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bad openning day


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ok so fish as of late has been real tough for me either things going bad on trips or no fish and sometimes both but the openner has topped it off. Here is my day


Friday I get the floors back in my boat and all my gear ready. My little girl asks me if she can go I said no wasn't prepared to take her. she was upset.


Sat morn I'm up 430 and so is my girl trying to convince me to take her . Still no .

my buddy shows up we are off. we make the launch and it's open not backed up so I back in in kind of a hurry get launchd smoothly and i park the truck

we head down the channle and there is a smaller channel that meets it. we head down because it produced last year. i put down the electric trolling motor and fish the channel. no fish and for some reason I can't cast worth poo. I finally get to the point I can cast but no fish we head out to the main channel and going to shoot for the bay.

heading out of main channel just after boathouses you power up get on plane and clear the channel. so I get to the end of boat houses I power up but no plane so as I turn to go off to the side out of the way. I hear a snap from the front of boat i notice the trolling motor hanging from the side of boat. I broke the bow mount on the place it was repaired from a previous break. So my buddy pulls it up straps it down and we are off on a plane for now.

As I'm thinking hey boat is runing well it's a nice day and gee this new inflatable lifejacket feels just like it's not even on. I look further up in boat and there is my buddy not in his jacket either then it dawns on me they are in the truck so turn around go back get the jackets and head back out.

Ok we get out to an area and toss some lures nothing. We decide to head to the area of boats. as we go we troll and getting close my lure grabs a bunch of weeds so I crank it in and proceed to beat the weeds off but some stay so i reach to clean them off as I do the tiller turns and I reach for it and my new shimano sellus rod and curado reel head off the back of the boat. We turn around and look but can't find

Then we fish somemore and move about.We hook2 or 3 but not many and decide to head to the other side of the bay about 3/4 of the way my 40hp dies and sounds way hot. I pull it up to find the intake/exaughst port spun around not allowing water in to cool. I fire up the small 9.8 motor I have hanging off the back and 2 hr later we make the launch .


in the end bass opener cost me:


a trolling motor mount (looking for good deal on one)

shimano sellus rod

curado reel

head gasket and temp sender (possibly a impeller) 40hp evinrude


I'm just about to the point of giving up

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Maybe you should have taken your daughter for panfish instead! Seriously though, even bad days on the water are better than a day working! Like others have said, it'll make a good story when comparing bad days with the fishing buddies!

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It will make a good story in a few years. And the stuff that broke.....is only stuff. The way I see it, it's a good thing you DIDN'T take your daughter...no fun breaking that much stuff and having to keep a young one happy.

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It will make a good story in a few years. And the stuff that broke.....is only stuff. The way I see it, it's a good thing you DIDN'T take your daughter...no fun breaking that much stuff and having to keep a young one happy.


Of course a kid would ask things like "is motor at the from of the boat supposed to hang off?" and you can be sure that she would wear her life jacket everywhere, maybe reminding you in the end. :whistling:

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I suggest you try golf.

I dunno. The last time Skinny went golfing it didn't turn out that great either.


So, the morning of his golf trip he got up at 5AM and started getting ready. Of course, he hadn't been golfing in over a year and when he put on his golfing shirt it was a bit small. All that fruit cake at Christmas had come back to haunt him. Not much he could do about it since it was the only golf shirt he could find.


After Skinny finished squeezing into his shirt, he looked down and noticed his dog was at his feet with it's leash in it's mouth. Of course, he was running late and just couldn't take him for a walk, but the dog kept insisting. He said no again and again, but his dog was pretty upset and bit him on the ankle, which upset an old college sports injury. A little A535 and he was good to go.


After a mostly uneventful 5 hour drive [they hit a skunk on the way up] he arrives at the golf course that Skinny and his buddy Frank had been planning to play for over a year to find that it's closed due to an army worm infestation. Of course, they would have known that if they had remembered to make reservations - each thought the other had done it. They decided this wasn't going to ruin their day, so, they pack up and head off to a different course about 10 miles north.


They arrive a short time later, unload and head in to see if there's a tee off time available. Of course,it was seniors day and it was booked pretty solid. Luckily, as they were talking to the golf superintendent the phone rang and there was a cancellation. However, it wasn't until 2PM, but they decided to wait it out since they came all that way anyway.


They head to the bar to have some food and watch some TV. They ordered some coffee and a sandwich and proceed to talk and watch Cricket, Pakistan versus India (that's all that was on). Frank asks Skinny why his shirt has the pink Nike symbol? Frank now realizes it was his wifes golf shirt, not his. Not long after, Frank starts to cough and wheeze; and his face gets puffy. What the heck is going on?? Turns out there was some kind of sesame paste or something on his sandwich and Frank is allergic. Luckily it's not a life threatening allergy and Frank takes some Benadryl and is OK. Of course, that didn't stop Frank from getting sick all over Skinny's new golf shoes.


A couple hours later their tee off time comes, Frank is feeling OK by now and they head off to grab their golf cart and proceed to the first hole. They get out and realize they forget their golf clubs. So, they head back to the car and grab them. Head back to the 1st hole and there's a group there. So, they have to wait. Of course the group just had to be four 100 year old ladies. After 20 minutes, they start their game.


Things go well for the first five holes, with the exception that it's probably the worst they've played. Probably a bit rusty since it's been a year and they just can't get their swings right. That's when Skinny realized he had brought the wrong clubs, they were his wife's! He knew he shouldn't have bought those damn matching golf bags. Oh well, he had to make do.


At this course, on they way to the sixth hole you have to pass over a bridge that spans a rather wide river. This course is known for it's difficult water hazards. So Frank, kinda loopy after that Benadryl and few cocktails, is booking along and suddenly a possum jumps out in front of them on the bridge! Frank swerves a bit, they hit the side, and Skinny's golf clubs (his wifes actually) go flying into the river. Normally you'd think it wouldn't be so bad to get it back, but like I said, this was no ordinary water hazard. They were gone for good.


Not much they could do so they decided to just share Frank's clubs and finish the nine. The next few holes were fine, but as they were heading to the ninth the wheel on the golf cart starts to make a clicking sound and SNAP, flies off! The cart tilts to the left and is now scraping the pavement sending sparks everywhere! The cart veers off the path into the trees and comes to a stop once it hits an old fallen log.


Frank and Skinny step out of the cart, a bit rattled, but OK nonetheless. Frank then yells "Skinny your shirt!". I don't what the chances are, but the sparks caused Skinny's shirt [his wifes actually] to catch fire. Skinny quickly put it's out, but now has a small hole right where the Nike symbol used to be. Then Frank yells out "OWE, damnit, WTH!". They look up around them and they are surrounded by angry hornets! The log they hit must of had a hornets nest in it! They quickly grab the golf clubs from the back of the cart and book it out of there with only a few stings.


They finish the ninth hole and start the 1kM hike back to the clubhouse. Of course, on the way Skinny steps into a hole and aggravates the same ankle as earlier that morning and has to limp back with Franks help the last half kilometer.


After an hour of walking they finally reach the clubhouse. What a relief! After dealing with an angry manager for over an hour and working out the payment for the cart they destroyed they finally head to the parking lot. At that moment, Skinny's face just dropped. He realized his wallet and keys were in the golf bag. The same bag that was now 40 feet under water. So, he has to call his wife to come bring the spare keys. She wasn't happy either because she was in the middle of her bridge tournament and was winning after a eight week losing streak.


In the end, the golf game cost Skinny:


- a set of golf clubs

- a $500 repair bill for the golf cart

- his wallet and keys

- a shirt

- a twisted ankle

- an angry wife


In all seriousness, days like that really suck and I am sorry that anyone has to go through them. I know it's cliche, but things could always be worse and will get better.

Edited by FishLogic
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I dunno. The last time Skinny went golfing it didn't turn out that great either.


So, the morning of his golf trip he got up at 5AM and started getting ready. Of course, he hadn't been golfing in over a year and when he put on his golfing shirt it was a bit small. All that fruit cake at Christmas had come back to haunt him. Not much he could do about it since it was the only golf shirt he could find.


After Skinny finished squeezing into his shirt, he looked down and noticed his dog was at his feet with it's leash in it's mouth. Of course, he was running late and just couldn't take him for a walk, but the dog kept insisting. He said no again and again, but his dog was pretty upset and bit him on the ankle, which upset an old college sports injury. A little A535 and he was good to go.


After a mostly uneventful 5 hour drive [they hit a skunk on the way up] he arrives at the golf course that Skinny and his buddy Frank had been planning to play for over a year to find that it's closed due to an army worm infestation. Of course, they would have known that if they had remembered to make reservations - each thought the other had done it. They decided this wasn't going to ruin their day, so, they pack up and head off to a different course about 10 miles north.


They arrive a short time later, unload and head in to see if there's a tee off time available. Of course,it was seniors day and it was booked pretty solid. Luckily, as they were talking to the golf superintendent the phone rang and there was a cancellation. However, it wasn't until 2PM, but they decided to wait it out since they came all that way anyway.


They head to the bar to have some food and watch some TV. They ordered some coffee and a sandwich and proceed to talk and watch Cricket, Pakistan versus India (that's all that was on). Frank asks Skinny why his shirt has the pink Nike symbol? Frank now realizes it was his wifes golf shirt, not his. Not long after, Frank starts to cough and wheeze; and his face gets puffy. What the heck is going on?? Turns out there was some kind of sesame paste or something on his sandwich and Frank is allergic. Luckily it's not a life threatening allergy and Frank takes some Benadryl and is OK. Of course, that didn't stop Frank from getting sick all over Skinny's new golf shoes.


A couple hours later their tee off time comes, Frank is feeling OK by now and they head off to grab their golf cart and proceed to the first hole. They get out and realize they forget their golf clubs. So, they head back to the car and grab them. Head back to the 1st hole and there's a group there. So, they have to wait. Of course the group just had to be four 100 year old ladies. After 20 minutes, they start their game.


Things go well for the first five holes, with the exception that it's probably the worst they've played. Probably a bit rusty since it's been a year and they just can't get their swings right. That's when Skinny realized he had brought the wrong clubs, they were his wife's! He knew he shouldn't have bought those damn matching golf bags. Oh well, he had to make do.


At this course, on they way to the sixth hole you have to pass over a bridge that spans a rather wide river. This course is known for it's difficult water hazards. So Frank, kinda loopy after that Benadryl and few cocktails, is booking along and suddenly a possum jumps out in front of them on the bridge! Frank swerves a bit, they hit the side, and Skinny's golf clubs (his wifes actually) go flying into the river. Normally you'd think it wouldn't be so bad to get it back, but like I said, this was no ordinary water hazard. They were gone for good.


Not much they could do so they decided to just share Frank's clubs and finish the nine. The next few holes were fine, but as they were heading to the ninth the wheel on the golf cart starts to make a clicking sound and SNAP, flies off! The cart tilts to the left and is now scraping the pavement sending sparks everywhere! The cart veers off the path into the trees and comes to a stop once it hits an old fallen log.


Frank and Skinny step out of the cart, a bit rattled, but OK nonetheless. Frank then yells "Skinny your shirt!". I don't what the chances are, but the sparks caused Skinny's shirt [his wifes actually] to catch fire. Skinny quickly put it's out, but now has a small hole right where the Nike symbol used to be. Then Frank yells out "OWE, damnit, WTH!". They look up around them and they are surrounded by angry hornets! The log they hit must of had a hornets nest in it! They quickly grab the golf clubs from the back of the cart and book it out of there with only a few stings.


They finish the ninth hole and start the 1kM hike back to the clubhouse. Of course, on the way Skinny steps into a hole and aggravates the same ankle as earlier that morning and has to limp back with Franks help the last half kilometer.


After an hour of walking they finally reach the clubhouse. What a relief! After dealing with an angry manager for over an hour and working out the payment for the cart they destroyed they finally head to the parking lot. At that moment, Skinny's face just dropped. He realized his wallet and keys were in the golf bag. The same bag that was now 40 feet under water. So, he has to call his wife to come bring the spare keys. She wasn't happy either because she was in the middle of her bridge tournament and was winning after a eight week losing streak.


In the end, the golf game cost Skinny:


- a set of golf clubs

- a $500 repair bill for the golf cart

- his wallet and keys

- a shirt

- a twisted ankle

- an angry wife


In all seriousness, days like that really suck and I am sorry that anyone has to go through them. I know it's cliche, but things could always be worse and will get better.

Ok... that made me pee a little more! LMAO!


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talk about salting the wound with all that karma talk... probably the last thing you wanted to hear...


look at the bright side... everything that was lost or broken is replaceable/fixable but MOST importantly...you have a daughter that actually wants to go fishing with you and not play with dolls or think fish are gross etc.


glass half full....


so where can i look for that curado? tongue.gif

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