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Thank you Muskoka!! Sucessfull solo adventure.


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This has been a bit of a crappy week. My son was home sick for 2 days, so I had to take work off. Its nice to be able to hang out with him all day. But it sucks loosing 2 days pay!!


Hes become quite the little outdoorsman. On his first day off, he couldnt figure out why we werent outside playing. He kept trying to escape. I ended up giving in, and taking him for a car ride. We ran up Tiny beaches Rd up to the Christian Island Ferry Docks. I didnt realize they ran a ferry in the winter.




Alex tried to climb in to his carrier a few times!



Balm Beach



Tiny Beaches Rd - That's a serious snowbank!



The busted ice from the ferry



The second day he had off, we stayed home all day. He just wanted to sleep all day, which was fine with me!


This morning, I was dying to get a breath of fresh air, and get in a good workout. So I went on a solo adventure. Snowshoe a 5km round trip to a spot Ive always wanted to try for pickerel.


In my mind, this is how it was supposed to go. Get up at 5:30, drive 30 minutes, shovel spot to park, 30 minute hike in (2.5km), poke 1 whole, prey for 30 FOW, cuz you dont want to poke a second hole, be set up and fishing by 8am, catch a massive pickerel, repeat in reverse, home around 10:30 11.


What actually happened?

Sleep in, get up at 6 to a crying baby. Hit the 400, get stuck behind a plow going 40. Cant pass. Get to my back road, no plows yet! So I snow plowed with my VW Golf for about 10k to my parking spot. The snow was coming up over my hood and windshield half the time Shovel out a parking spot. As I'm finishing, the plow comes by!!!! :devil: My 30 minute hike turned in to an hour, because the fresh 18 of snow! Get to my spot, spud through 16 of ice. DAM! Only 17 FOW!! Ah well, Ill give it a try. Look at my clock, and realize if Im going to be home in time, I can only fish for 45 minutes. Try a buckshot and minnow.. Only marking bait fish.. Switch to a Williams for some flash.. Still only marking bait fish. Been fishing for 15 minutes now.. Stand up to adjust my floater (zip it up, because my sweety carcass is starting to freeze). As Im standing up, I see a massive mark on the finder. No messing around, he hammered the Williams right away and fight was on. A short fight, but still fun.



I got so excited once he was one the ice. Yelling and screaming at the top of my lugs! All sorts of profanities came out.. For such a tough slug to get out there, to land a nice fish (my PB for this lake), it made it all worth while.

A few shots before I packed up and left.




Nice chunky male.




Now.. Whats up with Muskoka this year! This is my third trip to this area. All three times there has been little to no snow at my house. But as soon as I hit the 400, its a wall of snow. This is the third time in a row I have beat the plows to the back rd and had to snow plow in with my car Brian and Terry can attest to the first time this year! This time was even worse.!


It turned out to be a great morning. Excellent work out, fresh air and some table fare!

Edited by N.A.W
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Thanks Guys!




Yer a trooper. Ya that golf can go where no man has gone before.SOMETIMES.


Great report Nick. :canadian:

Yep, the Golf will go anywhere, as long as there's no ice! That dam road was horrible!


Great report, Nick. It must have been nice and peaceful there on that lake. Thanks for sharing.

It was exactly what I needed!


The walk home was a blinding blizard with the wind in my face, and my tracks had mostly blown over, so that wasn't so peacefull.

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Nice report!! And a great walleye for the efforts.

Hit back lake last week for Splake , brutal hike in. Even worse hike out carrying the big skunking I got . Your right, can't believe the snow accumulation up there this year

They have been getting a pounding for sure. Some areas have 3 - 4 feet of snow, still after the big thaw a few weeks back.

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Cool report Nick! That is total dedication and passion for fishing!

It's a combination between living an extremely healthy/active lifestyle, passion for the outdoors, and obsession for ice fishing. Bring em all together. Add fridged cold temps and a blizzard. Now that's a fun way to spend a morning!


nice going


you should just mount a plow on that golf

I should just get a new vehicle!


Nice little treat for your efforts. Time to buy a 6" hand auger lol!!

I have nasty tennis elbow. Turning an auger feels like someone is cutting my arm off with a rusty hack saw. So I use my spud pole when I can. I knew there was current in this area and was expecting thin ice. 6" max. But I set up to close to shore. There was actually sticks there from previous fisherman, so I thought, what the heck...


Hmm, do I know this lake?


Nice fish there!

I've never mentioned this spot to you before :ninja::canadian:


I would have turned around at '...snow plow'.


Bet you slept good that night!


Good job slamming that PB!

I sleep good almost every night. :sleeping_02: I get at least 3 workouts like this every week. Just not usually this fun! Last week I briskly broke 8km of snowshoe trail with Alex on my back. :canadian:


I know the numbers on this lake are low. But the Walters you can manage to catch, are chunky. I'm gunna try again, this winter. There are tanks in the lake, and I want one!

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