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Good info on Climate Change…fishing related if you join the dots.


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Cram, carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone are all green house gases.


Studying for many years what Irishfield posted, there very well could be more concentration, along with many other chemicals and elements we are not being told about.


The last few years have definitely been different.


Record number of earthquakes world wide since 2011.


Record number of dangerous active volcanoes in 2010 and 1013.


Am I going to believe something in the air is causing this...not a

As far as oil and minerals in the arctic. Well he who controls the riches controls the world.


The information Irishfield has ( well done Irish ) is only the tip of the iceberg on what's going on, on this planet.


I believe it behooves one to look beyond what we are being spoon fed.

you must be wearing the same tinfoil hat as i. Pretty obvious gnarly things are being done by government and corporations. In my area, they are spraying over treaty land that has tons of mining potential. Something else to speculate about, lol.
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Knightfisher -- my point is, if the arctic wasn't melting why are so many countries lining up to fight each other for what's underneath the ice? Why is China working hard to get included? Do you think they're all pretending?

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Cram just a guess, but if oil and such have been found up there, as I already answered earlier, major countries want a piece of it. China growing as quickly as they are need any and all resources they can to keep their economy going. No pretending, these countries are always looking, whether on land, ice or water. Hope I answered your questions. Not trying to change your mind. Some of my points and Irishfield's are pretty good fodder for thought. Do with it what you will.





you must be wearing the same tinfoil hat as i. Pretty obvious gnarly things are being done by government and corporations. In my area, they are spraying over treaty land that has tons of mining potential. Something else to speculate about, lol.

Always like looking outside the box. I have tinfoil on all my windows as well, just makes it hard to drive sometimes :rofl2:

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"mostly from planes coming from the US"... how do you know where they are coming from?


Mummm's the word, nobody will say how, who is paying for it or where they come from... but I have some good intel and suspicions. I watch it almost daily but aways at least weekly..... at one point 6 aircraft lined up in a half mile grid turning on and turning off the spray and then they all came around and checkerboarded it. Commercial flights don't fly that way...

& Happy April's Fool's Day to you too!

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Cram just a guess, but if oil and such have been found up there, as I already answered earlier, major countries want a piece of it. China growing as quickly as they are need any and all resources they can to keep their economy going. No pretending, these countries are always looking, whether on land, ice or water. Hope I answered your questions. Not trying to change your mind. Some of my points and Irishfield's are pretty good fodder for thought. Do with it what you will.

My point is, that stuff is only exposed if the ice melts.....and many of the arctic countries (including ours) are investing a lot of $ to position themselves around it. If the governments were making all this up, why would they simultaneously be betting large on the ice melting?

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My point is, that stuff is only exposed if the ice melts.....and many of the arctic countries (including ours) are investing a lot of $ to position themselves around it. If the governments were making all this up, why would they simultaneously be betting large on the ice melting?

Cram I didn't say the governments were making this up. I stated in my second post the climate is changing. I don't believe the ice melts are due to CO2. The planet is in constant change. We have had five ice ages. After that comes the warming. It's a constant cycle of change. To think a simple gas is going to change the entire planet...to me is the biggest joke put to mankind.

Really a simple gas is causing all this....blah

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OK I'm waiting on my paint to dry on my cow so I'll bite....


Always willing to listen to the best conspiracy theories and form an opinion....


With most things in this world being ultimately done for $$$$


Why and to what end would anyone have to seed barium in the sky??


Not doubting you----but I am open minded enough to realize there are things out there I do not know

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Again even if it's called Geo-Engineering---what is the reason for doing it??


Google has way too many directions on this----why it may be done??

barium is supposedly not the only thing being sprayed, so its tough to say why specifically. It may be for many reasons. Many people who are in areas being sprayed are having damaged soils, and that of course effects food growing etc. in my area, the only thing i can think of is damaging the land and rendering it useless, and using that as a tool to gain mining rights. We sit on huge mineral deposits but its on treaty land. The aboriginals are saying an absolute no to mining these areas. Things might change if the land is useless so to speak??? Who knows. I thought a lot about this in the last few yeas watching the planes spray the same areas almost daily(in spring/summer/fall). And in all honesty, its te only thing i could rationalize. Doesn't mean its true though but who is gonna answer the questions??? Edited by manitoubass2
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Geo-engineering is like praying on a magic diet pill instead of eating healthy and excercising. "Let's use more oil and chemicals to try and neutralize our use of oil!" I don't think the chemicals are what's going to kill us, but instead our dependency on oil.


Every single person living in modern society is dependent on oil. Your paper Timmy's cup, proudly paddled across the Pacific, right? And when you're done with that cup, someone out there will walk a plastic bag full of garbage straight to the landfill, another few hundred kilometres away.



Even BP has an energy outlook saying that oil use will be much less by 2030. Perhaps they want to make less revenue and sell less gas? Or is it that we're just actually running low on supplies? Even if we use less oil, there are plans for more use of shale gas (Fracking - Look it up if you're not familiar!) and other nasty forms fo energy.


Whether you choose to believe that climate change is true or not, human society as a whole is pointing straight towards destruction. Humanity would end from 2 causes, either we destroy the environment so bad that the food and water poisons us, or the instant we run out of oil. It's not a 2012, or Y2K where you're given a date, it's just that when it happens you'll know it.


To say that we can find an alternative to oil, what do we do to feed to all of the people that are out of jobs in car manufacturing? What about the lithium powered car and all the oil that was used to bring each part into the factory? And all of the plastic in the interiors that we love so much?


This is fishing related, because a dead man can't fish ;)

Edited by EC1
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I wonder in NWO if that spraying isn't for insects in forest??


I know that pine beetle issue in BC killed huge tracts of trees

weird areas to spray if that was the case. But it could be??? Then again there has been no discussions on infestations or invasive species here locally. That also doesn't explain planes flying from the US when we have planes in the area that could carry that duty. Also, pretty gnarly to spray whatever they're spraying so close to populated areas. Also, some of these planes, well most really are low flying jets. Edited by manitoubass2
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To control the weather... and UV protection. A perfectly sunny day will go from just that to totally overcast in 30 to 45 minutes. I guess being a pilot I look up more than most here....


Oh and I've been called on the picture... ... That shot very well could be just a ballast test on a new aircraft model, or it could be spray tanks based on the hazmat box on the bulkhead wall, I'll let you decide.


Trust me it's going on lads. Our own CANFOR has spread more tinfoil from Trenton to Kenora than you'd want to know and cloud spraying has been going on since the 60's trying to make it rain. The latest and greatest in large cargo tankers for the past decade + making cloud cover to block the UV... all part of the $ game.

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O K you caught us we are slowly but surely spraying chemicals over Canada that prevents conception. We hope to some day move the evil empire all the way North so we can catch all of your fish. LOL :wallbash:





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Interesting read from the US state department.



The following was written in the mid 1970s.




Use of environmental modification techniques for hostile purpose does not play a major role in military planning at the present time. Such techniques might be developed in the future.....



continue reading if interested at link below. Highlite it and use google.









Can we believe all the countries who signed this United

Nations agreement, will not play with the weather ?



More food for thought.

Edited by knightfisher
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