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Fishing Tales. Some maybe even true.

Old Ironmaker

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We all have our own " Fishing Tales ", some far fetched no matter how true. I heard a Duezzy the other day from one of our local legends.


He Had a hole in one of his boots and got a soaker getting into the boat. As he was wringing out his red and white sock his other sock was hanging over the side of his tinny. As he went to grab the sock a 52" Musky grabbed onto it and the fight was on. He got the Musky into the boat but had a huge hole ripped in his favorite pair of socks. He told this with a strait face. His pal of 50 years says Richard has told this story so many times he actually believes it.


My true story is we were fishing the Ottawa one opening week. A pal bought a new fangled stringer and when he went to put another fish on it was gone, bad plastic rope (not bad knot). A few hours latter I got a huge Walleye on and when it came to the surface it was on the same stringer with 3 other fish on it. Straight goods true story, I swear.


What is your craziest so unbelievable Fish Tale it has to be true?

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mine isnt personal, but is a true family story.


My mom was out fishing with her dad back in a tiny wooden boat in the 1960's across the lake from our old cabin in Flin Flon Manitoba.


Mom went out into a shallow bay where the big pike were sunning themselves. They sat for an hour trying to entice one of the big gators to latch onto a lure but none of them showed any interest until one finally had a go and hit the red and white spoon my grandpa was throwing. Immediately the reel broke off of the rod and the rod slid down the line into the lake while my grandpa held onto the reel. He ended up fighting the thing to the boat on the reel only. He then reached in and hauled this massive gator into the boat, my mom said she nearly jumped out of the tiny boat as the thing was thrashing around and she was just a kid at the time.


Anyways my grandfather ended up getting the fish mounted and it hung in our cottage until the day we sold it in 1996. To this day we call that pike a mutant. It was 28 lbs and was only about 40 inches long if that. The thing looked more like a laketrout than a pike.

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My son lost a rapala xrap to a pike. I told him id get it back. It took 3-4 hours but low and behold, i caught it and got our xrap back. Crazy thing is, we got two xraps back, both identical. Bonus!!!! Another was me and my daughter, 8 at the time, entered a local walleye derby. Well it rained that day(in winter) and the derby was cancelled due to unsafe driving conditions. My daughter inisted we still go. I told her if she caught a walleye in the 8 to 10 lb range, i would pay her the money we expected the derby to generate for biggest walleye. About 4 hours in, right when the derby would have finished, she lands a beauty walleye! 30", but no scale, i guessed between 8-9lbs. On a pink jig. That promise cost me $800. Now my daughter thinks fishing is easy, all it takes is a pink jig and a stupid father, lol

Edited by manitoubass2
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My favourite true fish tale involves ice fishing in the Muskokas.We were in a spread search pattern for crappie. We look over and a Stadic on a little ice rod gets a hit but as we are running for it it disappears down the hole in @ 30 ft of water. Later that day I am fishing a whole about 20 ft away from that one when I get a nice hit in the midst of a lot of crappie activity. I reel up a nice 10-11 incher and lo and behold its all tangled in line. I hand line the line in and get the stradic back reel it up and an even bigger crappie is on it.

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We were fishing the Ottawa river mid day drinking beer (camping somewhere in shore) and my brothers dead line gets bit. Big fish, long fight but eventually gets tangled around a deadhead. Bro grabs mask and snorkel, follows line, third dive he comes up hugging a 3 foot sturgeon. He swims it to shore, we laugh our faces off and the fish gets released unharmed

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a few years ago, I was fishing with my wife at a spot in the river where it empties into our lake, down the river comes a beer can, so I told the wife that we should pick it up and I was cursing the litterbugs who care so little for the lake they throw their garbage in it. a few moments later, here comes another can, followed by another, and another, all in all I got 8 cans that floated by, the best part, they were cold and full of good old labatts blue.


so I went home that day with a few fish for dinner and something to wash them down with

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a few years ago, I was fishing with my wife at a spot in the river where it empties into our lake, down the river comes a beer can, so I told the wife that we should pick it up and I was cursing the litterbugs who care so little for the lake they throw their garbage in it. a few moments later, here comes another can, followed by another, and another, all in all I got 8 cans that floated by, the best part, they were cold and full of good old labatts blue.


so I went home that day with a few fish for dinner and something to wash them down with

But it was "Blue"

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I'm going to include this because I hope somebody can help. It's not a fish story but a UFO (unidentified floating object) story


Boating into Port Maitland, surprisingly nobody is around and no boats in sight. Coming out of the harbor is an 8' diameter steel ball, half submerged, moving about 3 km/h, heading straight out into Lake Erie. We pull up beside it, there's no sound, we take pictures of it, 20 minutes later, we can't figure it out and head in.


Working for the GRCA, the next day, back at head office in Cambridge, my cheap Kodak gets stolen out of my knapsack, with the only proof we have of what we saw. It's a small office, everybody knows everybody, my wallet isn't taken, but a $15 Kodak is gone.


I'm hoping with the new guys on OFC, somebody may have seen something similar.


for now, I'm gone squatchin'

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Went out bass fishing three weeks ago ,,was kinda stormy with black clouds but no lighting ,,said to the guys let's put the boat in and watch the weather. We get to our spot and start casting but my buddy Rae has crazy tangle on the first cast and watches us reel in five or six nice three pounders in twenty mins. While he is still fiddling with his reel the lighting starts in the distance. So we head back to the dock and wait out the storm,,,this gives Rae time to fix his bird nested reel . Soon enough the storm rolls through and we back to our spot .as Rae starts his back cast I start mine and hook the top of his two piece rod and out it goes lure and all breaking his line and landing twenty or so feet in front of the boat and goodbye. My lure hit the water and smack another nice three pounder ,,,,,,Rae used another rod and reel in the boat and got two or three fish all Sean and I boated about twenty five more between the two of us Before the day was over ,,,,,,Rae never said much that day

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I was solo fishing at Wildwood one day the year I bought my first boat. It was a rough day of fishing (due to being such a pressured body of water) and weather was not so great. Anyhow, finally got into fish and in one case my favorite spinnerbait fell victim to a pike. I lost the fish and lure. I did all I could to entice the fish to strike again. No luck. I moved on.


The weather improved throughout the day and so did the fishing, though only marginally. I saw a fellow angling buddy across the water making his way to me. We had pleasant exchanges catching up considering we hadn't chatted for a few weeks. Then conversation turned to how the day was going.


I shared my story about that damn pike and how my day turned worse and finally improved somewhat. He went silent, turned his back and returned to me with my spinnerbait while almost laughing himself out of his boat. We had a great laugh at my expense.


A year or two later I come to find out that was the only damn fish he caught that day and it was really a smaller sized hammerhead pike. We still chuckle at times when we recall the day we tag teamed fished but from separate boats.

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Dad got a 50+ inch musky once... It jumped and he noticed a large black object on the side of its head... Ended being a big black believer...


Well he told his tale at the legion over some pints as any of us would and wouldn't you know it... The guy that lost the fish was there... He was one of our neighbors... He was pretty upset when he found out how big she was...

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I have a few which I have shared on here before.I do enjoy these threads so I'll share some of them again.


1. Float fishing for perch. Float goes down I set the hook and reel in a keeper perch. When I go to unhook it I see a huge hook hanging out of the fishes mouth and I had actually hooked the eye of this hook...so technically I caught a hook not a fish...lol.

2.Ice fishing for walleye in 12-15 FOW. Get a good hit, set the hook, feel some weight and then nothing. Figured I got bit off by a muskie. Just then a 2-3LB walleye rockets straight up the hole and into my portable hut. All I had to do was kick it away from the hole.

3. Evening fishing for smallies at my folks cottage on the Bruce. Fishing about 200yds from their dock. A good feed of eater's on the metal stringer. Get ready to call it a night and the stringer is gone :wallbash: Get up the next morning early to try and make up for the night before. Get down to the dock and see something shiny under the corner of the dock. Bend over to have a look and low and behold...it's my stringer of smallies I lost the night before :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping: They had picked a very bad place to hide.

4. On a fly-in trip out of Chapleau. My brother and I are trolling rapalas. He gets a hit and starts fighting the fish. I cut the motor reel in and wait with the net. When the fish gets close to the boat I see that it is a 6-8 LB pike and I see his rapala...trailing a good 4 feet behind it :dunno: After being hooked the fish must have rolled in his line, got tangled up and then spit the hook. The 5 of us spent the rest of that trip listening to my brother say anybody can catch a fish...but only a pro can lasso them :w00t:

Edited by crappieperchhunter
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Just remembered another. Carp fishing with Beans. He gets a hit and the fight starts. He makes a comment about it fighting funny and all of a sudden a good sized muskie jumps out of the water. So I witnessed a muskie being caught on a hair rig loaded with a few kernels of corn.

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I used to take a former employee fishing a couple years in a row a few years ago. He was new to fishing and always fished a bucktail spinner on light tackle gear. We were targeting pike and bass.


This guy was an A1 tree whisperer. Wild casts towards shorelines and up in the trees while I has jigging for bass pitch and flip. He almost always got his line out of the tree on his own. Go figure.


Anyhow, one day after his tree whispering was wearing thin I suggested he try casting from the other side of the boat toward the main lake. After 3-4 casts things got wild. I thought his rod was going to snap from all the action. He kept his cool and got the fish to the edge to the boat after a very long fight. I was net-man the day he reeled in a carp he accidentally hooked in the tail as he was reeling in his spinner. What a time. lol

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I believe I've told this story before, but here goes again - and true!


Paul and I were up at his parent's cottage near Minden. Only large mouth bass in the lake. We were having a good "moo juice" day and both had a nap, then near midnight, woke up sober and hear the wolves/coyotes howling and it was a full moon, so pretty light out for that time of night. We decided to go out and do some top water action (it's a small lake) and we still only had the tinny. Second or third cast and BAM, big fish on. Paul got it in the boat and we were shocked at the size. We figured it might be the Ontario record, which is 10.43 lbs or something like that. We figured this was much bigger. So we took it up to the cottage and stood on the scale, then stood on the scale with the fish and it was over 11 lbs. We were stoked. Put it in the cooler with lake water to keep it alive and as we knew we were leaving the next day, we figured we could get it officially weighed to see if he broke the Ontario LMB record. We stopped by his mom and dad's on the way home (dad was away in Poland and was due back the next day), but his nephew lived there and did the same, weighed it and it was over 11 lbs. He said he had an official scale at the place he worked and would weigh it the next day and see if it was the Ontario records - score!!!


So I call the next day, and his dad answers back from his trip to Poland and I ask him if he saw the fish (thinking Paul's 'nephew had taken it to the official weigh scale the next morning) and he said "oh ya, big, but it tasted terrible"!!!



So, who knows if it was the new record, it was now down Paul's dad's gullet (we always brought him fish before so I guess he figured it was for him) :)


I'm sure it was a record, but we'll never know now will we :)

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One I was pier fishing for perch on Lake Erie and the bite was pretty decent... One of the older regulars there is just about to call it a day when he gets a bite. His rod is bent a lot more than normal and line starts peeling for a second or two. Everybody around takes notice and figures he has a sheepie. He starts to pull it up though, which is unusual we generally help by someone grabbing the leader, and pulling up the sheepies, so nothing breaks...


So up comes his rig with 3 decent perch, with another rig wrapped up in his sinker with 2 live perch, followed by yet another rig with 2 perch was very much alive and the other one was putrefied. Not bad 6 fish at a time... Of course we then had a good natured discussion about whether he should have to throw back 2 as you are only allowed 4 hooks at a time LOL.

Edited by Canuck2fan
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Canuck2fan, yea that's a story for sure. I believe you.


Joey, not a 11 pound Large Mouth but my brother did get a 16" Perch that was as fat as long. Had it in a cooler and was looking for a good scale to see if it may have been a record for Ontario, when he got back to the picnic table his father in law was almost finished cleaning it. Mr. Lefko was Polish as well, that has nothing to do with anything, what a wonderful man, rest in peace Johnny L.


I love old tales.


Reminds me of an old joke, Buddy was a downhomer and every time he came into the Legion he would describe how big a Cod he caught be spreading his arms out. One day the boys said we'll fix ole Buddy and handcuff em, lets see how big his fish is today bey. So they handcuff ol Buddy and ask him How big today brudder? Ole Buddy makes a circle with both his hands and says " The eye was this big buy!"

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I believe I've told this story before, but here goes again - and true!


Paul and I were up at his parent's cottage near Minden. Only large mouth bass in the lake. We were having a good "moo juice" day and both had a nap, then near midnight, woke up sober and hear the wolves/coyotes howling and it was a full moon, so pretty light out for that time of night. We decided to go out and do some top water action (it's a small lake) and we still only had the tinny. Second or third cast and BAM, big fish on. Paul got it in the boat and we were shocked at the size. We figured it might be the Ontario record, which is 10.43 lbs or something like that. We figured this was much bigger. So we took it up to the cottage and stood on the scale, then stood on the scale with the fish and it was over 11 lbs. We were stoked. Put it in the cooler with lake water to keep it alive and as we knew we were leaving the next day, we figured we could get it officially weighed to see if he broke the Ontario LMB record. We stopped by his mom and dad's on the way home (dad was away in Poland and was due back the next day), but his nephew lived there and did the same, weighed it and it was over 11 lbs. He said he had an official scale at the place he worked and would weigh it the next day and see if it was the Ontario records - score!!!


So I call the next day, and his dad answers back from his trip to Poland and I ask him if he saw the fish (thinking Paul's 'nephew had taken it to the official weigh scale the next morning) and he said "oh ya, big, but it tasted terrible"!!!



So, who knows if it was the new record, it was now down Paul's dad's gullet (we always brought him fish before so I guess he figured it was for him) :)


I'm sure it was a record, but we'll never know now will we :)

Oh no...!!!!

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Fly fishing Michigan's Au Sable River a few years ago, I hooked a small brown trout on a streamer. As I strip it in and it is about 15 feet from me the water explodes.....a freakin bald eagle dive bombed my fish. The eagle missed it, looked at me a flew off. I reeled in the now completely terrified trout and released it, although it likely died of fright later. When telling my wife back at my cabin she says....."did you get a good picture of it"?

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Many years ago just after we had moved to Milton I met up with some guys through a mutual friend. I often heard stories about how this one guy would go into a stream and catch trout with nothing but his bear hands. I just sort of laughed it off as being a good story, I mean who goes trout fishing with nothing but his bear hands but I wouldn't call him a liar.


One day he and his brother invited me to go trout fishing with them, boy was I excited, both these boys were legends in the community so I was ready to accept before the words were even finished being spoken. The day came and away we went, all three of us had fishing rods and we started working this nice little stream.


We came to a hole in the stream and the one brother tossed his rod onto the bank and started feeling around un the streem under a stump. I watched with great intrest and he suddenly jumped back and said there was a snapping turtle under there! This was a little stream, I had never seen a snapping turtle in such a small stream. Needless to say we didn't catch any trout at that hole and as time went by, I moved further ahead and grew more doubtfull about the stories I'd heard.


A while later I back tracked and found the two brothers, they had a couple of small trout which I figured they had just caught on their rods although they both assured me the one brother had caught them bare handed. To be honest I was suspicious but again I had no proof so I kept my mouth shut.


Then it happened, we came to a log jam in the creek. Bill got down in the water and started feeling around under the logs. Then he came up and asked me if he could borrow my knife; there was a BIG brown trout under the logs. I thought to myself; sure and this will be anopther one that got away! Well, I have to tell you, it didn't! It was a real beauty!


On the way back up the stream we stopped at the hole where he had said the snapping turtle was and sure enough he reached under and came uo with what had to be a 5 or 6 lb snapping turtle! I never doubted their word again when it came to anything related to fishing and hunting and we fished and hunted together for many years after that.


Saddly we parted company many years ago, I really don't know why exactly, it was just one of those things where we grew apart, they went their way and I went mine but I still remember many wonderful trips we had together over the years.

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I was fishing carp in my backyard this summer and i had the rod sitting right beside my lawn chair. Sure enough i got a hit but it ripped my rod in the water before i could grab it. I was going to jump in but thought better of it.

I ran to the shed and grabbed my muskie rod, i put a big treble and a 2 oz bell sinker on and started firing it out trying to catch my line. I eventually hooked something and pulled my old line towards the dock, after pulling my rod up i cleaned it off and started reeling... Sure enough the fish is still on. It turned out to be just a hair shy of 30 lbs, by far my biggest simcoe carp.



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Haha thats wicked Gallie!!! Limeyangler came and fished with me a few years back and caught a rod we lost a few months earlier. Pretty funny i spent hundreds of hours if not thousands at that spot, and limey hooked it and landed it within a half hour or so haha

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