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Poachers next door?


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So, my neighbor 2 doors down is a nice old guy. Sadly his Wife of 50 years passed away a month ago. He likes fishing, and eating fish. i'd told him I'll bring him a small Salmon someday. Anyway, today his Son and Grandkids arrive, i'm out on the street riding the bike with my boy and I notice a fish being carried up the driveway. I go and investigate, low and behold its a 2 lb. Largie!


The guy gives me that sheepish look and says, " I shouldn't have kept him". "Thats right", I said. I told him there's a hotline I can call and report him but because I like his Dad so much I'm not going to! Man was I ticked off though! Nice way to teach his kids!


I know you're all gonna tell me I should have called the MNR! I just didn't have the heart when Tony's Wife has just died.

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I'm sure you'll get the whole spectrum of answers on this one Dax but every situation has it's reaction.


Givin the circumstances I would have done the same ( I think).


I'm sure the talk and rule speech you gave was enough to enlighten them.



Edited by muskymatt
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Social mores turn into ethics and then into laws. Everything should be discretionary depending on the issue at hand. When the law is taken to the letter, human interaction/compassion and intelligence (my opinion) is removed. In this particular case, under these particular circumstances, you seem to have done the right thing..... except dragging it here onto the internet. Bad mistake.


Sometimes the best thing is to turn a blind eye and keep your mouth shut.


Maybe delete this thread before you cause a big argument over your indiscretion. Many times the best COs let folks off the hook with a good tongue lashing/lesson given, without issuing a ticket.


That's really how it all should be. Maybe reconsider opening this can of worms.....

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Well i can see how every situation is different,and so it should be handled that way,its a real tough call on that one...now its gonna bother you,but i hope it doesnt cause you guys to be enemys. i think that once you said that it will never happen again,so i think you did the right thing by telling him the consequences of his actions...so i think you made the right call on that one

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Guest mistyriver1

Dax, I think you did the right thing. I believe you made your point with the son. You are obviously good friends with your neighbour and being he just lost his wife, I think you made the right call.


If people start bashing you on here then they obviously haven't been around here long enough to know how much you practice C&R and abide by the rules as is evidenced by your posts and reports.



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Social mores turn into ethics and then into laws. Everything should be discretionary depending on the issue at hand. When the law is taken to the letter, human interaction/compassion and intelligence (my opinion) is removed. In this particular case, under these particular circumstances, you seem to have done the right thing..... except dragging it here onto the internet. Bad mistake.


Sometimes the best thing is to turn a blind eye and keep your mouth shut.


Maybe delete this thread before you cause a big argument over your indiscretion. Many times the best COs let folks off the hook with a good tongue lashing/lesson given, without issuing a ticket.


That's really how it all should be. Maybe reconsider opening this can of worms.....



I'm just sharing the experience, I really don't care if someone thinks differently...

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Little Angler


Largemouth Bass are out of season and it is illegal to fish for them, pigeontroller saw someone keeping a largemouth bass, which is illegal.

If you see someone targeting or keeping OOS (out of season) fish you can call the MNR and report them.


In this situation though I think I would have done the same thing! If your neighbour is a good man you don't really want to go through him being charged and you being the one who called is a bad situation. It is good that you said something and hopefully he will know for next time.

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cops and judges let bigger things go... get pulled over doing 120km/h on the QEW the cop may just give you a warning, despite the letter of the law saying you should be fined... really, maybe your neighbour loves to eat bass and maybe it was one of them things that a son goes out of his way and does for his father during an extremely hard time, just to make him feel the slightest bit better... i think it's safe to say that everyone here would do almost anything for their parent that is suffering a hard time, including twisting/breaking the law a little bit... imo, you did the right thing

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I think Cisco summed up my feelings on this pretty well.


You took in a situation and made the best decision you thought that was based on the situation and the surrounding circumstances....that's all we can ever hope for from another person.


Good for you for saying something though...



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I'm going to add my support here as well. My immediate reaction was "Holy crap!!", but being the guys wife just died and you have to continue to live beside him I think I would have done the same. It was his son that committed the wrong doing and you gave him crap and a warning so I'm sure that'll be the last of it. I'm also sure,had it been a trunkload you would have called. It's kind of like when someone has three beers and then drives to your house. What do you do? You know he's had a few and you know he's breaking the law. Do you call the cops on your buddy? I think not. But much more and you get the keys away from him......... somehow. Tough situation. I think what he did was wrong,but what you did was right.

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I have a similar but different story.

I was steelhead fishing in a river that has a spring walleye run as well. That day the walleye were in there thick. I could not get a drift without hooking a walleye. They were bumping into my legs as they were swimming up stream. A school of 20 or 30 ten pounder was right in front of me. It was a nice sight to see. Then I saw the pile of guts on the shore. All the fish were over 8 lbs each. That really got my blood boiling. Walleye season was closed.

It became evident that I was not going to get a drift by these fish target only steelhead so I decided to pick up and head to another river. There were a few others fishing down stream from me. I was watching then catching walleye after walleye. So I decide to stick my nose in. I made my way down stream and proceeded to make idol poop chat. Then I noticed one dude clean fish in the back. I asked them if those were walleye and they said yes. I fricken snapped and said, what the @#&@, it is not in season and they are fricken spawning. They the guy cleaning piped up. "Not for me it's not". As it turned out the guy claimed he was 'First Nations' so he didn't need a fishing license or have to follow the rules and seasons.

I called the hotline when I got back to the truck. So on my way down the highway I passed an OPP. So I made a quick U-Turn and went back to chat with her. I explained to her what was going on and I informed her that I just made a call to the MNR hotline. The cop then promptly made haste for the river to make the bust.

The MNR called me back about 5 minutes later to make certain that I was sure this guy was not 'First Nations' before they dispatch a CO to the river. I don't really know how to put this without sounding like a racist but he looked as white as the next guy. I am not racist and I hope I don't offend anyone. But this guy did not look 'First Nations'. Apparently the MNR receives a lot of calls to this same river with people potentially poaching walleye. The poachers are from a near by reserve, and technically are not poaching. Who do you think are the first to whine about the declining walleye population in the Black Bay of Lake Superior? This brings up a whole other issue and argument not meant for this forum, but I thought I would share my story and the outcome.

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Hey Dax it`s easy for someone to criticise and say you should have reported them but they don`t have to live next door and put up with the possible Bull that could result now if this keeps happening then that is different and they should be reported, I know I would not have a problem reporting a repeat offender and I don`t think you would either.

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It is our human nature to judge others by that persons behaviour, while expecting others to judge us by our intent. (Unfortunately we all, Myself included, make these judgements. Often on a daily basis. We can only endeavor to be better and know that we have made an error in judgement, then not make the same error again and again and again and again.)


Keep this in mind at ALL TIMES. We may see someone act in a way that seems deliberate, or even malicious towards another person or species. We don't know the intent of the action. Prior to judging allow them the opportunity to express that.


In some cases this doesn't bare weight. ie. the gentleman fishing out of St. Clair last year with 8 rods for two guys. It is quite clear the intention was to catch fish by any means necessary, even while breaking the law.


I think you made the right call.

Edited by Pigeonfisher
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A former friend of my dads got busted with 27 northern pike with another guy up there. Dude had been going up north a long time and knew the rules. The went to the same area we did, but never stayed at the same resort.


Former friend, dad viewed them just like thieves, they were stealing. It`s one thing to make a mistake, but when you know and can`t be trusted?

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I have a similar but different story.

I was steelhead fishing in a river that has a spring walleye run as well. That day the walleye were in there thick. I could not get a drift without hooking a walleye. They were bumping into my legs as they were swimming up stream. A school of 20 or 30 ten pounder was right in front of me. It was a nice sight to see. Then I saw the pile of guts on the shore. All the fish were over 8 lbs each. That really got my blood boiling. Walleye season was closed.

It became evident that I was not going to get a drift by these fish target only steelhead so I decided to pick up and head to another river. There were a few others fishing down stream from me. I was watching then catching walleye after walleye. So I decide to stick my nose in. I made my way down stream and proceeded to make idol poop chat. Then I noticed one dude clean fish in the back. I asked them if those were walleye and they said yes. I fricken snapped and said, what the @#&@, it is not in season and they are fricken spawning. They the guy cleaning piped up. "Not for me it's not". As it turned out the guy claimed he was 'First Nations' so he didn't need a fishing license or have to follow the rules and seasons.

I called the hotline when I got back to the truck. So on my way down the highway I passed an OPP. So I made a quick U-Turn and went back to chat with her. I explained to her what was going on and I informed her that I just made a call to the MNR hotline. The cop then promptly made haste for the river to make the bust.

The MNR called me back about 5 minutes later to make certain that I was sure this guy was not 'First Nations' before they dispatch a CO to the river. I don't really know how to put this without sounding like a racist but he looked as white as the next guy. I am not racist and I hope I don't offend anyone. But this guy did not look 'First Nations'. Apparently the MNR receives a lot of calls to this same river with people potentially poaching walleye. The poachers are from a near by reserve, and technically are not poaching. Who do you think are the first to whine about the declining walleye population in the Black Bay of Lake Superior? This brings up a whole other issue and argument not meant for this forum, but I thought I would share my story and the outcome.

I just got through talking with a customer that just had a similar experience with some spawning trout and him seeing "them" crossbowing and reeling in all they could take. Not exactly respecting and preserving the land is it? I guess it's legal, but is it right?

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