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March 17, 2012 - St Patricks Day Browns


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The weather forecast called for a calm day (windwise) and good temps, so we decided that it was time to head for the Big Lake for some Brown Trout action. Launched at Wellington around 0945 and saw there were five boats already out plying the waters.


Headed straight for West Point and beyond and we started putting rods out at 1015 and just as I was setting the 4th rod to the outside, the inside board on the shore side fired and we had a "Fish ON!!!!!"


I grabbed the rod and guided the fish into the net and we had broken the ice for the 2012 Brown fishing. A nice fish at 5.25 lbs.




What a way to kick off the season, High Fives and broad smiles to be sure.


We continued our trolling path and then the outside board on the lake side fired at 1145 and Laker John was into a fish. I got the the other rod out of the way and he was able to slowly bring the fish to the awaiting net. Scooped the net and the fish was ours. Another fish at 6lbs.




Our day was complete as we both had landed a fish, no skunk odour in our boat.


We continued the troll after changing all the lures to the Smithwick Rogue (Blue/Silver/Orange) as it was the hot bait.


We had completed a trolling circuit and were heading back , this time a little deeper, when the shore side board fired again at 1230. I brought the fish to the boat and the fish went crazy as it approached the boat, and John slipped the net under it and it was in the boat. This one was a 5.25 lber.




We trolled thru the lunch hour and then the board fired again, John brought the fish to the net and we had our 4th fish. A nice one at 3.5lbs.




We were both elated and pleased with our success, contacted BayBoy to advise him of our success and then we hit a dry spell.


As we were trolling along the outside board on the shore side seemed to be slightly behind the inner board, John said, there's something funny with that board running that way. I agreed and we continued watching it, finally I said I had better check and see if everything is OK. As I took the rod form the holder and began to reel in the board suddenly went under the surface and the rod doubled over - "Fish ON"


I was having trouble getting the fish close and it continued to take line off the reel, the fish approached the boat and went wild, we saw the size and it was a BIG fish. The line dragged out and finally with a mighty head shake the lure flew clear and the fish was gone. :(


John's estimation of the fish was it was the biggest brown we'd ever seen trolling out there and were fairly certain it was a double digit Brown - but you all know the story ' The big ones get away ' Wait til next time................


We decided that we would try a couple spoons as the sun had come out and it was getting warm. On our last pass, the board fired and a fish jumped and was gone...... later on that pass we had another reel sing for a second and then nothing.....


We trolled near West Point and along the Sandbanks shore and again just before the mouth of the Wellington creek. That's when we saw Fred in his kayak fishing over there.


We hit the shore at 1800 and talked some fishers from Ottawa, who by a sheer coincidence knew who we were!!!! We exchanged lure choices and presentations and hit the road back Hay Bay.


We had gone 4 for 7 , five strikes on Rogues and two on a Stinger.It was a good day and it was a great way to launch the brown fishing. Hope to get back out again, we'll watch the weather.


Stay Tuned.


David aka Superdad

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We think the lost fish was a double digit brown - which would have been a PB.


A couple years ago, we fished and caught browns on the 8th of March, exactly a week after fishing on the ice at Shermans Point.


That fish looked like an Atlantic, but I will never be able to ascertain if it was or not, guess we'll have to start watching a LOT closer.


Stay Tuned.


David aka Superdad

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