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Embarrassing/funny moments while fishing....


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Another Long Point Bay adventure...

Mid-70's, we are out on a family adventure to the Bay. We are four of us in our 14ft fiberglass "run about". Mom's sitting right behind me casting a Mepps number 3 dressed. She reached back to whip out the Mepps, but kinda miss judged her back swing. Yup, I've now got two of the trebles imbedded in the top of my head! She whipped it so hard, the drag ripped as the hooks sunk into my head. (now that was quite an accomplishment, because in order to make my mom happy, my dad had to crank the drag down on the Mitchell 300)

So, there we are, floating a good 5 miles from shore, with my mom giving me what for, for my head being in the way of her cast!

So, dad grabs the pliers and starts reefing in the Mepps! He did eventually get it out and yes, the bleeding did eventually stop. LOL

To this day, I can't even look at a Mepps with a dressed hook without getting a shiver run down my spine!


Was fishing the Hartley Bay area with some buds, outta a canoe. We were a good two hour paddle from the launch, late 70's time frame. As the day was wearing on, we decided to troll back to camp. I hooked a small pike. I flipped it into the canoe and reached out for it to get the hook out. Well, this pike was like every other pike known to man and it did the usual freak out. (I was using a Rebel minnow bait with three trebles) I ended up with two of the three hooks, imbedded in my baby finger.

First step, kill the fish! Second step, get the lure unhooked from my line. 3rd step, paddle back to camp for an hour with a Rebel lure hanging off my finger!

Once back at camp, we realize that we don't have a first aid kit, but we do have a roll to TP and a roll of masking tape. I had to cut the hooks outta my own finger as my buddy was turning green just looking at the embedded hook. I lost all feeling in that finger for the better part of 5 years!

Yah, yah gotta love fishing!

I won't talk about the time my brother sat on a big ole musky bait out in the Moon River basin. Al three trebles jammed onto his bottom. His wife had to put him in the bed of the p/u truck, laying in his belly on their way to the clinic. Apparently, the doctor was laughing so hard, he had a hard time staying focused!


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I have a habit of catching good sized musky in front of a crowd. My buddy and I were fishing in our first boat- a 12ft jon up on Lake Restoule. The boat had a tiller style electric motor with a four foot handle extension. We are off a little patch of weed in front of a cotttage with a family gathering when BOOM my Grim Reaper gets attacked by a 46" ski. First fish in this boat and I'm in the bow. Fish gets close to the boat and I realize that he might get all tangled in the trolling motor. I yelling at my friend to pull it up but its a really small boat and he can't reach around me. So with a mighty heave I give the trolling motor rope a pull. The four foot handle swings across the front of the boat and knocks me ass over tea kettle into the water. Managed to land the fish but dang it that was embarrasing and hilariosly funny. I only wish there would have been go pro back in those days. Americas funniest home videos here I come.

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I have a habit of catching good sized musky in front of a crowd. My buddy and I were fishing in our first boat- a 12ft jon up on Lake Restoule. The boat had a tiller style electric motor with a four foot handle extension. We are off a little patch of weed in front of a cotttage with a family gathering when BOOM my Grim Reaper gets attacked by a 46" ski. First fish in this boat and I'm in the bow. Fish gets close to the boat and I realize that he might get all tangled in the trolling motor. I yelling at my friend to pull it up but its a really small boat and he can't reach around me. So with a mighty heave I give the trolling motor rope a pull. The four foot handle swings across the front of the boat and knocks me ass over tea kettle into the water. Managed to land the fish but dang it that was embarrasing and hilariosly funny. I only wish there would have been go pro back in those days. Americas funniest home videos here I come.

the mike ianconelli of musky ???

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won't talk about the time my brother sat on a big ole musky bait out in the Moon River basin. Al three trebles jammed onto his bottom. His wife had to put him in the bed of the p/u truck, laying in his belly on their way to the clinic. Apparently, the doctor was laughing so hard, he had a hard time staying focused!




That must ouch. Wasn't me but my Uncle and I fishing the Niagara on the US side, he directs me to what I think is the hospital in North Tonawanda after he sits on a 3 treble Rappala, we pull into the parking lot and it's the Vets. He says " do you know what they charge at the emergency here nephew?" Vet says " where did you get yourself this time Angelo?" He wasn't embarrassed one little bit.

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Years ago I took a girlfriend fishing at a local pond, did the picnic lunch and whole bit. i wander off walking around the pond casting and left her on the other side. After a bit she starts calling me so I came back, look what I found! LOL She is sitting on her lawn chair feeding our lunch to a young skunk!


4-5 foot high grass and bushes all over, it's mom couldn't have been too far off. She seemed a bit offended when I told her if it had sprayed you it would have been a long walk home.

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My cousin had a good sized boat he used to fish salmon on Lake Ontario. His wife was nattering away at him one day when he was launching the boat. Fed up he told her to shut up and he didn't want to hear another word. He comes back from parking the truck to find her standing there with a smile on her face, holding the rope and the boat half full of water.

Guess who was the winner of that argument.

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I keep an old 12ft at a fairly remote lake,last summer GF & I were getting the boat ready when we see a snake (garter snake,totaly harmless) in the bottom of the boat,tried to catch it but the snake disappeared under the seat & couldn't be found.

We headed out & were catching walleye when I spot the snake under the front seat which is occupied by my GF.

I said "the snake is under your seat",to which she replied "that's the anchor rope" (rope happens to be green") & then proceeds to tell me "maybe it's time to get my OLD eyes checked".

I said "whatever" :whistling:

You can probably guess the end of the story.

We were lucky the boat never flipped when the "rope" slithered over her bare feet :clapping:


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was out on the ganny one day, had to fart, well, it wasn't a fart. I managed to get my waders off in time, my shorts however, didn't make it. was a great ride home to whitby, half naked, was hoping i wouldn't get pulled over.



last year, my dad came up from sarnia to do a weekend salmon fish on lake o, we get up nice and early, have a good breakfast, then head out. stopped as the gas station to fill up the boat, my dad gets out, walks by the boat on the trailer and then stops dead, ask him whats wrong, and he gets this stupid look on his face, and says 'for a minute i thought we had lost the boat' he had walked past it thinking it was still his truck



then while out on the lake, after landing a nice chinook, and resetting the downriggers, my dad gets all frustrated and upset, ask him whats wrong he says ' well sh!t, i can't find ,my sunglasses, i think i set them on the back and knocked them over board' i said what glasses are you looking for, he goes 'my polarized ones, i can't find the dammed things' i look at him and say what, you mean the ones you're wearing on your face? he just starts laughing and goes yea, those ones, i need a drink!

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I remember one time my dad a I were launching at Port Dalhousie. The boat just got in the water and my dad went to park the truck. I looked down the dock and noticed a small Musky chillin under the dock. I was gonna tie the boat down but noticed it was in an eddy like pool and seemed to stay in same spot. And of course I was right there. Well I took 2 cast and had the Musky moving and then I noticed the boat floating away! I had to think quick, do I jump in, I had a float suit on, or what?? Well I decided to cast my lure onto the deck, which was carpeted thank goodness. And I reeled her back in without my dad noticing a thing. I can't believe how many things ran through my mind during that short period of time. Hahaha.

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Maybe more embarressing for my friend but still hilarious. This spring on Upper Buckhorn im with a buddy on the early morning bass, sure enough were far from home and the fishing is good, Daves gotta drop an aqua dump. I personally had never used a foot pedal trolling motor control before, but dave tells me to take the helm and keep the ladder on the back end away from our neighboring fishing boat.


There goes dave off the back of the boat. Theres me at the controls not knowing what the hell I am doing. A gust of wind comes up and starts to push the boat around, i try to correct to keep daves bare turd butt concealed, but i over correct and the thing somehow locks into drive and immediately the boat spins a complete 180 with dave yelling at me to stop the boat.


I think his racket gave him up more than hanging out with his bare butt ever did ahaha.




I also have a total knack for somehow forgetting how to tie my line. Just this summer, I took a brand new spoon, tossed it out to watch it go flying out into the middle of the lake, walk back to my tackle box, take a new lure out retie and somehow throw that brand new lure into the depths as well. Dont ask me how it happens it just does.



I will say that in general I am just a total clutz, so getting myself snagged on hooks and tripping and falling in the boat etc etc are all common place. I am lucky that i dont manage to wreck gear or drop rods in the lake though. My dad is the pro at that.

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