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If your odometer rolls 66,666.6 just before reaching...


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...turn around immediately and head back home!


About the only thing that went right the last 10 days was meeting Bernie (Nipissing) in Powassan..but that was before the odometor rolled over with 2 x the :devil:


Had a nice short chat with Bernie, since he was a man short in the shop, coaxed a few custom poured jigs out of him and Leah bought a mitt full of tickets on a Geisler Cedar Strip canoe while we were there.


Arrived in Temagami about 1 pm or so and loaded up our steel boat to head to the island. Thought I'd go inside, just to see how things looked for the planned new boat launch in the am and that's when things went to hell. Been looking forward to the day since November and not what I needed to hear...


"Ummm..none of your electronics on the network are working because Lowrance has us backordered on a tee and an adapter to go from Blue to red connectors." :o:o " Your LCX112 works for GPS/Fishfinder and your Hotmap and Gold + chips are here."


"Parts should be here in the am...or so we were told by Bay Distributors"


Came close to blowing a gasket, but left before I did thinking tomorrow things would be fine.


Rains like a B arstard all Monday afternoon and when I go to pump the water out of the boat before dark...bilge pump toast.


Tuesday AM I call over to the Marina to see where we stand..sounds like they need the day and that's fine...I'll just come over and get a new bilge pump.


Get out of the boat, tie up the front line and my new Canon digital takes a swan dive into 30 FOW.


Now we play around in the marina work shop, look a few things over and boat may be ready soon....then call made and electronic parts aren't coming today. I can live with that...then it's realized in the hussle and bussel of pre-long weekend scrambling my kicker motor hasn't been PDI'd. Tell them I haven't drank in almost 10 years but I'm getting pretty dang close...we leave and go back to the island and I use the time to install some copper pipes/fittings to the laundry room to get rid of the hoses that have been used for many years before we bought the place.


Call the local realestate guy..that also Scuba dives and arrange to meet him at the marina 8am Wedneday morning. Took longer to get his dry suit zipped around him, than it took to find the camera...that unfortunately turned itself on when it got wet. Drying it out in the oven failed to revive it.....but the memory card's still good.


About an hour later we go launch the new Lund for the first time. I go park the truck and trailer and get out..look back at the trailer and think "something looks wrong in this picture" Lund/Shorelander shipped a trailer with dual ST185/R80-13's with two ST215/R75-14 spares... all ordered as a package. Add that to the WTHell list and we take a run to the hub and back (30 miles) with the boat. Everything runs great and we head back to the cottage to install my bow mount for the Big Jon planner mast. I get in there and find Lunds pre-package work has been done by an 8 year old, and I'm insulting the 8 year old! Holes drilled for my bow mounts mounting plate got drilled tooo tight to the gunnel extrusion and they couldn't put nuts on 2 bolts out of 4...so they used the friction of the bolt rubbing the extrusion and no nut. They added 2 more smaller bolts forward of that to make up for it and then didn't bother tightening anything up. Next find that my LCX112 is flopping back and forth on the helm RAM mount only to find it and it's three bolts loose by about 4 full turns. Pulled the instrument panel out of my brand new boat to fix that and hell...straightened the Tach and trim gauges that they installed crooked while I was in there. Wiring done by someone at Lund with a days electrical training. Couple cheap crimps and a yard of electrical tape...fuse holders in an area that requires pulling the instrument panel vs having access from below in the access hole under the steering wheel.


Go to install the Navionics chips and find the Gold + is for a Raymarine unit and not a Lowrance. Fine..don't need it..Hot Map is the right one to cover our lake.


Another thing that went right...was we went out Thursday for about 8 hours and put some fish in the boat. Pulling BIG 5 of diamonds spoons I nailed a nice 25 Inch laker and shortly after Leah reeled in a 20 incher. Kicker runs beautiful for trolling, and pushes the boat effortlessly ...anywhere from 0.4 to 5.8 MPH For those that know the lake, we trolled all the way from Axe Narrows..up and around Ketchenany lodge...spawning bay to Ricks' other place and all the way back to the Axe Narrows. The LCX112 is a dream with the hot map chip in. No more scrolling the shoal chart like town crier, while trying to steer and fish. The hydraulic steering is a dream...point and shoot!


Friday I started going thru the boat looking for other "snags" and found seat stitching issues and some (3 pages) other stuff that I'll leave until Lund addresses it all. One major issue... the Motorguide bow mount and it's 60 inch shaft is useless. It just makes it under water if I'm standing up there and even then it cavitates on anything by absolute SLOW. Comes out of the water if I leave the bow.


Saturday we took our 2nd run down the lake and I wound her out a BIT (55 MPH @ 5800 RPM). Didn't push it, but followed the breakin suggestions..which after 2 hours allow FULL power runs for 5 minutes. We shattered the clear side curtains out of it and found the roll Dufort tops used had sharp creases in it, or someone stomped them after folding them up. New ones on the way and I've already "red greened" the boat with some silver tarp tape on them for now. Still getting closer and closer to pouring a STIFF one at this point!


Sunday it froze rain.


Monday Leah and I had a little pow wow with the old owner and new owner of Temagami Marine. They, as always, have been great and jumped thru hoops..even pulling some nice gold/silver wheels off a trailer so I had spares to come home. They are totally embarrased with Lunds pre-package work and are arranging a meeting with Lund reps for June when I get back up.


Fished off the dock Monday night...jig and a worm. 4 lb OOS Smallie..released and then as my jig flops back in the water the biggest Northern I've seen on the lake yet ambushes from under the dock...SNAP!


Tuesday we went out for a quick 2 hour troll before the hockey game. Leah pulling a 5 of diamonds for lakers and I threw on a TD-11 Blue flash for Pickeral...or so I thought. About 8:45 I said to Leah.."well...we got skunked, lets go in and watch the game" and my TD-11 rod bent over. I thought great, a big Pickeral for the pan but much to my surprise it was a nice chunky 24" Laker. Released like the others and in to watch the game...then Detroit waits 40 minutes to start playing hockey!


Wednesday night fishing of the dock...no fish... but black flies burrowing and mosquitoes drawing blood. I'm slapping and zing...there goes my eye glasses into 20 FOW. Will look for those when the water gets warmer in June!


Thursday...worst part...had to come home. Trailer pulls like a dream behind the F150. Don't even know it's there, other than I need to get over to Ford to get some extending mirrors. Disc brakes on trailer nice and smooth. NO push, what so ever, even at the red light at the bottom of the STEEP grade coming South into North Bay on #11.


Tomorrow I figure out how to mount my Pursuit tracks...hope it goes better than the last 10 days and heading over to Backwater Tackle to see if they can get Motorguide to ship them a custom 78" shaft for the bowmount..so it can be used. Be really nice instead of it being a bow decoration.


Any pictures I have are on a Kodak disposable that Leah ran to town to buy...she even got the underwater one as a joke/suggestion/hint! :P Will be a while before I get those developed and onto a CD.


Thanks for reading my anguish!

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Man what a read, I was feeling your pain, are you sure your Lund isnt a Legend in diguise? I went through hell with a legend I bought 2 yrs ago, everything went wrong with it, I think it was a Friday afternoon special, at least the marina is trying hard to get things resolved, I had to threaten legal action to get them to act. I finally brought it back and got my new boat, an Alumacraft and am very happy with it. It is a very solid and well crafted boat. When you said your camera fell in the water it reminded me of when my razor cell phone took a dip, first in my pocket when I had to get in the water, it worked after drying out, then I bent over the bow to release the clip and PLOP! it drops into the water, another inch and it would have landed on the concrete. Well this killed it, had to buy another one. Same outing everything on the boat just quits at full throttle, cant find the problem and drift downstream for 2 hrs. We had time so we trolled. LUCKILY a couple of guys came along and towed us the rest of the way to the ramp, unfortunately the motor was all the way down and we couldnt find the manual release so we couldnt load it on the trailor. Finally after a while a bunch of people helped lift each side and placed a log underneath so it was high enough to trailor. Turns out the man. release is a tiny plastic screw to bleed the hydrolics.


Well hopefully all the bugs will be worked out before your next outing. Good luck and I enjoyed your sense of humour about the whole thing.

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Sure hate to hear those horror stories,Wayne,You mentioned that the wiring was done by an 8 yr. old and it sounds like their younger sibling did the PDI on your rig.....Sure hope Lund gets on the ball,so your next trip is more pleasant.I think I'd be writing letters for a week.....Here's to hoping they cure their problems......TC and tight lines........Chuck.

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Welcome back Wayne. You had some hard luck with the camara and glasses but everything about the boat really pisses me off. You're handling this a lot better than I would.

I have zero tolerance for poor workmanship.


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well I always say, if you spend under 100000.00 for a boat don't expect too much..LOL



sorry to hear of all your problems...as long as they make good on everything, life will be good

hide the booze

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Man oh man, Wayne....I think there might be a few guys backing away from Lunds after your report. Reading your story, I thought to myself that I should live closer to you and just follow you around picking up stuff off the bottom of the lake wherever you pass. It's just a matter of time before the Lowrance hits the H2O.

A 78" shaft on a bowmount is crazy! You need to get yourself more muskie tackle and store it in the bow.

I feel your pain Bud but things will work out.


ps. Listen to Terry, booze will not repair any of that stuff.

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I dont know what to say,what a f$$ked up tour you had.Well yer home safe and sound in yer own bed. Guess life cant ba all that bad eh. ;)


Thanks Leah for the lausgh with the under water camera.LOL



Not surprised the F150 pulled like a team of horses.

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Holy crap Wayne!!!


Not what you would expect out of a high 5 digit boat!


I'd be a little disapointed with the marina as well though, after all, they should have noticed, not all of these items, but at least some of them!


Hey, it can only get better from here!

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Sounds like a rough outing Wayne. I hope you get it all worked out to your satisfaction with the boat. Your off to a great start with the fishing and can't wait to see some of the pics.


Maybe you should consider a scuba course or lanyards on everything you carry around the dock.



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Oh man Wayne...sorry to hear about all the problems!!! I'd be absolutely livid after spending that kind of money on it!! I know you had been looking forward to this past week...heck...so was I after seeing your boat a few months ago!! Hopefully everything will work itself out...and this boat lasts years and years...pull in LOTS of fish....and one day you'll recount this story with a laugh. (or maybe not!! ACK! :dunno:)

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Guest mistyriver1

Sorry to hear about your tough luck Wayne. I hope the issues with your boat get straightened away. Glad to hear you got some fish though.


Oh....just how many drinks did you end up having ?? :whistling:

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Sorry to read about your misfortune.


At the $$$$$ you paid I would expect the Lund rep to make good. Their reputation rides on satisfying one customer at a time.



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Welcome back Wayne. You had some hard luck with the camara and glasses but everything about the boat really pisses me off. You're handling this a lot better than I would.

I have zero tolerance for poor workmanship.



I've had a bunch of time to cool off Brian! The marina knows where they stand and not more than 5% is issue with them. The rest is Lund. Maybe I'm a tad pickier than some, but I wrote the cheque so I have every right to be. None of it is major, just little sheeet that pisses you off... like a sewing mistake, in the the headrest trim bead, of a $1000 captains chair.

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The OD turned just as a black cat crossed your path. MAN that is bad luck. Glad to see you didn't drink away the week.


I am sure you will get it all worked out in the short run.

Take care and enjoy the boat after everything is fixed.



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Gee I always thought Lund`s were perfect(tongue firmly planted in cheek) apparently not.


Wayne your a better man than me if that would have happen to my new 20K Alumacraft I would have freaked,There is no exuse for the shoddy workmanship for any priced boat let alone a boat that cost a lot more than my first house.

The dealer needs to accept some resposibility for this as well for them to deliver a rig at anything less than pristine condition is unacceptable.


I hope everything works for you.

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Thanks everyone! Yes everything will be fine, when all is said and done. Just not the way you envision things to go after waiting since November to let 'er rip and if you talk to Leah you'll find I wasn't a great companion to be around for the last 10 days! Good thing we'll be spending June 8th 'till fall a mile from the Marina...so they can install the replacement items as they come in from Lund. Think we'll just pre-plan for Tuesday am service visits each week. Marina owner isn't at all happy with Lund either. At his expense he's had to replace the solid pedestals under the captains chairs with Air units as that's what I have on my invoice and Lund didn't install them saying he ordered wrong. He's also out a pair of trim switches for the bow, the time to install them and 50 hours of PDI work that he'd figured 8 should have covered... if Lund had done the pre-package fully like was supposed to happen.


The Lund rep already left me a pair of Lund PDF's for the letter I wrote the VP of Lund back in the winter...ie their dealer non-participation in quoting my boat. Maybe after all this Bull....when I get back to the lake I'll find an SS Classic for a tender waiting for me I arrive. :rolleyes:

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Wow! Now that is a trip to look back on one day and just shake your head and laugh.


I wouldn't say you are picky at all Wayne. You bought a Lund because of what they are supposed to be, quality and a tradition of solid workmanship. I hope that they aren't getting complacent these days, relying on their reputation to carry them, that only works for a very short amount of time before word gets out.


I trust they will do everything to correct the problems, but that's not the point, you paid to have it perfect from the time you took delivery. I think it is completely unacceptable that they could deliver your boat in that state, where is quality control?


Maybe they are the ones drinking? :rolleyes:


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Quite possible Tony..ie drinking.


They shot themselves in the foot closing the Manitoba plant. They don't have enough capacity now. You can't order a 2007 boat to your specs...you can only buy what's on the dealer floors/pre-orders now.


Speaking of which...if you still want that serial #1- 2025 Limited Edition I've already crawled thru it somewhat. Can complete the PDI for you in a couple weeks! LOL :D

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Well Holy Crap, I can see why you didn't post your report right away. I'm glad you didn't succumb to your drinking urge, because we all know, that never solves anything.


It can only go uphill from here Wayne, AND you caught fish :thumbsup_anim:


Thanks for the report!



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Yep..we caught fish. The boat is good luck in that regard. Hopefully we'll have it all straightened out before Lakair.


Could have been worse believe it or not...


The Temagami Marine Fishing "Pro" dropped his new 2007 - 1900 Pro-V in the water right behind us on Wednesday. With a total of 0.3 hours on it and it's 225 Optimax he shoaled it doing 61 MPH. Sheared about 75 rivet heads off the bottom and made the lower units bullet look like a peeled banana!

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