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Coca cola on strike (nf)


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I'm also union with good pay but with the cancer rates being very high in the Steel Industry I wouldn't want to make any less. We don't get paid sick days, we work all the holidays including Christmas and new years etc..24-7....365 days a year... There are no jobs here anymore for unskilled labour and if you are injured or have major health problems then they tell you there's no work for you.... Its hot, dangerous and Dirty... Glad I have a job though!!!

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^ yup. Recently said good bye to a stack of workers who took a buyout. Tons of experience and knowledge gone, pretty sad. People who couldn't be intimidated by anyone but were the friendliest you could ever meet.


As for deadwood in companies ? Where I work, if they want to get rid of the slackers or deadwood, they can and have done so. They just have to keep meticulous records and keep the union abreast. Not much the union can do if there's a case to be made. Can't speak for other unions but I've heard enough about bad employees to make me shake my head.


Haven't drunk Coke in years and don't miss it at all. I did love Muskoka Dry Ginger Ale though...that I do miss.

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Why do people with good union jobs bash their employer ?


Not all do but when they are constantly beaten down by concessions while profits sore... I can see it... Why can't employee's be treated like humans instead of numbers???


I understand a company needs to make profits to be successful but at what costs... So many good jobs have gone south or east... 50 cent/hour wage gets you 50 cents worth of quality...


The middle class is rapidly disappearing... I guess we can all get UNSKILLED jobs at Walmart and McDonalds though... Who will be able to afford to go there though???


When the middle class is no longer... When there is no financial influx of tax dollars... When nobody can afford the products they produce... Maybe then the big companies/government will get it but it will be too late...

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People seem to have this notion that they are not allowed to share in the profits of these companies. This is absolutely wrong you can at any time plunk down your cash that you have saved and buy a piece of the action. Sure saving money is hard self denial seems to be a thing of the past and people spend past their means so they can have it now and pay for it later. Think back to when you made 1/2 of what you do now and you survived just fine. Now take half of what you make and set it aside for as long as you can even if it is only for a month. The bank will pay you money for letting it just sit there. Now take 1/2 of it and move it to a savings account and don't touch it. You have a reserve or cushion to use if it is needed. See your head is above water now. It almost becomes a game to see how much you can set aside for something important. Now keep looking at that cash in the bank and start to look for a way to invest it so it works for you. Some will choose the stock market other will go for land etc. there are many ways to invest so the money is working for you. This is the point money can work just as hard as you do without draining your resources. One year of your wages working for you can equal a 10% gain in your net worth with no expenditures that means no car expenses no lunch expenses no time expended (except to track it but counting money is not really a burden).


The middle class is not disappearing because of the corporations it is disappearing because they don't know/ want to put out the efforts for self help. All of this is available to anyone who wants it, it is free on the internet, there are older people who are dying to share their stories on how they became Middle class or better. Deny yourself a new car when you have to buy it on credit, if a credit card is not at zero every month then you are living above your means STOP IT stay home and cook dinner, go fishing locally, whatever it takes DO IT you will still be young enough after you get money to work for you to enjoy it. Every man can reach a goal if they want it bad enough I have reach quite a few of the things I decided I wanted when I was 21 years old. I am now 51 and I hope to fulfill another one of my wishes and that is to pass on the map to the path that I have taken that worked for me. I am a little long in the tooth here but it just aggravates me that people have forgotten that the rights of entitlement has gotten out of hand and people rarely take control of there future but rather blame it on everything else but what it is......THEMSELVES.....For the few people who do not have the ability to control there income due to illness or death (something else I forgotten) in the family keep the faith and use the services that the government has put into place to help you. For the rest of us take the time and the effort to improve your future it will only hurt a little but as you get older you will not feel like you can't afford a little treat for yourself now and then.




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Hmmm... 25 bucks an hour now, 6 bucks an hour in 1973. That new van I bought in 1973 cost 3100 bucks out the door, the cost now? easily 5 or 6 times that?


The brand new 3 bedroom split level home I bought in 1975 for 28,900 bucks, easily 5 or 6 times that now?


The CEO of a major corporation making 250,000 k back in the 60's and 70's now making 10 mill +, who is the fish? They are making a lot more than 5 or 6 times what they used to have to work a lot harder at?


You may live better now? of course both parents having to work to get what they want or need now might be a factor?

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Having to buy stock in a company that you helped make successful just to get a piece of the pie??? Seriously???


I'm all for living within my means but need a decent wage just to do that... "live" With the prices skyrocketing on everything from utilities to food to insurance its almost impossible to put aside that "little extra"... In a lot of cases there is child support or alimony to be paid...


My whole point and I apologize for side tracking this thread is...


When a company is highly successful/profitable... They shouldn't be asking for concessions off there workers... Simple... Be fair... ;)

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Sorry fir the equally opinionated replies.

I just drank a bottle of wine. Lol.


So now we know who can afford to drink wine! Hope Ontario or at least Canadian.


I don't begrudge anyone their choice of occupation...except those CEO's making millions and well paid educators. And don't let me start on retired teachers who go on to collect a pension and keep on working! How do they expect the newly graduated people to get a chance to have a kick at the can? Wow! Imagine, making 90 g's a year and then collect a pension, they should be ashamed. And to think those who teach still cry that they are underpaid! I don't buy into all that working at home stuff either, you don't work an 8 hour day on a time clock so you make up for it later, volunteer or paid people now do report cards plus the great perks like vacation, stat holidays, weekends, no shift work, get another course under your belt and get a raise even though it doesn't make you any better at your job etc., etc....


Can anyone remember how loud teachers were crying just recently when their contracts were in dispute? I find it odd you could chime in with critisism toward Coke employees.


Maybe regardless of income we all feel we're underpaid and undervalued.


Cheers to all as I clink my bottle of Coke ($1.97 for 6, 710ml bottles, on sale) to the computer screen. Guess I won't be buying anymore for a while though.



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We go out for dinner every Friday night, to a different restaurant each week, and I always order a Coke, and virtually every place has the same response....sorry we don't sell Coke, would a Pepsi be OK ??


It's just that watered down crapola and I can't tell the difference anyhoo, but perhaps there's a message there that Coke should be paying attention to.


....or not.

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Multi-billion Dollar Coke Pushes Precarious Work on Canadian Employees, Forces Labour Dispute June 27, 2013, 3:00 PM EST


Workers at the Coca-Cola bottling facility in Brampton, Ontario were forced into a labour dispute early this morning after collective bargaining negotiations broke down between the company and the CAW. Pickets were set up near the facility (located at 15 Westcreek Blvd) at 12:01 a.m.

CAW Local 973 Plant Chairperson Ryan Parson said the labour dispute is an unfortunate and frustrating turn of events, in what has been an unnecessarily difficult round of bargaining.

"Our members came to the bargaining table looking for modest improvements to our standard of living and work practices, and with every intention of signing a deal," Parson said. "Coke management has clearly not come to the table with those same objectives. They've consistently stalled the process and have made it clear to us that it's their way or the highway."

Parson said the company refuses to back off a slate of concessionary demands that would create more instability and insecurity for Coke workers in Brampton.

The company wants to remove all new hires from the existing pension plan; make it impossible for "temporary" employees to transfer to full-time; outsource skilled trades work; and weaken employee transfer rights in the event of layoff, among other demands.

The work standards in Brampton, the company's largest facility in Canada, typically set the benchmark for Coke workers across the country.

CAW Local 973 President Norm Chow said this dispute has nothing to do with money, since the two sides have not exchanged any monetary proposals (including over wages, benefits or pensions) over months of fruitless bargaining.

"Coke's global profits topped $9 billion in 2012. Their revenues are higher than the GDP of many nations. And they're fighting to undermine the working conditions of 700 workers. This is infuriating," Chow said.

Parson said the company is taking a noticeably combative approach with the workers, which is fuelling frustration.

"As the strike deadline neared, Coke management forced our members to leave the plant, locking them out and is now refusing to pay them for the remainder of their shifts," Parson said. "The company is also withholding the paycheques of temporary employees in the facility."

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Having to buy stock in a company that you helped make successful just to get a piece of the pie??? Seriously???


I actually am dead serious about investing to improve your future. The company you work for has already given you a piece of the pie it being an income and a job with some form of benefits. If you believe in the company then buy stock in it. If you believe in another company buy stock in it for your future. I owned some bank stock when it was a good money maker and as it slid down I switched to the next money maker "oil". The point is the pressure on the company from the shareholders is greater than the unions so they will listen to the investors before the demands of the unions. It is economics 101 I personally do not like unions even though my trade (plumbing) has them they are a burden on the employees as well as the company. I don't have the expertise to discuss unions so I won't comment further on them. I do know that wages invested make more money than wages spent. If you don't see any extra money in your budget then sit down with a budget manager at the bank they will see the holes and help you move to a better future.




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We go out for dinner every Friday night, to a different restaurant each week, and I always order a Coke, and virtually every place has the same response....sorry we don't sell Coke, would a Pepsi be OK ??


It's just that watered down crapola and I can't tell the difference anyhoo, but perhaps there's a message there that Coke should be paying attention to.


....or not.



Splurge and go to McDonalds Lew they have Coke, and youll be able to buy a couple more musky lures with the money youll save, and its free refills to boot.

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U my friend are misinformed.

U say u do not begrudge anyone their choices but u clearly have a grudge against teachers.

I agree - retired teachers should let new teachers work and not supply teach part time. However, they are entitled to their pension as they paid heavy dues for years. Yes the govnt contributes but so do many large corporations with their employees.

I never complain about my job. However I will state some facts for you so you are more accurately informed. I am not whining as I have a good job:

- I spent 15 0000 a year x 5 yrs plus I made no money while my buddy made 30 000 a year. That put me more than 300 000 behind him. Nobody would make an investment like that and not expect to make a good return on that investment. I am glad I did as I feel it was worth it.

- I have taken many pay freezes and done my part to the tune of abou a 12% loss compared to the cost of living. I never get a raise, simply cost of living. Nobody would want their salary to move backwards.

- a hard working teacher, works many extra hours. Just because the school day is only 6 hours does not mean I work 6 hours. Elementary teachers plan and invent most of their lessons. Textbooks r disappearing.

- teaching, like all jobs, looks easy for the outside. In reality, the job is far more complicated. I am a a parent at times, counsellor, teacher, coach all at on e. I juggle the needs of 28 students who range in abilities for grade one to grade 9 in my grade six class. I teach autistic children, neglected children, brilliant learners who need enrichment, children with ill parents and many children with special needs. Each lesson is actually differentiated to meet all of these varying needs. It is more complicated than it seems from the outside. A good teacher makes it look easy. A bad teacher stands out cause they r quickly exposed - and not easily forgotten, (though protected by our union unfortunately).

- I love my job. I will retire before it gets bad for education. And it will get bad. If u keep chipping away at teachers working conditions and cost of living corrections then we will eventually end up like many American states where it just doesn't make sense for skilled people to choose to teach. Is that what we really want for our children? Be careful what u wish for.

Tell ya what- tell me what u do and I will gather inaccurate secondhand info and then post here why u r spoiled, overpaid and underworked. Or maybe we should all walk a mile in someone else's shoes befor we judge them eh? Just a thought for u before u criticize someone's profession in a public forum.


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Well said landry.



In my opinion, you have to ask yourself what is the task worth?


It's asking a lot to pay someone to organize a warehouse more than you would pay a soldier.

It's hard to comprehend a cashier making more than a cop in some US cities.

It's absurd to imagine a parking lot attendant making more than an EMT


On the flipside...


Is a CEO really worth $20-$30 mil + bonuses?

Should an NHL player make more in 80 games than some people make in an entire lifetime?

Should an on-air host reading from a teleprompter truly earn a better living than all the unpaid interns and paid staff combined that are providing the content?


The answer is always yes, provided you're the one on the high end of the equation. I live fairly comfortably but I could probably list 50 occupations that deserve to earn more than I do.We should keep this in mind when having a debate over wages.


Food for thought... the leading cause of a higher cost of living is cost of living increases.

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