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....think things like this never happen-THINK AGAIN


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A Missouri angler is in hot water for allegedly cheating during a fishing tournament last Sunday. Acting on a tip, officers and agents of the Water Patrol and Conservation Department searched a duck blind and found two stringers with a bass on each one. The agents tagged the fish and then set up surveillance near the blind. On Sunday, during the tournament, angler Gary Jones allegedly arrived at the blind, retrieved the fish and put them in his livewell. Unfortunately for him, state agents were filming and caught Jones in the act. At the weigh-in, Jones had enough weight to finish in second place and he also had the third biggest bass of the tournament. All together, Jones won over $800 dollars in cash and prizes. As he left the stage however, Water Patrol officers arrested him. Authorities say Jones faces two to seven years behind bars if convicted.

Edited by darsky
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hey Who never thought this would happen

any time there is big money prizes you can count on someone trying to find a way to rip them off


I saw it a few times when I was doing tourneys.....guys put fish in a cage..they got caught




there was a guy with a 6lb small mouth and was trying to sell it to all the tourney guys for 100 bucks

I said let me check it out...I grabbed it and through in back in the lake..was that guy ticked at me....oh well you roll the dice

you pay the price

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C H E A T E R S N E V E R P R O S P E R ! ! ! !


You know, it makes me sick to hear of this sort of stuff. I hope that this guy gets the book thrown at him and if and when he gets out of jail, he is finished with tournament angling!!! Whoever his sponsors were should definitely distance themselves from him.



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I said let me check it out...I grabbed it and through in back in the lake..


hahaha good for you Terry! Last spring I was fishing L. Muskoka the same day as the big pike tourney they have. My buddy caught a pike over 30 inches which likely most of the anglers could have used (we were not entered in the tourney). We joked about selling it, then released it right in front of some guys.

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i dont want to start an argument here but some of you guys seem to be classifying all tournament fishermen as "idiots"....its like somebody commits a murder.......does that make everybody else a murderer?

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I think time in jail is a little severe over $800 or any monetary scams (not all but most), public humiliation would be a better solution if he has any conscience he would be ashamed of himself for years to come.


Put his picture in local newspapers, websites etc... and let it be known he has no morals and that would be a bigger punishment just letting him walk around town getting shunned upon. The tax payers don't need to pack the jails with these type of people, that would be just like giving him another $40000 each year to sit in jail. Maybe 5000 hours of public service would be a good solution, make him do work on the same water he cheated on. :lol:

Edited by GbayGiant
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Two years in jail is asinine. Maybe a month. Maybe a week. Enough to shame him into never doing anything stupid like that again.


Two years in jail means he loses his job, maybe his house, his family suffers. A little excessive for an $800 scam.

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Two years in jail means he loses his job, maybe his house, his family suffers. A little excessive for an $800 scam.



Most employers will let you go anyways it is even written in my contract at work and the fact that it's in the media is not helping either. He will also have a tough time finding a job with a record as well as most employers check your record more so than your references. I am close to the managers where I work and from what they told me this happens quite a bit. Cheating/stealing are key things they look for too.


This is unfortunate really some people.

Edited by mrdylan
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They caught a couple guys here cheating( they had fish planted in a fish bag) some years ago, one of the other people in th tourney found the bag and marked the fish, clipped a fin and told the tournie director. At the weigh in the dudes had the fish,er they lived on the lake. They haven`t been in a tournie since, some sell their respect cheap.

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i dont want to start an argument here but some of you guys seem to be classifying all tournament fishermen as "idiots"....its like somebody commits a murder.......does that make everybody else a murderer?



ALL Salesman are cheats and liars

ALL Politicians have no morals and are cheats and liars

ALL Managers are out to screw you

ALL Union Members are lazy no-gooders

EVERYONE on welfare is cheating the system

ALL moderators on the interweb are the best people in the world and are always fair and reasonable!!

ALL teachers are lazy and should never complain about working to much

EVERYONE from the Middle East is a terrorist

ALL Tourny Anglers are pompous hotshots that ruin the lakes


Get the point? Generalizations rule the world, Brandon. Go out and do something positive to prove them wrong. Be your Best, don't let yourself get pigeonholed and be ready to explain the benefits of what you do. Don't get defensive or you will end up making stupid statements that will further tarnish your profession.


Build a thousand bridges, nobody calls you a bridge builder..................

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there was a guy with a 6lb small mouth and was trying to sell it to all the tourney guys for 100 bucks

I said let me check it out...I grabbed it and through in back in the lake..was that guy ticked at me....


Ya... you never did pay me....

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ALL moderators on the interweb are the best people in the world and are always fair and reasonable!!


Hey are you being sarcastic??

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A Missouri angler is in hot water for allegedly cheating during a fishing tournament last Sunday. Acting on a tip, officers and agents of the Water Patrol and Conservation Department searched a duck blind and found two stringers with a bass on each one. The agents tagged the fish and then set up surveillance near the blind. On Sunday, during the tournament, angler Gary Jones allegedly arrived at the blind, retrieved the fish and put them in his livewell. Unfortunately for him, state agents were filming and caught Jones in the act. At the weigh-in, Jones had enough weight to finish in second place and he also had the third biggest bass of the tournament. All together, Jones won over $800 dollars in cash and prizes. As he left the stage however, Water Patrol officers arrested him. Authorities say Jones faces two to seven years behind bars if convicted.


Gary Jones = true dumb ass!

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Looks good on him that he got caught, but two years in jail is definetely retarded. Maybe 30 days and a $5000 fine. Along with the fact that he should never be allowed in a tournament again the guy has to live this absolute humiliation for the rest of his life. I know everyone is following the "Baretta" wisdom here LOL. "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Don't do it!". BUT, what happened to the punushment should fit the crime? I like the community service work. Maybe he should clean up that shoreline every Saturday for the next year (plus a big fine... hit him where it hurts... the pocketbook)?

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I agreed with you kennyman. I actually think get him jail a short period of time (a taste behind bars), then a huge fine (into conservation), plus community work. Jailing him for 2 years is a waste of tax payer's money. For sure he'll never have any sponsor ever.

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