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??? Hmm.

I just got a message from " Jer " via Facebook

He also needs to be skinned ..


Thanks Randy, but that's kinda harsh...



Jer is ok.


That's what I like to hear...

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I am really liking this... so far so good. Love the fact when you click a link it opens a new tab! Versus the old version.


Good job boys




PS... The Club skin and this skin dont look right with one another... look at the member "status"... it is in club style.. while the rest is white and blue.

Edited by Gerritt
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Im having an issue. Too many post are being locked by certain Mods without a justifiable reason.

1. Just because you dont agree with opinions is no reason to lock it.

2. Just because someone mentions locking a thread , or "see how long this lasts"is not justification for doing it.

3. You cant see into the future, so locking a topic based on the title, or where you think it might be headed is no reason to lock it.

Im well aware of rules, and Far too often lately I have seen topics locked when no rules were broken. Lets let people on here speak thier minds, (within the rules) and not continue to let it be the "old boys club"


And a suggestion that I think most would agree with... How about making the "fishing forum" and nf forum completly separate. Whether its posted in the title or not, I dont really care to hear about what kind of car you drive, how long ago you quit smoking, or when your dog died.

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I was on the outside looking (sort of) in for the last few days. I could only read parts of what was on the "first" page, but if I clicked on anything, anywhere I got a fatal error. I finally used fb to let someone know about my issue and voila.


Thanks for the hard work, I'm sure it's a giant pain.

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Since we came back up .... Noticed two problems on my I-phone


Selecting "full version" displays only the classified section.


Marking all unread posts as read - hoses up the screen.

Since we came back up .... Noticed two problems on my I-phone


Selecting "full version" displays only the classified section. This was on the initial screen. But, if I start over and go to General Discussion and get into a thread, then click full version, it seems ok.


Marking all unread posts as read - hoses up the screen.

Edited by Rich Clemens
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Heres one thats giving a bit of trouble , when i click on the arrow > to see more smiley icons nothing is happening , dose'nt seem to matter how long i wait to give it a chance to load them ???? . It did how ever the first time i try it yesterday .

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