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A question to the OFC members


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97 members have voted

  1. 1. Should OFC be viewed by members only

    • YES
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understood drifter,, point is i have no prob helping people catch fish..just not will to display billboard saying "fish here use this lure"


And that's fine Beagle Dad, that's your prerogative...no one has a problem with that.

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My thing is,I love to fish and report my days events.Thats what this sites all about) I have tried to cut out the back ground (hate when I have to do that) I,m forced to knell down and show bank shots or fish just on the bank.(not liked by many steelhead anglers,but what to do) My laker reports,well,most know where I live and where the fish are on Simcoe,so what the hell is one to do. I had a few pm,s asking depths and lures. I responded to one local known member.

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i have met and fished with cpl of members...my use is to meet like minded individuals who wants to have fun and catch fish..my frustration comes from people who back door info for their own profit

i'm not sure sites like this benefit from those that take and dont give back...hence the state of our fisheries..whats left for future generations

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Doesn't really matter to me one way or the other whether folks are members or not. If they want free info they can still get it.


Sorta like the rule we have here where you must have 25 posts under your belt before you can advertise in the classifieds. Guys just register, then reply to 25 posts in short order and post their stuff for sale and then they never post again.


Or what about the guys who are only here for their own self promotion ??


They never join a conversation, never post reports, never reply to anything, infact some almost never even come into the main forum page, they just sit in the background promoting themselves.


Some things there's just not much you can do about other than accept it and go about your own business.

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Sorta like the rule we have here where you must have 25 posts under your belt before you can advertise in the classifieds. Guys just register, then reply to 25 posts in short order and post their stuff for sale and then they never post again.


The reason that's there Lew is to stop spam bots from getting in and it works better than anything else we've ever tried.


edited to add: You'll also notice that our newest member is our 8022nd member but his board number is 13175. That's because we screen everyone who comes in here.....40% didn't make the cut. It's the best we can do for the time being.

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This is why people really need to be aware of what they're posting.. I don't post many threads anymore and this is the reason. No way I'm giving away info/conditions to someone who's just going to exploit the resource.

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That is why if I am giving someone information I will either PM or email them. I don't post anything specific on the open form anymore. You want to know what is really going on in my neck of the woods. You PM or email me. If you are a contributor I'll reply, if not, forget it!


This pretty well sums it up for me.

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All requests and a modest fee for the privilege of viewing Solopaddlers trip reports should be made to me DRIFTER_016 his manager!!!! B)


its about time you fessed up and took responsibility for not packing duct tape for their recent holey canoe scenario...in the words of Donald Trump "YOUR FIRED! Now get outta here!" :whistling:



My thing is,I love to fish and report my days events.Thats what this sites all about) I have tried to cut out the back ground (hate when I have to do that) I,m forced to knell down and show bank shots or fish just on the bank.(not liked by many steelhead anglers,but what to do) My laker reports,well,most know where I live and where the fish are on Simcoe,so what the hell is one to do. I had a few pm,s asking depths and lures. I responded to one local known member.


Initially i was going to say this site may need the traffic of the "lurkers" to generate more sponsors but i decided not to say that because to quote you B " My thing is, I love to fish and report my days events" and for that...thats what makes this forum work as well as it does...i enjoy reading peoples adventures on here and quite impressed with quality of the reports...its all about the fun of our passion and sharing it with each other...if someone learns something along the way...well i guess you get to sleep good at night that you helped out someone you dont even know...(noble gesture)


Keep in mind everyone moves and beats to their own drum...when i found this site and read 6 or 7 threads...i signed up immediately...some others it may take years to climb out of the shadows (if ever) ...i can think of a few people that are members on this forum that have less than 10 posts but are active in reading all the time and been members for years long before me..Some may find it intimidating to compare their writing abilities to some of the others on here...what ever the reason...its their loss that they wont get the satisfaction of sharing the rewards that come with being an active member such as making new friends...personally i havent yet posted a fishing report by choice...but still consider myself an active member that enjoys checking in on a daily basis

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an interesting thought, and I have to admit there are times I am dumbfounded at the views to some posts and the poor reply counts - but where do you draw the line? I see a lot of members who have been members way longer than me, have way fewer posts than me, but offer a report or opinion once in a while. Many of them quality. How long are you a member without a post before you are cut off? How long in between posts? As an example, one member who has something like 20,000+ posts (and shall go un named but you all know who) wont be posting for several months becuase he is doing what we would all love to do - turning off the internet, relaxing and fishing. We gonna cut him out?

I think like most things in life, take from it what you want and ignore the rest. Give what you want and hopefully it is appreciated. I have met some great freinds through this place. Two of them before I had really posted anything. Whats that worth? Priceless. You have something you want to show and share, but dont want the lurkers to see? PM your buds, or perhaps use another social media outlet.

Its a forum, not a club.

just my $0.02

now back to reading those fishing posts.

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Hey Brian,

Here's my take.I am probably a lurker more often than not on most boards I am registered on and mostly because I have my computer set to clear everything as soon as I am done a session.Therefore I have to sign in on each and every board,fishing or not if I want to contribute.For the most part I only post when I feel I have a reason to.SO having said that I usually lurk at least once a day and probably view about 30 percent of the daily posts.I might post once a week so my ratio is really 'lurker sided'.For me the reading is more of a daily wind-down and unless something pekes my interest I'll post.So here you go!


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If this wasn't public, we would have a slower board and we'd be without a lot of great members who just happened to stumble upon this site doing a google search. I like the public factor and believe its the reason why OFC attracts so many views/members.


As a personal rule, I like to post as much fishing related stuff as possible, "good jobs" and as many reports as possible. I feel that this stuff "pays" my way into this community.

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It's "fishing" that fuels; or should fuel, the OFC engine.


I kinda get what Brian is saying, as you would expect that all angler members fishing and contributing reports should receive the best acknowledgements/feedback for their efforts from those they are willing to "give" to. A no-lurker format could make view numbers and responses to threads a more balanced and personable experience. Even if people just simply log-in in order to view but never say or contribute anything, then even that still somewhat enhances a membership and helps better define "community." I rarely post nowadays here other than in peoples reports to say thanks, great job, give feedback or ask about something... because A) they made an effort to report, and B.) it's of interest, and C) it's appreciated that they did report and D) because the hope is they will continue to do it. Surely there are others who when posting a report hope that it's well received and appreciated, and I have always found OFC gracious in that respect with me, but it's not always the case with all others or even as a general rule of thumb. So that leads to...


... I would love to see a fishing reports and a general discussion section separate here and I've always thought that OFC could in the very least entertain a trial period for this. All anglers here contributing to "fishing experiences" should not have their moments lost to pages 3,4,5 and beyond, within a few days because "other" threads simply wash them away. Those are peoples proud and/or interesting fishing moments, and threads like someones rant of the day, or some political thread, or news item, or question about home improvements, isn't often IMO as news worthy as say, JohnnyB's recent trip to Temagami, Dan's speckle weekend, Cookslav's trip to Algonquin, Lungelarry's PB 50-incher, Brian's day steelheading... etc. Personal Fishing reports like that from signed-in members should have a main stage where they remain in the OFC theatre until only the next fishing show earns it's place at the top of the Box Office. As a "community," visitors (members) here will gain more in fishing and probably friendship. Such a section to view should also be open only to those signed-in. Idle topics of lesser interests to the masses (being that we are or should all be here in a sense for "fishing) should not take away, make less difficult to find or view, or somedays take center-stage over membership contributions in fishing.


I'll be expecting a few to say, "but it ain't broke so why fix it." And they're right... not saying anything is broke. And neither is my truck, but it still went in the shop today for a check and a tweak and I drove it away feeling that it was going to run better. ;)


Just my $0.02.

Edited by Moosebunk
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I have to ask... is this topic a result of my topic i posted about my new fishfinder, and asking why I had 105 views and no comments ?:dunno: And I will admit, I have lurked for a while _ but will add it is only because as a new member, I had posted a few questions and got little help, negative feed back etc. so I was discouraged, and have kinda sat back. But now, with my new boat, trailer back in the highlands etc. I look forward to posting some nice reports (that I know we all get off on), and taking advantage of the full benefits this forum can offer by.. maybe becoming a "regular" ?? -:blush:

and well, if I am wrong as to my thoughts on as to why this topic was brought up - I will chalk this up as another case of myown Larry David-esc paranoia as a result of too much times "in the bush" :tease:

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I will be honest. I do not post my reports because I do not want to be famous. lol. I will PM people as I often do with help but I no longer post reports because this site is just too bloody big and I do not want people to recognize me at the boat launch.


I still try to contribute with advice and help but I do not want to slather pictures of myself here with fish as I have nothing to promote.


I often speak out against the shills on here but am often ridiculed by the sycophants who believe that the Pro (motional not fessional) Staff that shill here are doing it in the best interest of the membership not themselves. I equate these people with the guy in the strip joint that thinks the broad really likes him.


I respect many people on this board. I have friends on this board but I think it is just to big to be posting pictures of myself on it. Like I said, I have nothing to sell. If I PM you with info. you know it doesn't come at a price.



Edited by Grimace
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I have to ask... is this topic a result of my topic i posted about my new fishfinder, and asking why I had 105 views and no comments ?:dunno: And I will admit, I have lurked for a while _ but will add it is only because as a new member, I had posted a few questions and got little help, negative feed back etc. so I was discouraged, and have kinda sat back. But now, with my new boat, trailer back in the highlands etc. I look forward to posting some nice reports (that I know we all get off on), and taking advantage of the full benefits this forum can offer by.. maybe becoming a "regular" ?? -:blush:

and well, if I am wrong as to my thoughts on as to why this topic was brought up - I will chalk this up as another case of myown Larry David-esc paranoia as a result of too much times "in the bush" :tease:




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