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When you're in a position of power you're supposed to be aware of the fact that you're always going to held to a higher standard, that you are essentially always going to be under the microscope all the time. Its part of the career. You have people that work for you to address this issue as well... It can keep unrolling but he still seems worth defending? At what point does an individual swallow their pride?

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Proof positive the Toronto star is a rag.


Bully to bully.


People have been literally badgered to death for the way they look, where they're from and for past indescretions they can't take back. The Toronto star took it upon themselves, in the name of public interest to buy and then air a video, taken in private? What benefit would that have to the greater public? Why did the public need to see and hear that?


They have dogged Rob ever since he decared his candidacy to become Mayor which he did in convincing fashion over the likes of illicit party drug boy Smitherman(another incompetent Lieberal). I could see the smirk on mikey cooks'(star editor & chief) face through the radio as I listened to his contrived reasoning for the airing of the video. Just another Red Rag posing as voice and conscience. And I'm referred to as one lacking credibility?


Partisanship is alive and well and the sooner the left is eradicated the better we will all be. Except for those who have been eradicated of course.

Edited by moxie
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I don't know why you keep turning this to "left" and "right" when its just about the moral fiber of the individual in power.


..and of course you go off with the nicknames and labels again?

Just because I disagree with the indiscretions of the representative of a capital city does not mean i lean one way or the other.

Edited by JBailey
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I can't believe this has gone 11 pages!


You people need to get back to talking about fishing!

mike ianconelli fishes hard and fast, signs of crack use or maybe even meth. Plus he jumped outta boat!!! Crazy talk. Hes guilty for sure. See what that tourny official caught on film in his livewell????
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Lol misfish, pretty sure crack is cheaper than wisers. Unless of course you combine the two... Dr that up and save millions???? Anyhow just poking fun. I care none. Poli twit tions are all guilty on numerous accounts, drunken stupers included

haha, its the opposite, users purchase a hit for anywhere from $5-20 and it lasts at most 20 minutes. A $13 mickey can keep you lit for an hour or two haha (tolerance a factor?)

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Proof positive the Toronto star is a rag.


Bully to bully.


People have been literally badgered to death for the way they look, where they're from and for past indescretions they can't take back. The Toronto star took it upon themselves, in the name of public interest to buy and then air a video, taken in private? What benefit would that have to the greater public? Why did the public need to see and hear that?


They have dogged Rob ever since he decared his candidacy to become Mayor which he did in convincing fashion over the likes of illicit party drug boy Smitherman(another incompetent Lieberal). I could see the smirk on mikey cooks'(star editor & chief) face through the radio as I listened to his contrived reasoning for the airing of the video. Just another Red Rag posing as voice and conscience. And I'm referred to as one lacking credibility?


Partisanship is alive and well and the sooner the left is eradicated the better we will all be. Except for those who have been eradicated of course.



You are defending the indefensible. I am quite literally a card carrying member of the Conservative party of Canada, a regular donor, and support most (but not all) conservative platforms. A point has been well made, and it is simply that this is about moral fibre (not political leanings) and the overall fitness of a mayor to make decisions on behalf of his electorate when he isn't fit to make good decisions in his own life. Now, few politicians are angels, but this fellow is in a class of his own. You can bang the drum as loudly as you like, but he is not a good and decent man that has made the odd mistake, he is a beligerant alcoholic, recreational drug user and poor decision maker that believes he has really not done much wrong. His whole sorry tale is unwinding in the public eye, and if this is what you choose to stand up for, well it's your hill to die on! I believe in morals and decency, this fellow displays little of that. I can't support him no matter what his platform. I'm glad he's not my mayor, because if he was I'd want him gone immediately!

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You are defending the indefensible. I am quite literally a card carrying member of the Conservative party of Canada, a regular donor, and support most (but not all) conservative platforms. A point has been well made, and it is simply that this is about moral fibre (not political leanings) and the overall fitness of a mayor to make decisions on behalf of his electorate when he isn't fit to make good decisions in his own life. Now, few politicians are angels, but this fellow is in a class of his own. You can bang the drum as loudly as you like, but he is not a good and decent man that has made the odd mistake, he is a beligerant alcoholic, recreational drug user and poor decision maker that believes he has really not done much wrong. His whole sorry tale is unwinding in the public eye, and if this is what you choose to stand up for, well it's your hill to die on! I believe in morals and decency, this fellow displays little of that. I can't support him no matter what his platform. I'm glad he's not my mayor, because if he was I'd want him gone immediately!

If you believe in morals and decency ...why are you a card carrying contributor to the Cons?

Edited by Twocoda
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To put this in perspective, there have been a few colourful politicians that folks loved to hate. Some with real issues too. Sir John A, founding father and conservative, was well known for his "diet" of scotch.

100 years later we had Pierre eh?. Gave Canadians the finger. The media wanted him strung up. We re-elected him. Admitted he smoked some pot in Jamaica, where it was legal, he was declared an unfit leader by the media. Canada still re-elected him.



This is all nothing new.

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You are defending the indefensible. I am quite literally a card carrying member of the Conservative party of Canada, a regular donor, and support most (but not all) conservative platforms. A point has been well made, and it is simply that this is about moral fibre (not political leanings) and the overall fitness of a mayor to make decisions on behalf of his electorate when he isn't fit to make good decisions in his own life. Now, few politicians are angels, but this fellow is in a class of his own. You can bang the drum as loudly as you like, but he is not a good and decent man that has made the odd mistake, he is a beligerant alcoholic, recreational drug user and poor decision maker that believes he has really not done much wrong. His whole sorry tale is unwinding in the public eye, and if this is what you choose to stand up for, well it's your hill to die on! I believe in morals and decency, this fellow displays little of that. I can't support him no matter what his platform. I'm glad he's not my mayor, because if he was I'd want him gone immediately!



Very well put. You're political leanings are quite different from mine but I respect that. That has nothing to do with the Rob Ford case. Now if you were to bellow and curse at me like Ford seems to do, my respect would go out the window.

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Everyone needs to stop enabling this man. He needs to leave office and get help. I totally agree with the assessment that this man is on a destructive path and could end up dead in a few days. Is that what Ford nation really wants? Stop defending and start advising him to get help. His weight and his binging on whatever substance is a sure fire way to either stroke out or die of a heart attack. I do not support the man but I sure as hell do not want to see hin dead tomorrow.

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Well, it's a new day at city hall, I've got the popcorn ready and I can hardly wait for the next shoe to drop.

I hope I'm dead wrong here, but I really am concerned about Robby's current mental state. He looked like a man on the dege of a breakdown yesterday... regardless of his actions, he's still a human being and I feel for the guy.

I hope he gets the help he needs.


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This is no longer a political issue, it's about a human being who is dangerously on the edge of self destruction this morning. Coupled with his alcohol and drug habit's his physical health and this media circus surrounding this morning he knows that his life as he once knew it is gone, it can be heard in his voice yesterday.


I don't want to predict how this will end and end badly. Based on my experience dealing with employees that can be carbon copies of this, even though they weren't the mayor of the largest city in the country they were looking at losing there very high paying jobs after several stints in rehab. This man either he gets professional help immediately or the story ends badly, soon. He should be watched 24/7.


I really have empathy for him now. We all have done or do things that we don't wish anyone to know about. Imagine waking and finding the entire world not only knows but are watching it on television.

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