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Weekend at Bernie's - Sept 2014 Edition


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The time has come and gone for our weekend at Bernie's. As always, a great time was had by all! This year's cast included Will, Joe, Mike and myself. We met at my place at 9ish am for the drive up. With all the rain in the forecast, we were racing against time to get to the launch and try to get to the island before all our stuff got soaked! We skipped our usual lunch in Powassan and headed straight to the launch. The rain was half way across the lake and we knew we'd be close!! We launched the boat quickly and Will and I took off to the island while Bernie picked the other two up at the boathouse. As it turned out, the rain quickly dissipated over the lake and we made it there no problem. The 10-15mm of rain turned into NOTHING!! At least when the weatherman got this wrong it was to our benefit!!


With the weather clearing, we decided to hit the lake for some bonus fishing time! Here's Bernie, Joe and Mike...




We caught a lot of walleye this size over the weekend...



I got the big fish of the day....although the wrong species.



I think they caught a fish or two as well....hopefully they have a few pics to add!


Not to be outfished, Joe had to prove he could catch his favourite species as well....



We headed back and began talking about dinner. We chatted a bit about how well we eat when we are there and Bernie says "Chicken isn't my favourite". Mike looks up and buries his head in his hands and says "Damn...I brought chicken for tonight" LOL


With that cloud over our heads, we got through dinner and were treated to an amazing sunset.



Later that evening we relaxed and chatted by the fire.


The next morning we got up bright and early and hit the water by 10ish....LOL. No big fish, but we had a good time with the walleye and perch! That afternoon Mike, Will and I headed back out and decided to try for some bass and pike.



Mike with a monster...



Will (AKA Nighthawk), with a great largie!



Mike with another monster...with Will being a smarta$$ in the background...



We headed back in for a steak dinner and decided to try for the night bite. Again, lots of little guys, but I did manage one nice one!



Another great sunset...every time I went to snap a picture, I'd miss a hit!! haha





The next morning we hit the water for a few hours before we had to pack up and leave. It always turns out that the best day of the weekend is the day we leave!! Will caught a nice one that last morning...



Then he caught a surprising sucker! LOL



We headed back for some lunch and then packed up. I found this guy checking out the firepit area...



Another great chapter in the Weekend at Bernie's story...as always we have a lot of laughs, a few fish and an amazing relaxing weekend. Thanks again Bernie!!


Edited by ccmt
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  • Show up at HH's house for 8:30am - check
  • Don’t say anything stupid as to not irritate him - check (I think)
  • Show up to CCMT's place shortly after - check
  • Don’t say anything stupid as to not irritate both of them - check (I think)
  • Wait for FishnSled - check
  • Don’t say anything stupid as to not irritate all of them - check (I think), comments pertaining to his time of arrival were withheld

Once the three of them are together they are strong, but they lacked the direction that only a wise leader can give them. Lucky for me he was not along for the trip up. For the next 3.5 hours I sat in silence while they berated me with reckless abandon.


I refused to stoop to their level of childish insults. Instead, I used this time to mentally prepare myself for the upcoming onslaught. For the time when they're reunited with their leader and Bernie assumes the head of their voltron-esk ridicule machine.


Upon arrival, things actually seemed to be going quite well, until Bernie informed me (in words that can't be repeated in a family friendly manner) that he hates chicken. Especially chicken that is late (which this was).


Dinner was eaten in silence that night. The exception being Bernie grumbling about his dislike for poultry related food items with every bite. FnS might have found an onion on his plate as well. I really wasn’t paying attention to him, just keeping an eye on Bernie and his knife.


The post dinner entertainment was something to behold. Bernie stood at the roaring fire, and like a southern minister at Sunday service, proceeded to preach the superiority of welded hull boats, and the great Crestliner brand. I interrupted the tirade (big time judgement error) by asking him an insignificant question regarding Crestliner. I won’t get into all the gory details, the end result was me retreating to my room (possible to cry, this is not confirmed though) for the evening, while the remainder of the group stayed up and had an enjoyable evening.


Saturday was more of the same. I pretty much stuck to myself and didn’t say anything as I was still a bit in shock from the previous night. There was some fishing, and I learned yet another valuable lesson: under no circumstances are you to miss a bite. Falsies ,notwithstanding. And god forbid anyone on the boat use more than a single ½” worm fragment per outing because it will be noticed. Oh, and don’t sit on the worm container. It doesn’t matter how many other people sit on it afterwards, it’s the first sit down that causes the damage.


HH and CCMT made sure that dinner was ready on time, and hot, and didn’t contain any poultry or onions. As a plus, it was good eats.


Sunday fishing started pretty smooth, until Bernie and HH mentioned that we had been lucky in not boating any sheepsheads. Queue the sheepshead on my line. Big, tough HH screeched and whined about how 'yucky' it was and that it "smells really bad". I said nothing and released the poor fish knowing all too well how much HH's comments can sting both human and fish.


The trip culminated with one last blast from the voltron. It spewed a gaseous cloud of plague at me, which had remained dormant until this afternoon. This was CCMT's farewell gift to me.



All that aside, I really enjoyed the trip, thanks for having us up Bernie!


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Nice job on the report Cliff.


A great time as always, lots of laughs, tons of food and the fishing wasn't too bad either, enough to keep the interest up.. The campfire was a real treat this trip, really enjoyed that Bernie. Looking forward to the next trip already! Need to see if we can update Joe's sheephead pic. LOL!


Rubin??? Rubin who?? :P You were missed Rubin, we needed someone to sweep up. :D Until the next trip gentlemen!


EDIT - That is friggin' hilarious Mike!!! :rofl2: (and true.) :lol: Hope you're feeling better soon, you really deserve it with your behaviour this past weekend. More importantly, I hope that Bernie, Joe and I don't get it.

Edited by fishnsled
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Nicely put Mike... we still haven't decided if we like you though...

And an extra special thanks to Cliff for the coughing, gagging, spewing and snorting that has decided to rear it's ugly head this afternoon... Your the best Cliff!


No problem Joe. Like I always said....what's mine is yours. You're that good a friend. By the way, I'm feeling much better today. :D

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Brian, you'd be happy to know that they're still groaning about them. lol






There was one fella that was not happy Mike. But there,s always one.


They are great for breakfast. Side of scrambled eggs and toast. Maybe that,s where I went wrong. Forgot the toast.LMAO

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