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NF Arthritis


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There are many different types Vin. Rheumatoid is one of the worse.My old joints are a bit stiff sometimes, but thats about it. I have an Aunt with this type of arthritis, she has been receiving gold shots for a few years, and for her at least, it has been a very successful treatment.

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I have RA and some days don't feel like doing anything....but other days I feel OK.... I see a Arthritis Specialist and I take Celebrex on the bad days but try not to take it everyday. It's just part of getting old I figure....try to stay active but that's much easier said then done.


Good Luck,


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I also have Rhumatoid Arthritis and fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed with that for about 6-7 years ago. I have tried everything prescribed and some that are legally illegal. The only thing that I found that helps is heat and massage therapy, just spent a week in Punta Cana and felt good the whole week.


You will have to try different meds until you find a good mixture for you. Hopefully it won't cut down on your fishing time like it did mine.


Good Luck and keep up posted.

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thanks guys for the replies and pms. I wa told about this upon minimal test. Tomorrows the big test and im not looking forward to it at all. Because i already know what the answer and severity of it is. :wallbash: No matter Im flipping burgers for the tyler event :thumbsup_anim:

Edited by vinnimon
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....try to stay active




the best evidence is on low impact exercise if osteoarthritis, swimming in a heated pool is an excellent exercise choice. Rheumatoid arthritis and other of the inflammatory conditions are a little more complex and will require guidance from a rheumatologist

Good luck

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My osteoarthritis (including gout) is something I have had to learn to live with for many years now...at present my thumbs are giving me the most grief along with my back...I did a real number on the thumbs earlier this year chopping up some wood for kindling...

I take 40 mg of uloric a day for my gout and take colchicine three times a day if I experience an attack in the great toe, ankles or knees...If the other areas are bad enough I will take a percocet at bedtime but usually not more than one...between the colchicine causing diahherea and the percs causing constipation you can get a real war going on inside...the best rub for the thumbs I've found for me is Voltaren emulsion...


Like I've said here before...Don't get old...It hurts too much !!!

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Glucosamine every day, one pill seems to really help the knees, need to lose some weight as well. Low impact exercise to warm up the muscles really seems to help. Bought some arthritis gloves from the pharmacy, kind of a neoprene, wet suit idea that keeps the hands warm but has cut out fingers really seems to help when the fingers and hand hurts. No matter what, I try to keep the flexibility going even if it does hurt.



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If you do, I sure would like to know what im in for Long term perspective dry.gif


Is it manageable, tolerable, etc etc,,,,,,,,,


This carp hurts like a bugger everyday :wallbash:


Your experiences and responses would be greatly appreciated



Maybe it can help you a bit - read in the internet about


Turmeric and Arthritis


additional Turmeric and Black Pepper

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Thanks for the replies guys, Im sure in a week I will get a call with the bad news. Haha, I dont need a doc to tell me how I feel. Just to tell me how severe it is and how will it effect me in a long term perspective. I have had issues with my back,a mild agrivating pain for many years. Now all of a sudden every bloody joint hurts like heck(putting it mildy). Now I know for a fact that stress(esp extreme stress) can flare up a dormant issue.


Today I went for a full scan in which was totally uncomfortable but I had no choice in the matter. After that I called into work and took the day off, i was of no use at all. At this point it was almost noon and decided I needed to excercise the areas that hurt the most. My legs and feet, so I went for a drive and short walks. :whistling: My hands , wrists and esp my shoulders were killing me so the best way as I was told is to warm them up by excercising and so i did. :w00t: A new solstace 4000, an old rod and a few new lures to join me. And it worked :thumbsup_anim: Not 100% but it did :D


Who said fishing wasnt theraputic, 0 for 2(trout) today but who cares. Im back in the game, just a little slower this round B) in body that is :P

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Both knees, ostio arthitis. Had the right scoped a few years ago to clean up my memiscus and he cleaned up some arthrits, had synvisc shots and multipule cortizone shots in both knees. Going to probably have my left knee scoped soon for a shredded memiscus I hope, but artritis will still be an issue as well as my messed up kneecap. Tried high doses of advil and it helps me a little, tried aleave too with the same results, T3 too and I don't like the effect and taken Oxy rarely but I don't take it and find that it doesn't help the pain, only makes my brain say I don't care about it.


Doctor spoke aout a knee replacement but said that I'm too young (55) as it would probably wear out soon anyway because experience tells him that at my age I'm still too active! And I'd be back in a few years for another.


Walking most of the time with a cane now and it helps me to move around easier. I'm afraid of falling if one of my knees gives out, which they do and I don't want to end up on the floor. Getting up from sitting is very painful and it takes some time to get a little flexible. By the time I finish an 8 hour shift at work walking on concrete floors I'm done.


Also I am having my left lower leg swelling up like a balloon, have had 2 ultrasounds and other tests done because they were concerned I may have a blood clot but thankfully no. This doesn't help the knee either and it is as much trouble as the other problems. Then I had the brilliant idea one day that hey! I should take one of my wife's water pills! That will take the swelling down. Little did I know that they have sulpha in them, I'm allergic to it! I spent the next 5 days scratching hives! And have scars on my swollen leg from the hives that broke the skin from scratching. More bullcrap! to deal with.


And yes I agree I have to drop some weight which would help.

Edited by pikehunter
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I am 34 and have osteoarthritis in my right knee (had it scoped 3 times by the age of 24). For me the best thing is staying active. As soon as I start to sit around and gain weight, my joints seem really stiff. I workout 3x per week and walk my dog everyday.

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My grandfather has had arthritis in his hands for as long as I can remember. He swears by WD-40. He rubs it on his hands in the morning, and before bed. He swears up and down that it is the ONLY thing that works for him. He's 89 now, and I know he's been doing it for well over 30 years, so he must be doing something right!



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  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to thank everybody that mentioned Glucosamine in this thread. I have been using it everyday since I read about it and I tell you that is was a godsend for my rhumatoid arthritis. My knees,shoulders and hips will be forever thankful.


Now if I could find something for managing my fibromyalgia pain, then I can start icefishing a more often.

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Thank you kindly for all the replies, I am on an anti inflamatory for starters and it does work to a degree. The pain is there but i am much more functional now. I will give this med a try for a bit and perhaps suggest glucosamine to my Doc. But first I need to know the results from the tests and scans I went through. I hope its not as bad as i feel, just have to suck it up and deal with it in the meantime.


Any other suggestions are more than welcome.

Thanks a ton guys :good:

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