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A mid-winter journey in LSPP


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Any outdoorsman can relate to the feeling of anticipation of a trip that has been in the works for months on end. I don't think I have ever personally anticipated any trip quite as much as this one, for a variety of reasons, but primarily because this would be our first exposure to truly remote winter camping.


10:30 pm...depart from North Bay wide-eyed and excited. By 6:30, we had arrived, and quickly geared up for what we knew would be a killer hike in. The area had gotten a huge dump of snow a few days earlier so we were dealing with 3-4 feet of powder without any sort of packed trail just about everywhere [more in some places]. We decided to both lug in our flashers and a couple other goodies in which definitely didn't help our case on what was a 99% uphill journey to the lake, but it proved to be worthwhile.







Digging out camp...




Which eventually became...




It didn't take long for the cold, mostly windy weather and deep snow to point out the flaws in much of our equipment. Battles with wet feet (actually, wet everything), sore muscles, and a seemingly constant hunger and thirst was met with mostly open arms and good spirits. It didn't take long to realize that we were in for more than we prepared for, and in a way I'm glad it turned out that way. Amidst all this, we squeezed in a couple hours fishing each day, and iced some truly gorgeous (and truly delicious) lakers. Fishing was relatively slow, and with only salties, having the flashers to coax fish was the dealbreaker. 10 fish were hooked in what was probably a total of 12 hours fishing.











The nightly huddle ritual...



The morning of departure greeted us with what was probably a sustained 40 km/h wind with frequent gusts to at least double that, which may have just been a blessing in disguise, as we packed everything up in record time!


Since I'm starting a new job in northern Quebec next week, this will likely be my last trip of this caliber for some time, but my love affair with this park has only just begun...




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The meat on those fish looks incredibly delicious and most importantly...high in calories!


Looks like the fishing trip turned into a mostly survival/staying dry trip. I can't imagine anyone would be completely prepared/well-equipped for a trip like that unless they've already had experience doing it in bad-weather conditions

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cool report. LSPP is unrivalled. You'll remember that trip for years. Congrats on the new job too - and Northern Qubec holds some true scenic and fishing jewels I am sure you will enjoy. Look forward to your posts this summer

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What a fantastic experience for you! Thanks for sharing, sounds incredible. Beyond not having the right footwear in what ways were you not prepared properly? I'd be curious to know and it may help someone else planning a similar trip.


Congrat's on the new job as well, that's big news!




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Damn those fillets look really mouth watering and I bet they were ! Props for cold camping LSPP, but I think you're ready for the jump into hot tenting ;) Just imagine, a nice wood stove kicking out heat to dry socks, cook over and for overall lounge around comfort etc.. :canadian:

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What a fantastic experience for you! Thanks for sharing, sounds incredible. Beyond not having the right footwear in what ways were you not prepared properly? I'd be curious to know and it may help someone else planning a similar trip.


Congrat's on the new job as well, that's big news!




We were somewhat jaded by the forecasts fantastic outlook, which proved to be anything but correct, of course.


I'd say the biggest learning lesson was dietary planning. We were focused simply on keeping things compact, so we ended up relying largely on food that was nutritionally useless (aside from fresh fish and some canned veggies).


Thanks Mike.



Some other funny notes...


The only wildlife encounter we experienced the entire time was an extremely curious pine marten that wouldn't think twice about coming within 10-15 feet of us. Later in the same day, we went fishing in front of our camp for maybe two hours, and watched him scurry in and around our campsite digging up trout scraps and licking our cutting board. It wasn't until we got back when we realized he had stoled an entire foil-wrapped pound of butter!



And on our last full day a CO actually hiked into the lake we were staying on and fined us for having cans in the park, which was a huge bummer (a $125 bummer)

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And on our last full day a CO actually hiked into the lake we were staying on and fined us for having cans in the park, which was a huge bummer (a $125 bummer)


You've got to be kidding me. Debate on the can/bottle ban aside don't the CO's up there have more pressing issues to attend to? It's amazing to me they'd go to all that trouble.


Live and learn bud, nalgene is your best friend. :)

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Well that was quite the adventure Joey. Thanks for sharing it with us. It sure looked like it would be fun to winter camp, but being wet sucks. At least you caught some fish and I bet they were delicious!!

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Very cool....i know that lake well...fish it every year... and many lakes past that lake. A trip like that is a success no matter how we look at it.


Better fishing is had at the end of the lake, alot more structure. This year my dad say two moose walking the shore line while ice fishing at the far end. Some good specks in that lake too.


Bummer about the fine. The CO's that work the park will do a lot more than walk into that lake. We have seen them in lakes 7-8km's in.

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Anders knows!


Awesome trip Joey! Hardcore!! Winter camping in the park especially during feb isn't for everyone.

Both of my trips to that lake last year were ridiculous due to weather conditions but its part of the game in LSPP.


I'm glad you enjoyed your trip



Edited by TDunn
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great report! my buddies and i keep saying we are going to do a trip like this sleeping over night in the winter but have yet to do it. and i find the weather is always pretty nasty in the park. there always seems to be a strong wind that comes off superior just to ruin a nice day but we go for the great fishing and not the weather!

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