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Coca cola on strike (nf)


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One of the missing things that add to the skirmish between Union and Corporate is "corporate greed per say" is fueled by it's responsibility to the stockholders. The stockholders are just the average person who believes that the company will increase our holdings and produce a positive income. This fact is ignored usually when people want to paint the mother company as faceless or soulless . I know that as a shareholder in big corporate companies (non with Coke) I ask them to keep the profit as high as possible or I will lose faith in them and sell my miniscule holding. This in itself will not hurt the corporation if I lose faith, but if myself and XX% of the holders make the same decision then it could kill the corporation. I do know that one of my holdings is in the oil industry. I chose them because they are making some big money for the shareholders. This is the way I pay for my gas I use from day to day. My faith in the oil industry has paid for all of my gas I use in my cars, boats, and toys thru dividends and as a bonus paid for a 2012 Ford F150. There is a line of logical thinking that some people do not see and that is people who get ahead in life usually do it by sacrifice and risk both are needed to make it to your golden years and to keep them golden. Money that is earned has the potential to do one of two things. One is to be spent for gains some are pleasurable like a new boat and some is to pay for the basics in life. The second way money can be used is to turn it into a working, producing asset for as long as you can and then pay for the basics before the pleasure items. This allows you to get ahead of the immediate in and out of money and money can now make money for you. I am just putting these things into the mix for all of us to think about till all of the facts are presented.




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I saw the guys on strike on Bayview today in front of the coke depot


Yep. Saw them too. Stopping the trucks coming in to the lot.


DANG!! I was going to take Bayview to Anne, to get out of town to avoid the 400.... Now bayview will be rammed too! I can't win....

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Amazing what you can find on the internet!




Now everyone can read it themselves and decide if they want to support the strike, or shed any tears.


If I'm reading it right, the lowest wage is $26.54 /hr during the first year of employment. My daughter is currently making less with a Master of Architecture.


Pass the Pepsi.

Edited by irishfield
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I am assuming that you work for Coke, for how long?, i assume you also make a decent wage, with excellent benefits, if you dont like your job, and are digraced to work for a successful company that makes a profit which assures you job security, quit quit quit, then work 2 to 3 jobs at minimum wage, to make ends meet, or you can go on welfare like millions of Canadian White Trash do and expect the Canadian taxpayer to provide them with accomadation, food, spending money, health care, dental, and legal aid, i would think you have it pretty good at Coke. Thanx for letting me blow off some steam before the long weekend, Happy Canada Day to all hard working Canadians, im off to Loblaws to by a case of Coke for my Canadian Whisky.

:worthy::worthy::worthy: :worthy: :worthy::worthy::worthy::worthy:

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Amazing what you can find on the internet!




Now everyone can read it themselves and decide if they want to support the strike, or shed any tears.


If I'm reading it right, the lowest wage is $26.54 /hr during the first year of employment. My daughter is currently making less with a Master of Architect.


Pass the Pepsi.



There are many Wayne that are paid lower then they deserve.IT,S A REAL SHAME

Edited by Misfish
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Actually B.. she's currently very happy with her wage, after 7 years of serious education. 4 years to go 'till she gets her own architect seal and can make the big bucks and keep me in the life I'm accustom tooo ! lol

Edited by irishfield
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The difference is, she'll have worked for it and be in a position to pay for her own benefits and some others will wear the employer down sucking as much out of the system as they can. They will always lose.

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When profits soar the last thing on the table should be concessions... Its a race to the bottom... Soon there will be no middle class or decent paying jobs... One thing the rich haven't realized is who is going to buy there products when we all work at Walmart...


Good luck with your negotiations...


Soon, how about now?


Edited by FishLogic
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For most a mans path in life is controlled by his ambitions and his willingness to achieve his goals. I have met thousands of people ranging from dirt farmers to vice presidents and have seen examples of rags to riches and vise versa. If you gave a survey to the people who did not inherit old money the poor, the middle class, and the rich on how they spend their money and at what time in their life they spent it you would see a very distinct pattern on what they did to achieve their wealth. I still say that anyone can improve their income by making intelligent decisions, and sacrifices in the correct times to achieve a better life. The theory of the rich should support the poor plays right into socialism which is the death of entrepreneurialism and will head us down the road of a collapse of our monetary system.( only in extreme circumstances). While these statements are being read in a black and white form of debate there are 1040 shades of gray that fit into this debate.





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There are some great and some very ignorant comments on here.

My first thought- what does an unskilled labourer have to complain about getting 26$ an hour.

However, I am a teacher who gets roasted in the media for making 90,000 for alleged part time work. I work late into the night most nights as an educator who cares about my students. Most of my colleagues do the same. I am happy with my choices.

One thing I have learned, through the constant abuse that was started and encouraged by mike Harris, is to not criticize others unless I have walked in their shoes. I never criticize or judge other people's careers or pay. I assume that the market has set a fair price for their skills based on supply, demand, education investment... If I am jealous then I should apply or train myself for that apparently gravy job.

I worry about the degradation of our health care, education system and I worry about the growing gap and disappearing middle class too!


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I find this rant is ignorant and embarrassing:



I am assuming that you work for Coke, for how long?, i assume you also make a decent wage, with excellent benefits, if you dont like your job, and are digraced to work for a successful company that makes a profit which assures you job security, quit quit quit, then work 2 to 3 jobs at minimum wage, to make ends meet, or you can go on welfare like millions of Canadian White Trash do and expect the Canadian taxpayer to provide them with accomadation, food, spending money, health care, dental, and legal aid, i would think you have it pretty good at Coke. Thanx for letting me blow off some steam before the long weekend, Happy Canada Day to all hard working Canadians, im off to Loblaws to by a case of Coke for my Canadian Whisky.

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I find this rant is ignorant and embarrassing:



I am assuming that you work for Coke, for how long?, i assume you also make a decent wage, with excellent benefits, if you dont like your job, and are digraced to work for a successful company that makes a profit which assures you job security, quit quit quit, then work 2 to 3 jobs at minimum wage, to make ends meet, or you can go on welfare like millions of Canadian White Trash do and expect the Canadian taxpayer to provide them with accomadation, food, spending money, health care, dental, and legal aid, i would think you have it pretty good at Coke. Thanx for letting me blow off some steam before the long weekend, Happy Canada Day to all hard working Canadians, im off to Loblaws to by a case of Coke for my Canadian Whisky.



Care to explain WHY You find this rant is ignorant and embarrassing:?


IMO,he hit it right on. Work,do yer job,and get paid. Dont get me started on the UNION Bull.


There are too many goverment laws these day,that protect a worker better then a Union does.

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This topic hits close to home for me; I work for Toyota and I hear a lot of talk like this..


I think we should be thankful to have good jobs that allow our lives to be easy, a lot of people in Ontario work a lot harder for a lot less! Sure, the company you work for is rich as "carp", but that's why you work for them in the first place. Its a very tough job market out there, without (and even with) an education its very tough to make over $20 an hour.


Its a crazy world out there, but in order for us to stay competitive in the market and even have manufacturing jobs in the future, we can't all eat lobster all the time. ;)


appreciate the things you have, stop worrying about fat cats!

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A lot of interesting view points on here and yes some ignorant uneducated ones...


Why do people get bashed for good union jobs?? Instead of trying to bring them down why not try and bring yourself up??


IMO opinion there is no reason to be paying top exec's millions in bonuses and ask the real workers to take concessions...


It is hard to make a living in this country being taxed to death... I'm sure all of us would rather be fishing...


Do the best you can... Think before you speak... Treat others the way you like to be treated... Be kind and be well... Jammer

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I find this rant is ignorant and embarrassing:



I am assuming that you work for Coke, for how long?, i assume you also make a decent wage, with excellent benefits, if you dont like your job, and are digraced to work for a successful company that makes a profit which assures you job security, quit quit quit, then work 2 to 3 jobs at minimum wage, to make ends meet, or you can go on welfare like millions of Canadian White Trash do and expect the Canadian taxpayer to provide them with accomadation, food, spending money, health care, dental, and legal aid, i would think you have it pretty good at Coke. Thanx for letting me blow off some steam before the long weekend, Happy Canada Day to all hard working Canadians, im off to Loblaws to by a case of Coke for my Canadian Whisky.



Sorry that i embarrased you teacher, i wasnt embarrassed at all when i wrote it, the problem with it is its the truth, which you cant deny, everyone looks for job security, which in most cases revolves around companies been successful, thats about as secure as its gets, remember Coke and any other products can be made in Mexico and other countries much cheaper then in North America, as for the people trying to make ends meet on min wage, and other living better on welfare whats embarrased you on that true statement, your taxes and mine are helping to fund there lifetime careers, as many generations of the same families have followed in the parents and grand parents paths regarding welfare. In MOST cases people control there own destiny, and the paths they choose to walk, hard work for just rewards never hurt no one. I feel sorry for the ones making min wage, holding 2 to 3 jobs and paying 900.00 a month for rent, with little left for food, hydro etc. put yourself in there shoes, but they are working and contributing to this country we call home, there the ones who need the financial assistance, how would you feel teacher, in that viscious circle of life, making min wage, with no clear path out?, nothing to look forward to, as far as your Mike Harris comment, he did what he was elected to do, for 2 terms, i know teachers did not like him, but you can rest now because Winnie will look after you now, maybe the teachers pention fund can pay for the cancelled gas plants, im sure it wouldnt hurt them or you one bit. Enjoy your 3 months off, while i sweat my :asshat: off

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I will enjoy my 2 months off.

Like y said we all make choices. Some choose the free gravy train of welfare - true. Some actually deserve and need welfare. Some made sacrifices early and invested in their future by training. That is what I and others with a skilled trade... did.

I guess we shouldn't begrudge other's choices and if you don't like your choice this summer then u should think about retraining - which is exactly the point u made about the coke issue. If y r not happy, make a change, leave, retool so to speak.

Like I said, I had a few drinks last night. Don't take this so personally. I did for a minute but whatever. We should argue about important stuff like fishing:)


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hmmm, exec's make huge money because they have considerable education and experience and work crazy hours...yes there are dirty execs (Enron) just like there are dirty cops, but you can't paint them all with the same brush...


some guys expect to make 30/hr ++ with excellent benefits to do a job that requires minimal skill, when the same job can be paid in Mexico/overseas for 1/4 of the cost with thousands of resumes waiting on que trying to get in


North America is the second most expensive place to produce anything, European countries being first....I've worked in auto plants, construction through college and then in finance in the resort industry and now mining....I made more per hour doing labour/factory jobs then I did during my first 3 years post grad, 7 years later I've worked my butt off to make a great salary, I worked hard and didn't complain......but the guy that takes 10 smoke breaks a day for 20 mins each and cries about a bad back will get a raise this year even when the coal economy is very poor because he has a union that will threaten a strike


IMO there is an artificially high pay scale for unskilled jobs in Canada and until that scale levels out we will continue to see operations moved to cheaper economies overseas



why do people (like me) bash unions? because my old man worked in unions in the auto industry in southern ON his whole life, and now I'm a non unionized salary employee and work side by side with unionized guys....unions protect EVERYBODY, including the lazy parasites that abuse the employer and benefits programs, "failure to represent" needs to be removed from union contracts.....I've seen it my whole life, my dad's buddies who brag about making a career out of "injuries" and I see it everyday at work myself, the unions will go to bat for everybody, which hurts the honest guys in the long run....there was a point when unions protected violated and vulnerable employees but those days have changed and IMO they've outgrown their usefulness


striking over 26 bucks an hour when management was still willing to negotiate....pass the pepsi, no sympathy from me

Edited by bare foot wader
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For the past 25 years or so, my union job has given me a raise to keep up to inflation, which I think is fair. Nothing more. Nothing less. Yes, we start out asking for the moon, and they start out offering a $10.00 an hour pay cut. But reasonable minds always prevail and life goes on.

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