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It's a BOY!!!

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I received a call at work from my mom monday morning at 9am telling me that they thought that Jens water had broke, and to see if I was available to drive her to Mt. Sinai. She was not having contractions yet. I told her I would let my manager know at work that if I received the call that I would be leaving. Agonizing day 10am....11am...12pm still no call? I called mom and they had told her that Jen may not have contractions for days. :wallbash: So now I'm not really expecting to leave winding down the end of my day then at 3pm mom calls and we gotta go the baby is coming. So off to the hospital we go got lost twice downtown :wallbash: Finally we arrive and we had missed the labour by about an hour and a half. We missed out on seeing him then so we had to wait until he was placed in the incubator. Anyhow beautiful baby boy he is actually breathing on his own and they said they were going to remove the cpap tube and switch to a different type which is very positive. Ma and I went into see him today and he was kicking his legs around and moving his arms quite a bit looked very active. Pics to come as soon as dad or martycoo send me some.

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Fabulous News! What did he weigh?

He is in excellent hands. The people in the Neo Natal Units are very special people doing very special things!

My two preemie grandchildren were born at McMaster Children's Hospital which is why the Canadian Toonie Series supports MacKids.

The toughest part now is waiting for him to get big enough and developed enough to go home which may take awhile and can be very physically and emotionally exhausting for the parents.

Keep us posted.

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A couple other things that I thought were very interesting was that when I was in to see him I was looking around at all the gadgets and machines hooked up to him when I noticed the BPM.(beats per minute) I watched these then a lightbulb went off from what someone had said in the other post about letting him know you are there and I started talking to him and watched his bpms go up and when I stopped they went down did it a few times to be sure but the little guy knows we are there. :thumbsup_anim: Mom noticed also that his two right fingers were blue and we brought this to the nurses attention and she said it was an arterial thing, so she said she would warm up the opposite hand?????We were puzzled untill she did this about 1 min. later the fingers were nice and pink again I guess his heart didnt have to work so hard to get blood to both with one hand warm. This may come in handy for someone with bad circulation or maybe even frostbite not sure if it works on big humans????The best part of all was when my brother had his hand in the incubator just touching his hands and mom and I asked if we could touch and he said yes, so I put my finger in the palm of his hand just the tip of my finger barely thats when the nurse came and asked if I was the father and I was told nobody but the parents right now. This is because of how susceptible they are to infection which makes great sense we are just anxious and now we know they were not told this from the begginning so it was thought to be alright. So I am first family member besides mommy and daddy to hold his hand :worthy:

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