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Temagami - Summer 2012


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And btw... the pipes cracking is probably just a co-inky-dink! Wuzn't............ me.



Probably a coincidence Drew.. same joiner I changed last year.. right where you loaded your sled! :whistling: I needed to fix it better anyhow! :canadian:



Thanks and all the best to your family.


Thanks MoS !



Jealousy doesn't even begin to expain, but I will say this, if you lef the pop in the cases and stacked the dips a little nicer you might have had room in the fridge for some beer :dunno::sarcasm:. I love the shot of the bass(?) under water stalking the jiggin spoon :thumbsup_anim: (did it bite?)


No need to be Jealous TH.. when it comes right down to it we're not there by choice each summer, but it's become a great retreat. The bass.. yes smallies... run in packs on this lake and you can see them coming for over 100 feet when it's calm. You can see down over 40 feet when anchored in the canoe. Hard part is getting your jig or spoon thru the 45 foot mark without getting one of these green carp.. before getting to the Lakers at 80 feet! :D



Thanks for sharing Wayne - and and the hospitality when we were up there. Looks like a a great summer - at least until the recent news came in. Hopefully we can meet up again one Jen has beat this thing.


Glad things worked out somewhat for us Rick. Was rushed with my Niece showing up short notice, but we got each of your kids a Laker and you learned enough of the lake to enjoy your holiday. Your families Anniversary gift to us and the T shirt for Jen where above and beyond! :good:



What is it with you and wood :lol:



Just the way it is at the lake Brian.. just the way it is! :rofl2:



That shot of the tower with "I conquered the tower" nearly had me in tears. She's a trooper and nothing less.


Well RC.. you can see in the group pic at the top it did the same to me! THANKS!



Wow, wow, wow! You have a great set up there. Ive done wood steps like that and a little less remote im sure and its heavy, hard work. Looks good. Surprised planes can fall out of the sky and land in the bush like that and people can walk away from it.


Steps where no fun.. but I think I did them right. They're not going anywhere. Would have been nice to be able to start at the bottom vs the top.. but I had to make sure the last step was level with the bottom of the steps to the deck. As for airplanes falling out of the sky.. Engine failure and if he had of missed the big tree he might have made the lake. Luckily for him he only caught it with the right wing... it turned the airplane around and they went backwards into the bush. So they were all forced back INTO their seats. Not a scratch on all three..

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One day I will fish temagami, it'll give me an excuse to get some more toys..errr tools for the boat :)



No need to wait... come launch for free before our current "great" council gets the idea to start charging for launch/parking or access to the lake in general. I'm only 4 islands out from the highway.. always keen to be a guide or point you in the right direction.



awesome summer wayne !!! wow...im glad you spent it with your family looked like everyone had a blast....beauty spot you have up there...cheers :thumbsup_anim::worthy::Gonefishing:


Thanks Shaun!



wow, what a great summer you had

amazing job on the stairs, and congratulations to your daughter for conquering the tower !!


Thanks JDS



Looks like a great time on Temagami was had by all. That pike was a brute and a shame it didn't make it but what can you do. You did every you could by the sounds of it and who would have guessed it would have hit twice. Great to see Jen's walk of fame and conquering the fire tower, looking forward to seeing her do it again next year. One heck of a report there Wayne. I always enjoy your "What I did this summer." reports, thanks for taking the time. :thumbsup_anim:


Thanks Will... the pike living would have saved me a 1000 bucks tooooo ! :w00t:



great read, close family you have Wayne. Your A lucky dude.


Amazing what family death and illness can do to an otherwise separated family Phil. Like I keep saying.. life has an expiry date, don't lose site of that. We, as a family, spent too many years doing our own thing. A shame that at this point of life we've realized that was a huge mistake. :blush:



Incredible report Wayne. From Jen's recovery/walking/tower climb to all the fantastic pictures. Really enjoyed them and also want to wish Jen a speedy recovery from her latest diagnosis/treatment. She's gonna beat this one too and show that damn cancer who is boss ;)


Thanks Hun!! Glad you enjoyed the pics since you have a greater idea of what we changed more than most here... since you've faught them steps yourself! lol



Great to see you all could enjoy he summer together ... Long time in coming I'm sure. Maybe next time you post a report, how about adding a couple pictures for us. :angel::angel: Thanks for taking he time to share your summer with us.


LOL Rich.. I'll shoot for 200 pics next summer. I actually had about 900 pictures from this summmer... but 300 were of the stairs!! :w00t:



Wow amazing pictures. Nice to see your family getting together so much.


Your cottage stairs look great! :clapping:


Yah.. they do look great Lex... don't you be chipping away at them with the shovel this winter! B)

Edited by irishfield
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Wow !!!worthy.gif I just now, had the time to finish looking at all the pics, and try to take in everything from this epic summer of yours.

Thanks for allowing me into your world for spell.All the best to you and your familly Wayne.

Especially Jen.

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Well bud... if it is may bad, lemme know what I owe ya and we'll square up next time chillin'. Serious!!!


We're good bud.. it didn't cost me anything but a day of screwing around... and may very well have been caused by pulling the line out of the lake in the fall.

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Amazing what family death and illness can do to an otherwise separated family Phil. Like I keep saying.. life has an expiry date, don't lose site of that. We, as a family, spent too many years doing our own thing. A shame that at this point of life we've realized that was a huge mistake. :blush:


Well said Wayne.


When the cards are down and money, assets, or status have absolutely no value anymore, what matters most are the folks holding your hand.

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Wow .. not sure how I missed this one .. lotta firsts this year Wayne and some KEEPER snaps ... love the 'buff-right-out' story !


I feel for ya on the stairs ... I did ours last summer so my 86 Yr Old Mother-in-Law could enjoy the docks/decks with us too ... but I got off easy ... mine was only 8 steps and the 63 wheel barrows of screening got dumped at the TOP of the hill for us :)


Congrats to Jenn for the milestone (and some fancy Moet-Mulroney) ... I have a strong sense that she'll be up there again next summer ... maybe even sippin on a 2000 Dom (which I just happen to have in the cellar ;) )

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Left in a hurry after seeing the pink tongs! LMAO


Didn't hear you complaining while they were serving you fresh laker breakfast :D


Great report that's certainly become a mainstay of my early fall reading....and this time I got to be in it :thumbsup_anim: Glad to see you guys managed another great summer!

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Fantastic Wayne, as usual. Rarely a dull moment, and certainly none that go unappreciated by you. You guys really do it up right, and really have the right outlook.

Was great to have breakfast with you...maybe a redo is in order this winter as part of an engine recovery mission :D

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