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Weekend at Bernie's (Winter 2015 Edition)


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Well it was that time of year again....time when the group of us could take a break from life to head up to Bernie's little island. This edition's cast included myself, Will, Joe, Ruby....I mean Rubin, and of course Bernie.


We all piled into Will's truck around 930 on Friday and we headed north. The drive was uneventful and we pulled up to Bernie's place around 2pm.



It's instant relaxation when you arrive at his place. All the stress just simply disappears! We were a bit hungry so Rubin says "I brought all the stuff for sandwiches...why don't we have a quick bite to eat before heading out fishing!" Sounded like a good idea! Bernie grabs a bun and says "Is there any roast beef?". Rubin stammers out a weak "ummmm...no". He the looks around and says "Where's the mayo?". Rubin says "I didn't bring any". Bernie grumbles a bit and says "Ok...onion? Lettuce? Tomato?". By now, Rubin feels about 2 feet tall and squeaks out a "sorry". We're off to a GREAT start here!!


Bernie said we'd be fishing in comfort this year and he wasn't kidding! We took off in the trucks and headed towards our spot. The snow was incredibly deep and you HAD to stick to the plowed ice road or there was no question you'd get stuck. We arrived to find a very comfortable 6 man ice bungalow!





We don't usually have good luck fishing this lake through the ice so I had low expectations that we'd actually find any fish. Who cares though.....ice fishing without a coat on is my kind of ice fishing!! Many thanks go out to Dennis Johnston of Ice Bungalows for the use of his accomodations! The propane heater and stove worked perfectly, and the attached privy was a bonus as well! (www.icebungalows.com)..


My line is down not even five minutes and first of many small walleye was caught!



Here's Joe with a monster of his own....



Will with one too!



Everyone caught at least one fish that first outing....well, everyone but "where's the mayo Ruby"...ahem, I mean Rubin...


We left the bungalow to this great sunset....



First up to impress us with dinner was Joe. I have to say he prepared this chicken perfectly!!



We spent the rest of the evening feeling rather stuffed with food and we chatted and caught up on all the news in our lives. Bernie kept mentioning mayo and glaring at Rubin....and I'm not sure if he went to bed early because he was tired, or if he just didn't want to look at Rubin anymore.....


The next morning we were sitting around drinking coffee and figuring out when we'd hit the ice again. We decided to just have a simple breakfast of whatever people brought up. Will is rummaging through the kitchen and screams like a little girl "Who brought the banana muffins???". We all look at each other saying "who the hell would bring those up???". We all stare at Rubin and he says "What? Who doesn't like Banana muffins???". Strike TWO Rubin!!!


At around 10 we finally make the commute out to the bungalow. The wind howled all night long, and the road had drifted over quite badly. The normal 5 minute commute took us 45 minutes!! We had to stop and wait for the ice road to be cleared by the huge snow thrower/tractor. That's rush hour traffic I don't mind being stuck in!!



The fish were biting and it was a multi species day for us with perch, walleye, herring and even daytime mudpuppies caught!!!












Joe was getting upset that all the fish were caught on the side Bernie, Will and I were fishing on. I think there was another reason he wasn't catching fish.


Reason number one....cant see if you have a bite when you're sound asleep...



Reason number two....he decided to take a break from watching his line to go outside for a bit. Well, no sooner than he left the bungalow, when I see his rod go off! I, being the gentleman I am reeled in the fish!



Rubin for some reason had pissed off the fish gods and was having issues bringing up a fish, but he finally did late in the day on Saturday. Sorry about the pic Rubin....



We headed in so we could have some dinner....and once again, Joe prepared things perfectly!! I brought the steaks, and he cooked them to perfection!!



Apparently, these weekends are quite legendary, and we sat down to watch a movie on satellite....who knew we'd star in a real movie!!!



Another great night of laughs and our time was drawing to a close up at the cottage. We woke up Sunday morning (and since we ran out of minnows the day before, fishing was out of the question), we simply chatted until it was time to clean up and hit the road again. A nice Nipissing sunrise!!



We had a GREAT weekend....despite Rubin doing all he could to sabotage it. Thanks again Bernie for hosting us up there. Thanks also to Will, Joe....and yes Rubin too...always a great time....lots of laughs. Can't wait for the next installment of Weekend at Bernie's this spring!!

Edited by ccmt
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Thanks for putting up the report Cliff. It was, as usual a great time with lots of laughs...

Rubin only got half a pic of that fish because the other half was mine, since it was my rod after all! LOL

Kickingfrog, Cliff would put Ketchup on Fruit Loops if we would let him!

Thanks again Bernie!


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Hey. Don't you be judging ketchup. Lol




Kickingfrog, Cliff would put Ketchup on Fruit Loops if we would let him!





I was kidding. I had no idea someone would intentionally put ketchup on chicken.
I try not to judge but man, some things are just not done. :wacko:
and things would have gone down if someone put ketchup on a steak.
Edited by kickingfrog
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Mayonnaise was the word of the weekend alright. But if it wasn't that, we would find another to have fun with.
Good times gentlemen.
Certainly didn't expect we would catch as many fish as we did. Hopefully they grow quick.
Thanks for doing up the report Cliff, good job on it too.

Edited by Bernie
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Nice report gents. Poor, poor "Rubins" I can hear him now talking about the "packing" he does right Joe? LOL! It's good to see all had fun and from the looks of it all caught something so nobody went home with streaks down the back. Good job on the report Cliff!

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Well, Rubin was responsible for lunches and historically, we have set a standard that is expected to be met.

There must be roast beef, there must be mayo and there absolutely must be onions (red onion preferred) in order to comply with our hosts expectations. Rubin dropped the ball!

This group can be a "tough room" for newbies and each other. Give us an inch and we'll run that into yards in seconds! Rubin gave us way too many inches to get off scott free!

Luckily for all concerned, Rubin can take it and still keep smiling! A good lad he is!

If he could only catch fish on his own rods!!! LMAO! He does make an absolutely brilliantt Roti though!


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Changed the words to the Stones "Ruby Tuesday" to reflect our weekend..."Ruby" has a leather hat he wears during the warmer months, which evolved into his other nic-name, old "leather head.

Here's the song...


Goodbye Ruby Leatherhead

Who could sweep a floor like you

First the mayo, then the onion

Sure am gonna miss you!






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Well, Rubin was responsible for lunches and historically, we have set a standard that is expected to be met.

There must be roast beef, there must be mayo and there absolutely must be onions (red onion preferred) in order to comply with our hosts expectations. Rubin dropped the ball!

This group can be a "tough room" for newbies and each other. Give us an inch and we'll run that into yards in seconds! Rubin gave us way too many inches to get off scott free!

Luckily for all concerned, Rubin can take it and still keep smiling! A good lad he is!

If he could only catch fish on his own rods!!! LMAO! He does make an absolutely brilliantt Roti though!



LOL he must be a good guy to take this kinda heap... :tease:

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Great report Cliff, a fun one to read. Enjoyed a nice roast beef and mayo sandwich for lunch today....lol! Rubin is one hell of a guy and I'd give him the shirt off my back as he would do the same. A great friend to have. Joe covered it well although I think Rubin gave us a yard or more to get us started. LOL! We'll put you back on Roti duty for the next trip Rubes. ;)


A special thanks to Dennis and his crew at http://icebungalows.com/ . Nice comfortable huts and the service was great! The visit from the local baker (aka "The Cake Lady") was awesome! The carrot cake was to die for!


A great weekend as always!! That is easily achieved with this group regardless of the fishing. Looking forward to the next one!! :canadian:



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Well, Rubin seems to definitely half of his usual self.

Cliff have moved to Rubin level in photography -half picture, but great report though!!

Well my excuse, can't be the shoulder but a bad day in prepping supplies

Thanks Bernie to the usual great hospitality and chuckles. We missed Roxie

Thanks to Dennis and his crew at http://icebungalows.com/ . Rather comfortable huts with great service
Hats off to our local baker "The Cake Lady") really excellent cakes/pastries!
A great weekend as always at Bernie's!!
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