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Cottage Opening and 2 Walleye Openers


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I left last Thursday with my dad and uncle to my place in N/W Quebec. I hadn't been up there since last fall and was anxious to see if everything was okay.

First order of business once we arrived was to uncover the boat, clean it out a bit and throw on the motor. We loaded all our gear into it, hooked it up to the truck and backed her in.


Believe it or not that's a small load, usually I'm hauling wood and other building supplies over, but this wasn't a work trip.

It was a gorgeous day, bluebird skies, warm temps., and not a single bug! The drive over to the cabin was great.


Here's us just approaching the cabin.


First thing I did was hook up the dock (man that water is cold!)


After we unpacked I had to re-hook all the plumbing and get the water pump going. That was a bit of a pain as the foot valve wasn't working and I had to take it apart , clean it up and re-assemble it, but in the end it was fine and I managed to fill our water tank.

Here's a couple of shots of the inside of the main cabin, the sunroom and the deck, most of which I rebuilt last year.






Here's a couple of shots from the water.



Everything was fine, so we poured a couple of drinks, relaxed and readied our tackle for the Quebec Walleye opener on my lake the next day, Friday the 18th.

Friday we were up early and were greeted by another picture perfect, warm and sunny day.

Here's the ice breaker, a decent pike for my dad!


My uncle with a keeper.


My dad with another.


I caught some as well ;)



All in all it was an incredible day. We caught a ton of fish, and shared a lot of laughs :D .

Over dinner that night we talked about our plans for Saturday. My place is right on the Ontario border and I happen to know an excellent little back lake just filled with fish. That's where we headed the next morning for our second consecutive opening day :P .


Forgot to mention, we awoke Saturday to a massive cold front. From 20 degrees on Friday to a high of 3 on Saturday with bone chilling wind...it was brutal conditions!

Still, once we launched and started fishing we caught a ridiculous number of fish! :D



It was total mayhem, with many triple headers. Mostly walleye, but a lot of pike as well.

I decided to move to another spot and in short order we began to catch OOS smallmouth bass. We were getting quite a few walleye as well, but eventually moved so as not to disturb the bass...




This was the typical size of the walleyes


After a while the 2 old guys (both in their 70's) couldn't take the cold anymore, so we pulled ashore at a sheltered spot and I lit a fire for them.



I kept a few fish for a shorelunch, and that was definitely the highlight of the day for my dad and uncle! :)




After lunch, we fished for a bit more and caught another pile of fish. Here's my dad with one.


I caught the last fish of the trip ('course it was the largest :D ). I'm really not giving everyone the finger here, just showing off my war wound. The fish's gill plate cut me pretty bad when I grabbed it.


At this point it ice pellets and rain started to fall, so it was definitely time to go. Another great day with my dad and uncle though, with the fishing being unreal. Definitely fly-in calibre! :) . The old boys had a great day!

Sunday we didn't fish at all. My dad and uncle lounged and relaxed all day around the fire and I started working on a much needed new outhouse. (dirty job digging the hole but it had to be done!). We barbecued some killer steaks and had a few drinks Sunday night to cap off a perfect trip. Couldn't have gone any better (except for the drive home today :angry: , that I could've lived without).

Can't wait to get back up there though, I miss it already ;)


cheers, Mike

Edited by solopaddler
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Wow, Mike, what a great place to get away to, a great report, can't beat getting away with the ones you love, doing what you love, well worth the download time to see those pics. Thanks for taking the time to post them.



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About 61/2-7 hours depending on stops or traffic.


Thank's for the kind words everyone!


Yikes, how often do you get up there? If that were me I'd likely only make it up twice a year; with the amount of fuel and cost.



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Yikes, how often do you get up there? If that were me I'd likely only make it up twice a year; with the amount of fuel and cost.




It's definitely too far for just a weekend, you need at least 3 days, preferably 4 to make it worthwhile.

I actually go up quite often, at least a couple times a month for 4 days, and 2 separate weeks in the summer with the family.

Yeah, the gas is getting to be a killer, but even so it's still worth it.

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well mike another great report

i guess youll half 2 get here in northeastern ontario youll half to show me what is going on


cause the fish dont wanna coop with me

let me know PM me

im here in the north


Check your messages bud ;)


Here's a few more assorted pic's from the weekend:



















cheers, Mike

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Mike ,are you the only one that has a cottage on the lake?




No, there's actually quite a few, although they're all water access and located in the south end closer to the marina.

The lake goes for another 10km north of my place and there's not much activity up that way.


Thank's again everyone,


cheers, Mike :Gonefishing:

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