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2 days to go before the "X" goes on your ballot. NF


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I have tried, desperately to come to some kind of conclusion to these questions. I have no love lost for any of the leaders and frankly, don't have a level of trust with any of them.

That leaves me to consider the past record of each party, assuming that they will continue on the track of their predecessors.

So, I recall "Uncle Dalty" spoon feeding Ontarians his nanny state agenda. Dam the dollars, I know what's best for you all. I see Auntie Katy being cut from the same cloth.

I see waste provincially over the last 8 years totaling billions. (Folks, let's not forget that this is the same government who brought us;

-E-Health - 8 years into it and it still doesn't work... not to mention billions spent

-gas plants - we may never know what the final costs are - billions for sure

-wind mills - outsourced to Korea rather than Ontario companies - Billions

-Fresh Air testing - hmmm, only in southern Ontario... more cash grab.


There just a few off the top of my head.

So to answer the OP's question. No I haven't changed my mind as a result of what I've seen recently by all parties.

I believe that politicians should be treated like children. A misbehaving child needs to be put in place, so they can understand where they went wrong and learn from it. Same for our politicians.


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as a retired worker the government has forgotten. seniors don't get a raise. hydro,emissions test. high insurance rates. wheres the common sense. I wish my brother inlaw was an mpp. maybe then I could have a few perks also.

just title me

slowly drowning in taxation

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I'm at a loss with all the "leaders" and have no trust in any of them. What is the lesser of the evils? Who knows but the time has come to kick the Liberals out on their :asshat:. It boggles my mind though to hear that the polls are leaning towards a majority government for Kate. What the fudge are people thinking in even considering a party like that with their track record??!! I'm scratching my head on that one and holding out hope that people will come to their senses at the polls tomorrow.


Again a minority coalition keeps the game on track-----checks and balances---it has to work or it will implode---unfortunately if it does not happen-----same thing--different day-


With things so close, a minority government might be our best option for now as I just don't trust any of them with all their empty promises. You can be guaranteed that if the Liberals lose, whoever wins will claim things to be much worse then what the Fiberals were telling us. They will also state that they will be unable to keep the promises made during the campaign until the financial mess is dealt with first. Happens every time it seems with a change in power.


In answer to the OP's question, I haven't changed my mind.

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What happened there? Sorry another question.


Just get out and vote. Almost every time there is a democratic election here or down south the margin is 2% or less between victory and defeat. The most important vote for these politicos is from the person that doesn't vote by many means, declined ballot, spoiled ballot or not showing up at all. Like I always say a black man won a US election that had a Muslim name and zero political experience compared to both those he beat, not once but twice! How? By getting 2% of those that don't vote to vote for him. There is no way 2% of Republicans suddenly thought it was time for a Black President, and a Democrat at that! It was the 2% made up as first time voters, students and those that felt they were always too stupid, frightened or poor to make a difference.

A muslim name and zero political experience???

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A muslim name and zero political experience???

Yes Chris, his name is Barack Hussein Obama, and he was a 1 term Jr. Senator from Illinois when elected President, can't get much more of Muslim sounding, I should have said sounding name, you're right. A Jr. Senator has zero experience in the scheme of national politics in the US.

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I thought this was a reasonable article related to the discussion in this thread:




The last few paragraphs of the article are the most important.


Also, to answer the original OPs question, I am still deciding and the campaign ads are pointless to me. Instead, I try my best to read and understand each platform as well as various "unbiased" editorials on them. I normally check out my local MPs as well, to see what they have to say beyond the party line.

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Back to the original question, no nothing has changed my mind about who to vote for.... these are some of the reminders I had from before and after the election call.

What I knew before the election was called:

  • 42% increase in electric bill on top of recent increases.
  • Orng - $$
  • Gas plants - $1.1B
  • eHealth - $1B
  • $477M - Mars
  • OLG - I forget why I added this to the list, and am still not clear what the deal was there.
  • Debt in Ontario has double and Interest ALONE costs over $10 B each year now. Debt is now twice the Ukraine debt ($288B)
  • Auditor General - cost tax payers billions due to poor wind turbine programs
  • Doubling of the number of subsidized windmills in Ontario (insider deals)
  • Windmills put in dangerous and poor locations (many rejected by Min of Transport due to locations near airports but forced through)
  • 50 new agencies created in the last 10 years in Ontario (barber shop inspectors...)
  • 26 new committee
  • 100,000 added to the 1.2 million gov't workers since 2009
  • 3% total payroll tax that won't benefit anyone for 10+ years.. money in gov't pocket
  • Healthcare cuts and drug plan changes - say goodbye to the physical.
  • 600% increase in licenses for hair dressers thanks to the College of Trades and how barbers that had been doing men's hair for 20+ years were now required to take courses on women's hair styling
  • the handling of Caledonia.


  • Windsor Parkway
The government has taken heat for not immediately acting when it learned a $1.4-billion infrastructure project didn’t live up to safety standards. .
  • PanAm Games
The $1.4-billion budget for the games does not include some key expenses, like the $700 million athletes’ village.
$7 million worth of bonuses paid out to 64 executives.
  • Treatment of Madi Vanstone and her needed medications (in her own words "run around")
  • Liberal education advisor and Wynne transition team member up on Child Porn
New items that came up in the election...
  • 250,000 jobs lost since 2009
  • OPPA attack adds - hmm ,OPP got an 5% increase in 2010 and 8.5% increase this year alone.
  • Head of OPSEU calling Wynne a liar about job cuts.
  • The absolute fear mongering and distortions the Liberals have been putting out.
  • Tying University student loans to grades (I know one jerk barely got by ran up $50k and flunked out and declared bankruptcy)
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Yes Chris, his name is Barack Hussein Obama, and he was a 1 term Jr. Senator from Illinois when elected President, can't get much more of Muslim sounding, I should have said sounding name, you're right. A Jr. Senator has zero experience in the scheme of national politics in the US.

You do have a point about limited experience, but his name shouldn't mean anything in an election.

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You do have a point about limited experience, but his name shouldn't mean anything in an election.

Given the tensions in the world at the time with predominantly Muslim countries, his Muslim sounding name raise the ire of many in the USA.. And it still does today with conspiracy theorists. Given a lot of facts that came out after 9/11 some had reason to worry.


But this is the inescapable fact... Racism exists. Being both black and a Muslim name in a mostly Christian society... Will cause ripples.


Back to the topic, I misspoke when I stated I would spoil my ballot. I plan to decline my ballot. For some reason I thought the two were basically the same... I had to go back to highschool political science when I used the incorrect term.


I plan to decline my ballot.


You can harp on me in regards to Canadians dying so we have the freedom to vote etc.. We also gained the freedom to not vote if we so choose, especially if none of the candidates are deemed acceptable to me. I choose to decline my vote based upon this. I have voted since I was legal age to do so. This is the first time I refuse to vote for any of platforms/candidates/ideology that are presently being offered.


For one simple fact.


We are screwed no matter what....


So to the OP, I have not changed my mind. What is needed is revolution, to stop this cycle of greed,power and injustice.


/end rant



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Back to the original question, no nothing has changed my mind about who to vote for.... these are some of the reminders I had from before and after the election call.


What I knew before the election was called:

  • 42% increase in electric bill on top of recent increases.
  • Orng - $$
  • Gas plants - $1.1B
  • eHealth - $1B
  • $477M - Mars
  • OLG - I forget why I added this to the list, and am still not clear what the deal was there.
  • Debt in Ontario has double and Interest ALONE costs over $10 B each year now. Debt is now twice the Ukraine debt ($288B)
  • Auditor General - cost tax payers billions due to poor wind turbine programs
  • Doubling of the number of subsidized windmills in Ontario (insider deals)
  • Windmills put in dangerous and poor locations (many rejected by Min of Transport due to locations near airports but forced through)
  • 50 new agencies created in the last 10 years in Ontario (barber shop inspectors...)
  • 26 new committee
  • 100,000 added to the 1.2 million gov't workers since 2009
  • 3% total payroll tax that won't benefit anyone for 10+ years.. money in gov't pocket
  • Healthcare cuts and drug plan changes - say goodbye to the physical.
  • Windsor Parkway
The government has taken heat for not immediately acting when it learned a $1.4-billion infrastructure project didn’t live up to safety standards. .
  • PanAm Games
The $1.4-billion budget for the games does not include some key expenses, like the $700 million athletes’ village.
$7 million worth of bonuses paid out to 64 executives.
  • Treatment of Madi Vanstone and her needed medications (in her own words "run around")
  • Liberal education advisor and Wynne transition team member up on Child Porn
New items that came up in the election...
  • 250,000 jobs lost since 2009
  • OPPA attack adds - hmm ,OPP got an 5% increase in 2010 and 8.5% increase this year alone.
  • Head of OPSEU calling Wynne a liar about job cuts.
  • The absolute fear mongering and distortions the Liberals have been putting out.
  • Tying University student loans to grades (I know one jerk barely got by ran up $50k and flunked out and declared bankruptcy)


And speaking of scandals...T Boone Pickens is suing the province for 1/2 a billion dollars for unfair trade practices concerning the Green Energy Act......way to go Mcguinty/Wynne...another cluster phook the tax payers will be on the hook for.

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I don't like the OLP, but just to clear up some of the misleading "facts" quoted in this thread.


- Our debt may be 2x Ukraine's, but isn't our GDP 3 or 4 x larger?

- We may have added 100,000 public sector jobs since 2009 (representing an 8% jump from 2009 levels), but hasn't our population increased by 7 or 8% since then as well?

- Hudak isn't planning to kill full day kindergarten. He just wants to reduce the staffing. Personally I wish he'd do the former.


I think the OLP needs to go to the penalty box and pay for what they've done. I do think the PCs have a platform based on mistruths and lies, but assuming their only chance is to win a minority government they can be bumped again in the near future anyway.

If the OLP does get in with a minority gov, keep in mind that they'll be partnering with the NDP to get anything passed. That means even MORE taxes and special programs.

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I have said this before and I will say it again. "It does not matter who you vote for, the Government still gets in". They all seem to be very quiet on the environmental issues. They are just going along with what is in vogue as all politcians do at election time. I will be refusing my ballot. Enough said!

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I don't like the OLP, but just to clear up some of the misleading "facts" quoted in this thread.


- Our debt may be 2x Ukraine's, but isn't our GDP 3 or 4 x larger?

- We may have added 100,000 public sector jobs since 2009 (representing an 8% jump from 2009 levels), but hasn't our population increased by 7 or 8% since then as well?

- Hudak isn't planning to kill full day kindergarten. He just wants to reduce the staffing. Personally I wish he'd do the former.


I think the OLP needs to go to the penalty box and pay for what they've done. I do think the PCs have a platform based on mistruths and lies, but assuming their only chance is to win a minority government they can be bumped again in the near future anyway.


If the OLP does get in with a minority gov, keep in mind that they'll be partnering with the NDP to get anything passed. That means even MORE taxes and special programs.


And I envision more election calls on the public dime when the NDP get their panties in a bunch.. Remember the federal minority governments? Give us what we want or else.


We are seriously screwed.



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You do have a point about limited experience, but his name shouldn't mean anything in an election.

No his surname should have nothing to do with man. However there are people out there that said when asked why they don't like him reply " cus he's a Muslim". Sad isn't it Chris. The point I am trying to make that in spite of fact he has a Muslin sounding name he still won, twice, because he got 2% of the vote from those that usually never vote, that's all it takes, convince those 2% and you have a win if you lead a major party.


Prediction, PC win by 2% or less. Lets see.

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I have said this before and I will say it again. "It does not matter who you vote for, the Government still gets in". They all seem to be very quiet on the environmental issues. They are just going along with what is in vogue as all politcians do at election time. I will be refusing my ballot. Enough said!

Here here!

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I don't like the OLP, but just to clear up some of the misleading "facts" quoted in this thread.


- Our debt may be 2x Ukraine's, but isn't our GDP 3 or 4 x larger?

- We may have added 100,000 public sector jobs since 2009 (representing an 8% jump from 2009 levels), but hasn't our population increased by 7 or 8% since then as well?

- Hudak isn't planning to kill full day kindergarten. He just wants to reduce the staffing. Personally I wish he'd do the former.


I think the OLP needs to go to the penalty box and pay for what they've done. I do think the PCs have a platform based on mistruths and lies, but assuming their only chance is to win a minority government they can be bumped again in the near future anyway.


If the OLP does get in with a minority gov, keep in mind that they'll be partnering with the NDP to get anything passed. That means even MORE taxes and special programs.



The Ukraine GDP is 176.3 billion USD (2012) with a population of Population 45,373,000

Ontario's GDP is 692,418 Million (CAD) with a population of 13,537,994
The increases since 2009

Ontario 12,997.7 13,135.1 13,263.5 13,412.0 13,538.0

So about a 4% increase in population, IF it kept pace with population that is about 40,000 too many hired still!
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Back to the original question, no nothing has changed my mind about who to vote for.... these are some of the reminders I had from before and after the election call.


What I knew before the election was called:

  • 42% increase in electric bill on top of recent increases.
  • Orng - $$
  • Gas plants - $1.1B
  • eHealth - $1B
  • $477M - Mars
  • OLG - I forget why I added this to the list, and am still not clear what the deal was there.
  • Debt in Ontario has double and Interest ALONE costs over $10 B each year now. Debt is now twice the Ukraine debt ($288B)
  • Auditor General - cost tax payers billions due to poor wind turbine programs
  • Doubling of the number of subsidized windmills in Ontario (insider deals)
  • Windmills put in dangerous and poor locations (many rejected by Min of Transport due to locations near airports but forced through)
  • 50 new agencies created in the last 10 years in Ontario (barber shop inspectors...)
  • 26 new committee
  • 100,000 added to the 1.2 million gov't workers since 2009
  • 3% total payroll tax that won't benefit anyone for 10+ years.. money in gov't pocket
  • Healthcare cuts and drug plan changes - say goodbye to the physical.
  • Windsor Parkway
The government has taken heat for not immediately acting when it learned a $1.4-billion infrastructure project didn’t live up to safety standards. .
  • PanAm Games
The $1.4-billion budget for the games does not include some key expenses, like the $700 million athletes’ village.
$7 million worth of bonuses paid out to 64 executives.
  • Treatment of Madi Vanstone and her needed medications (in her own words "run around")
  • Liberal education advisor and Wynne transition team member up on Child Porn
New items that came up in the election...
  • 250,000 jobs lost since 2009
  • OPPA attack adds - hmm ,OPP got an 5% increase in 2010 and 8.5% increase this year alone.
  • Head of OPSEU calling Wynne a liar about job cuts.
  • The absolute fear mongering and distortions the Liberals have been putting out.
  • Tying University student loans to grades (I know one jerk barely got by ran up $50k and flunked out and declared bankruptcy)


There's probably a lot more we aren't privy to and will never know the extent of corruption, ineptitude and incompetence these jag offs have been a party to but that is a nice list lest anyone here would even entertain the thought of voting for them ever again.

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There's probably a lot more we aren't privy to and will never know the extent of corruption, ineptitude and incompetence these jag offs have been a party to but that is a nice list lest anyone here would even entertain the thought of voting for them ever again.


Exactly, I look at the Unions (even those that won't be affected) and their reactions, I see those that are SUPPOSED to be independent, OPP, UNIFOR (Media outlets Union) attacking the PCs, I see the Liberal fear mongering and we have to stop Hudak in an almost panicked rant.... it is pretty clear they are actually scared of the PCs (and to a lesser degree the NDP) getting a chance to look at the books etc. I really cringe at just how many secret contracts and deals and insider deals are out there costing Ontarian's billions!



Took me a minute to find it again.. substitute Wynne for McGuilty.




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Well apparently Timmy had to tuck tail and apologize today---it seems the PC's sent mail-outs to liberal supporters in London and Ottawa ---sending them to the wrong polling stations


Can't win fair...Cheat---much like the last federal election---still in court in Guelph


Ooops ---nothing like a steaming hot cup of voter suppression to give you that warm tingly feeling of freedom


Anyway >>>like I've said from the start---none are worth my vote---so here's who to vote for


http://toronto.ctvnews.ca/none-of-the-above-party-looks-to-provide-alternative-in-ontario-election-1.1860463--apparently catching on real quick

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Via Marilyn Taylor, who has been keeping track of Liberal scandals for the past eleven years. Read it, show it to friends who aren't clued in, share it far and wide. Be sure to give Marilyn credit for the list when you share.


This is the last time I will be posting my list of Liberal scandals. The choices are clear between the two leading parties. A vote for the Liberals is a vote to pay more taxes, receive fewer services, have money taken from your wallet and put into the wallets of the Liberals and their union friends, to condone the continuance of Liberal theft and corruption and to watch Ontario go completely bankrupt. A vote for the Conservatives is a vote to not pay any new taxes, to have your income taxes reduced once the budget is balanced, to have more services, to see a reduction in the size of the Liberal's newly-created bloated bureaucracy and to watch Ontario get on the road to economic recovery. If you care about your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren and are concerned about the massive debt the Liberal's have already saddled them with, don't vote Liberal.

Marilyn Taylor’s List of Liberal Scandals:

Green Energy Act (20 billion)
eHealth scandal (almost 2 billion)
Gas plant scandal (1.1 billion theft and cover-up of our tax dollars)
ORNGE scandal (700 million)
Ontario Northland Railway scandal (820 million)
Caledonia Hydro Line scandal (116 million)
Lobbyist scandal (two multi-million dollar scandals)
Eco-Fee Reversal scandal (18 million)
CancerCare Ontario scandal (millions of dollars)
Slush Fund scandal : giving millions away to immigrant groups without any accountability (32 million)
Presto (Ade Olumide is tackling this in court and has dug up a web of deceit, lies and cover-up’s that will cost us millions if not tens of millions)
Niagara Falls Commission scandal
Ontario Power Generation scandal
Children’s Aid Society scandal
Nanticoke Coal Power Plant Shutdown scandal
G20 Secretly Approved Police Power scandal
Foreign Scholarships scandal (our students pay the highest tuition in Canada while foreign students get free university educations)
Offshore Wind Turbines scandal
Samsung scandal (sole-sourcing)
Pan Am scandal (cost increase from 1.4 to 2.5 billion)
MPAC scandal (over and under-valuation of properties)
OLG scandal (millions of dollars)
Closed down the only English agriculture college in Eastern Ontario which is the hub of the dairy industry while St. Albert Cheese received one million dollars in funding the prior day despite not requesting it
Chemotherapy Dosage scandal
Payout for Pan Am CEO (250 million)
Trillium Wind Power and Sky Power Limited lawsuit (500 million)
Cement company lawsuit (275 million) - Quarry outside Hamilton was scuttled for political reasons
Spent 1.6 million of education funds intended for anti-bullying and autism awareness programs to cover legal fees for school bus lawsuit
Augusta/Westland lawsuit as it pertains to ORNGE
Elliot Lake Collapse lawsuits (two lives lost due to recovery delays)
Ontario Medical Association lawsuits - applied to Superior Court alleging McGuinty not negotiating in “good faith”
Breast Screening scandal (ensuing lawsuits due to thousands of misread mammograms, one life lost)
Class-action lawsuit for autism funding cancellation
Over 650 new agencies, boards, commissions and entities such as LHIN's and CCAC's
Over 300,000 new public servants many of whom, are on the sunshine list
Public sector employment in health care increased by 39%
Public sector employment in social services increased by 39%
Public sector employment in education increased by 34%
Paying more Liberal taxes only to receive fewer services as taxes now being spent to pay the salaries and perks of newly-assigned, Liberal-friendly public servants
Gutted our manufacturing base (job growth across Canada except in Ontario)
Almost one million Ontarians now out of work
Increased spending by 80% while our economy grew by only 9%
More than doubled our debt to 288 billion
Running a 11.3 billion annual deficit – debt servicing costs will rise from 11.4 billion today to 14.5 billion once the debt exceeds 300 billion by 2017-18
Interest payments on our debt now the third largest budget expenditure after health and education
Task Force on Competitiveness, Productivity and Economic Progress confirmed that McGuinty’s Green Energy Act grossly underestimated the cost to consumers and overestimated the number of new jobs that would be created
Tax collectors getting 45,000.00 severance packages for switching job titles from provincial to federal
Two OPP criminal investigations underway – ORNGE scandal and gas plant scandal
Pharmacy war
Illegal green taxes
Increased smart meter, electricity, hydro, tuition
Raising car insurance costs to the highest in Canada
Implemented a tire tax : my friend needed new tires for his farm tractor & eight tires at $352.00 each came to $2,816.00 for one tractor
Implemented an electronics tax, eco fee’s, Health Premium (tax), WSIB tax increase, HST, beer surtax
Failing grade on ADHD education
Ranking the lowest of all provinces for fiscal performance
Delisting eye exams, physiotherapy, chiropractic care, diabetic strips, etc.
Increasing wait time for cataract surgery
No longer covered for eye exams yet taxpayers paying for sex changes
Wait time for nursing home bed tripled
Failure to disclose elevated radiation levels
OES missed its collection and recycling targets by 59%
Not correcting the foreign ownership of our beer market
Acceptance of garbage striker extortion
Harassing labour inspectors
Kowtowing to green energy lobbies
Imposing blood alcohol rules that punish people who are not impaired
Millions wasted on questionable grants to multicultural groups, including 1 million to a cricket club which had asked for only 150,000.00
Trades college a self-serving Liberal creation to reward union friends
Public utilities donating to Liberals
Voting to cover up the Niagara Parks Commission scandal
Emergency room wait times not meeting provincial targets
Put on notice by Standard and Poor, credit rating downgraded, under a very serious credit watch
Have-not province for the first time in Canadian history
Borrowing more debt than any province except NB
Dramatic cuts in health care services in schools
Nurses getting bonuses despite a wage freeze
Insufficient senior homecare services
Failing grade of Family Responsibility Office
Abstained from vote to investigate CBC expenses
Cash kickback scheme involving government cleaning contracts that ended with the conviction of Liberal officials
Talked about a two-year freeze on wages for public sector while previously giving the OPP a 5% wage increase in 2011 and another raise of over 8% in January, 2014
Energy now unaffordable yet we must pay Quebec and some north-eastern States to take our surplus energy
Encouraging farmers to build small-scale solar projects but having no way to connect them to the power grid
Laid up in US hospital beds as no beds available in Ontario
Refusing public inquiry into G20 fiasco
Giving those who hire only newcomers a 10,000.00 tax credit
Third highest user of food banks
Announced pay freezes knowing that 38,000 were getting a 3% salary increase after the election
Hiding hospital errors from the public
Teachers skipping classes to assist with anti-Conservative campaign
Failing grade in northern forestry management
Almost 40 C. difficile deaths to date
Loss of 6,500 cancer patient health records
Highest rent increase rate in years
Ignoring evidence that wind turbines can cause poor health
Workers at eHealth suing for not receiving bonuses

Children pleading for life-saving medication that other provinces provide but Ontario doesn’t (Liam, Madi, Anya)
Ontarians dying due to a lack of health care (Kim recently lost her life to brain cancer)
Ontarians being denied eye care that other Ontarians have covered under OHIP (Liam)
Forced all-day childcare at a cost of 1.5 billion against Drummond’s recommendation
Electricity rates to rise 42% over five years – based upon Liberal proven lies and broken promises, rates will rise over 42%
Prior loss of 60,000 jobs in the horse racing industry – now attempting to correct this
Ring of Fire
Muslims praying in our public funded school system while the Lord’s prayer is banned
A pedophile was developing the Liberal’s sex education curriculum
Millions spent to remove the "C" from OLG when Ontario Lottery & Gaming Corporation was changed to Ontario Lottery & Gaming
McGuinty defunded the Centre for Forensic Sciences throwing a world-renowned police team who specialized in retrieving deleted computer files out of work two months before he resigned
Millions spent to needlessly redesign our provincial logo
Legal rights of Ontarians disregarded relative to the Caledonia-Mohawk matter
Education minister signing off on documents that she doesn't even read
Staggering increase in the Sunshine List
Nanny-state banning of nearly everything
Outrageous property assessments
Cancelling the mandatory LHIN review and giving their CEO’s $15,000 raises
Sneaking tax-dollars into Liberals campaign team coffers
Wynne’s brother-in-law appointed as 210,000/year interim eHealth CEO
London CAS charged 1.4M for false accusation and deleting documents
David Peterson, brother-in-law of Deb Matthews, appointed Pan American Games organizing committee chair
Wynne’s wife owns 50% of a consulting company that gets government business – including Ministry of Health
Numerous CAS problems identified by Provincial Auditor General include luxury vehicles, resort vacations, etc.
Lack of oversight regarding how often babies die in unregulated child care
Huge severance packages and bonuses paid out by taxpayer dollars
Creation of the Ontario College of Trades
Solid Gold scandal
AGCO decision disallows contract brewers like left field brewery at events that are licensed with a Special Occasion Permit (SOP)
Drive Clean Program changed to cost more
21,000+ adults and children with developmental disabilities on wait lists
Proposed hospital and winery grant to to win another by-election (fails)
Minimum wage increase concerns
1.4 billion Windsor Parkway’s serious safety flaws from substandard materials
Mike Crawley awarded 456 million wind contract while Liberal Party president
2.5 billion lawsuit from cancellation of turbines of Scarborough shore which saved 2 Liberal seats and led to WTO ruling
Mishandling of the outlaw of pit bulls
10.00 tax on tax increase on license plate stickers every year for the past 3 years
Introduction of a “modest” 70% increase on the heavy truck licensing sticker fees
Lack of provincial action regarding the Law Society of Upper Canada that does not protect the public from lawyers who steal from their clients
Advising that 5.00 was more than enough to feed seniors in a nursing home every day
4 billion dollars taken from the debt retirement charge fund, thereby adding 5 more years to the payoff time
Health Minister Deb Matthews blames doctors for nursing homes drugging residents at an alarming rate
Working Families Coalition is another Liberal scam of epic proportions
Wynne approved a 317 million bailout to the MaRS office building in downtown Toronto without the public’s knowledge or approval of the Legislature “after” she dissolved government
1 million spent to set up fake twitter accounts supporting Wynne’s road tolls proposition
Terminated 2,500 nursing jobs in 2011
Vandalizing opposition signs and replacing them with Liberal signs during elections
ORNGE charged with 17 offences under the Canadian Labour Code
Ontario ignored cancer lab warnings
Hid the over payment by billions of the "Debt Retirement Charge"
Supply teachers paid to “help stop Hudak”
Wynne didn’t correct the media when they reported in error that she “studied at Harvard” - she went there for a one week seminar only
McGuinty changed the green energy rules to benefit Liberal-linked firms
Continued to give out hundreds of millions of dollars a year in tax subsidies to TV and film productions despite a scathing internal assessment that questioned whether the money was the best way to help the industries
Liberals receiving perks at Metrolinx
Continuing to cover on our dime, the same health care for refugees that we get “plus” supplemental health care for refugees that we don’t get after the federal government cancelled giving refugees free supplemental health care

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Well apparently Timmy had to tuck tail and apologize today---it seems the PC's sent mail-outs to liberal supporters in London and Ottawa ---sending them to the wrong polling stations


Can't win fair...Cheat---much like the last federal election---still in court in Guelph


Ooops ---nothing like a steaming hot cup of voter suppression to give you that warm tingly feeling of freedom


Anyway >>>like I've said from the start---none are worth my vote---so here's who to vote for


http://toronto.ctvnews.ca/none-of-the-above-party-looks-to-provide-alternative-in-ontario-election-1.1860463--apparently catching on real quick



Wynne really is desperate to try and make this an issue, distractions, distortions... and even according to the head of OPSEU the fraud we see on TV is the one standing in front of the Liberal sign making promises she won't keep.



A few elections ago I got the wrong address from elections Canada and they PCs are showing integrity fixing it....

"“Today, I was made aware that letters from my campaign may have caused some confusion for residents of 64 households in the riding of London North Centre,” she said in a statement Tuesday. “I want to apologize for any inconvenience. We are contacting these households to clarify.”"


"Tory officials said the PC candidates in both ridings were also hand-delivering notices to make sure voters get the right information about where their polling stations are actually located."



I get it you have made up your mind and don't want to look at the reality but I hope you decide to take a look like the your whining about the Liberal rants about voters needing an ID (which the Liberals require in their own internal votes for candidates... hypocrisy).






Wow, several I had forgot and quite a few I hadn't heard of too, thanks! Clearly a vote for the Liberals is a vote for higher taxes, electricity rates, corruption etc. :clapping:


I had forgot about the 600% increase in licenses for hair dressers thanks to the College of Trades and how barbers that had been doing men's hair for 20+ years were now required to take courses on women's hair styling and the handling of Caledonia.

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Well apparently Timmy had to tuck tail and apologize today---it seems the PC's sent mail-outs to liberal supporters in London and Ottawa ---sending them to the wrong polling stations


Can't win fair...Cheat---much like the last federal election---still in court in Guelph


Ooops ---nothing like a steaming hot cup of voter suppression to give you that warm tingly feeling of freedom


Anyway >>>like I've said from the start---none are worth my vote---so here's who to vote for


http://toronto.ctvnews.ca/none-of-the-above-party-looks-to-provide-alternative-in-ontario-election-1.1860463--apparently catching on real quick

Link is not working? Getting 404'd .... I'm assuming Libertarian party? I looked at them as a choice, perhaps my only.... Hard to vote from their website alone however.

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