I'd certainly agree there is a lot of questionable commercial practices in a lot of countries...selling our west coast to foreign corporations for fish farming is a prime example going on today


I do love halibut and sushi though, it's a tough call if you're the "eco responsible" type of guy

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I wouldn't take offence to that article, wasn't really directed at recreational harvest...I'd certainly agree there is a lot of questionable commercial practices in a lot of countries...selling our west coast to foreign corporations for fish farming is a prime example going on today


I do love halibut and sushi though, it's a tough call if you're the "eco responsible" type of guy

I agree, the article wasn't directed at the recreational harvester but I get the feeling the interviewee would still have choice words for us.


Sushi and halibut. Two of my faves for sure

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There is another side to the gloom and doom story. and it is a very dark alternative at best.


The simplest way to reduce man's overconsumption of resources is simple. Stop trying to find a cure for death. Allow war, disease, famine and pestilence to keep the human population in check. At the rate we are going, Malthus' theories on population may yet become a reality.

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There is another side to the gloom and doom story. and it is a very dark alternative at best.


The simplest way to reduce man's overconsumption of resources is simple. Stop trying to find a cure for death. Allow war, disease, famine and pestilence to keep the human population in check. At the rate we are going, Malthus' theories on population may yet become a reality.

War and pestilence might be taking it a step too far... but yes, the world is overpopulated. When I hear of people having more than two children this day and age all I can think is 'selfish'.

Edited by netminder
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There is another side to the gloom and doom story. and it is a very dark alternative at best.


The simplest way to reduce man's overconsumption of resources is simple. Stop trying to find a cure for death. Allow war, disease, famine and pestilence to keep the human population in check. At the rate we are going, Malthus' theories on population may yet become a reality.


Or, we could just have fewer babies... which is what most of the industrialized nations are doing.

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There is another side to the gloom and doom story. and it is a very dark alternative at best.


The simplest way to reduce man's overconsumption of resources is simple. Stop trying to find a cure for death. Allow war, disease, famine and pestilence to keep the human population in check. At the rate we are going, Malthus' theories on population may yet become a reality.

Survival of the fittest would never work. Too many bleeding hearts nowadays.



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Survival of the fittest would never work. Too many bleeding hearts nowadays.



Which brings up another good point.....The more you help them the more there are to help and the cycle continues and that population continues to grow in leaps and bounds..

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Typical tree huger Bull article.


I'm usually pretty quick to call out tree hugger Bull, and I'm definitely pro natural resource industry in Canada (when done in a sustainable and responsible manner)....but industry on the water gets away with far more tolerance, mostly I'd guess because the bulk of the public just doesn't see it and isn't aware....protest a grizzly hunt because they look cute, protest wolf hunts cause they're cute, anti logging because granolas don't like to see clear cuts, anti mining, anti pipeline, etc.....but raping the resources under the water, nobody sees that, nobody cares....this is one article I'd tend to agree with, a lot of aquaculture operations are seriously harmful and they have no liability for reclamation/rehabilitation

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What Malthus suggested was generations ahead of his time. He understood the concept of biomass. He realized that like all else in nature, there is a finite amount of food resource available to all species. When a species exceeds that supply, nature forces a rebalancing. We see it in nature all the time. The Reverend merely applied those same laws to man. Man however has temporarily circumvented those laws with science and technology over the past 150 years, but we can't do so forever. At some point we have either to find another science miracle, stop breeding, or start dying back.

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Anyone that has seen the actual data on catch rates and total harvests will understand that the oceans are being raped. Not to mention illegal catches. It is a bad situation. If you think MNR is bad what do you think coastal African nations are like at enforcing regs? This is not alarmist emvironmentalism. This is legit data collection and analysis backed up by real world experience from those actually fishing. Just look at east coast cod. What has that been 20 yrs and no where near recovered. All those that think this is just Bull are flat out wrong and frankly ignorant. Not saying to stop eating fish that is a personal choice but the situation is very real.

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Anyone that has seen the actual data on catch rates and total harvests will understand that the oceans are being raped. Not to mention illegal catches. It is a bad situation. If you think MNR is bad what do you think coastal African nations are like at enforcing regs? This is not alarmist emvironmentalism. This is legit data collection and analysis backed up by real world experience from those actually fishing. Just look at east coast cod. What has that been 20 yrs and no where near recovered. All those that think this is just Bull are flat out wrong and frankly ignorant. Not saying to stop eating fish that is a personal choice but the situation is very real.

Well put.

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Heres your list:


This is the point I was making. Yes the oceans have taken a beating. Yes cows and chickens are treated wrong in factory farms. Yes fruits and vegetables are pumped full of HMO's GMO's and RRSP's.


Guess that means we'll just drink rainwater and learn to photosynthesize.

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