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Was I out of line?

mike rousseau

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I'm sitting here at 5:00 AM reading this post and the question that keeps coming to mind is why are these people going fishing all the time when they have no jobs and no money :dunno:


Hang up the fishing poles boys and go find a job and start earning money to support your selves.


If I didn't have a job or the money to live properly, the last thing I'd be thinking about would be fishing.


As for taking money for gas, over the last 10 years I've had about 65 DIFFERENT guys & gals from this board in my boat for a day of fishing and I would NEVER accept money from any of them.


Different story if we go away for a few days and there's hotel & restaurant bills to pay, but just for a day, the gas is on me. But it's the same when I fish outta their boat, I don't offer them money for gas either.


As for the guys fishing pole, give it back to him, but that's just me.


I don't want to be a smart so and so Lew , but its a problem for sure and you hit the nail on the head , i don't want to say i gew up in a place like that but i did and in those places thats what they do when they don't work . I'd give this young fellow a pat on the back for trying to turn it into a buisness , and in time like i said learn to seperate friends from customers or it i'll be like you say get a job .

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But with me... I'm broke... I don't have a job... I need the gas money so I can afford my next day of fishing...




9/10 times on the water it's with my truck and my boat...the other days are in my brothers boat... And we don't count gas cause I take him and he takes me...




I put in about 100 days of fishing last year... At 20-40$ a day that's 2000-4000 in gas at the end of the year...


So people stiffing me really adds up


If I get stiffed 1/3 times out...It's a grand at the end of the year


That's a grand off my debt...


Or a grand in my kids education fund...



I had this same issue a few years money tight. my suggestion is and it is going to sound rude but. only go a third of a time, take the ones that pay and make the trip enjoyable. Take the other 2 of the third and get a job. If kids are involved, don't spend their education money in gas for the boat. Two things will happen in this. The ones that did not pay will get the message when you say no to them, you will find they will want to fish, and start paying. I found out for my situation that my bud that were not paying because I was not letting them know that they had two. Before you know it you will only be getting stiffed 1 fo 10. You will never get rid of it. The other thing is you will enjoy the fishing if your not thinking about the money. POSITIVE ACTIONS HAVE POSITIVE REACTIONS NEGATIVE ACTIONS HAVE NEGATIVE REACTIONS it is that simple.

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When my boat and truck leave the yard their gas tanks are FULL...ALWAYS FULL....at the end of the trip before I drop off my fishing partner I refill the truck and boat....split that charge with him plus $1 for boat oil and half the tolls I paid....now everyone's happy.... :)

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I'm sitting here at 5:00 AM reading this post and the question that keeps coming to mind is why are these people going fishing all the time when they have no jobs and no money :dunno:


Hang up the fishing poles boys and go find a job and start earning money to support your selves.


If I didn't have a job or the money to live properly, the last thing I'd be thinking about would be fishing.


As for taking money for gas, over the last 10 years I've had about 65 DIFFERENT guys & gals from this board in my boat for a day of fishing and I would NEVER accept money from any of them.


Different story if we go away for a few days and there's hotel & restaurant bills to pay, but just for a day, the gas is on me. But it's the same when I fish outta their boat, I don't offer them money for gas either.


As for the guys fishing pole, give it back to him, but that's just me.


X2 what Lew said, especially the part about lifes priorities.

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When your handing him his combo back....just tell him if we ever fish together again ...he is paying for the day(s) expences until everything is cool....this way you are a friend and not an ass for selling something that isnt yours anymore...and you will be happy to answer the phone when he calls cuz youll know ya have a freebie comming up....what he does with his money booze,flowers,whatever...is his bussiness....not yours...if you feel you want to fish with him and cover his costs...well then ....that your bussiness...ask your wife how she feels about you wasting money on him in the past...(see the different perceptions here?)

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To clarify for those who haven't read everything here: Mike is staring a guiding business... He has to fish to guide/learn the waters.

Also, he said he "repo'ed" the rod. Deadbeat buddy never even paid for it in the first place. Its your rod Mike, he never paid a cent for it.

Edited by Rod Caster
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Well I'm not sure what this has to do with guiding... It has to do with being taken advantage of...



This is what im gunna do ...


I know he wants to sell the combo... He was gunna sell it for about 100


So I'm gunna forget about the gas money all summer and fall I was leaniant on... But not the 4 days of ice fishing he flat out stiffed me for...


I'm gunna sell the rod...150 Take my cut... 50 and tell him he can pick up his 100 and his other gear still at my house...


I think in the end it's a lesson for both of us and we both get the cash we want in the end...


I really think this is a best of both worlds solution...

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To clarify for those who haven't read everything here: Mike is staring a guiding business... He has to fish to guide/learn the waters.

Also, he said he "repo'ed" the rod. Deadbeat buddy never even paid for it in the first place. Its your rod Mike, he never paid a cent for it.



Not really


I sold him the rod... He paid... Then he owed me money... So I did a repo on it...


I think we can put this one to rest

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And from now on expectations for money will be made clear when I make the phone call to find a fishing partner for the day...


Its unfortunate you need to even have that kind of conversation, it should be common courtesy to offer every time unless you are consistently switching between his/your boat or some other arrangement.


Doesn't mean you have to accept every time, but the offer is nice it acknowledges the time and $ you put into your rig....not to mention in your case fishing ability you seem to put lots in the boat.

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And from now on expectations for money will be made clear when I make the phone call to find a fishing partner for the day...


I think this *may* be part of the problem IF you called your friend out for a day on the water. If one of my buddies called me up to go out on the boat for the day, I would NOT expect to be asked for gas money, straight up. I'd offer to pay for something but to call a friend up then ask for funds is not on in my books. If they called you up, for sure you can ask but not if you're doing the cold calling.

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I think this *may* be part of the problem IF you called your friend out for a day on the water. If one of my buddies called me up to go out on the boat for the day, I would NOT expect to be asked for gas money, straight up. I'd offer to pay for something but to call a friend up then ask for funds is not on in my books. If they called you up, for sure you can ask but not if you're doing the cold calling.


SORRY, but I totally disagree.....this is a guy he fishes often with....they know how much money it is to travel and fish....Mike has laid down a TON of money just to go fishing....a truck to tow with and a boat to fish in PLUS tons of equipment...why should this other guy always go for a free ride to fish....what if Mike called him to go golfing....should Mike pay for everything then....green fees and whatever....if they stop at the 19th hole should Mike pay for that too....I have friends that I take that insist on paying for everything when I call them to go fishing or hunting....but I always insist we split it....fair is fair in my eyes.



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Covering expenses does not equate to profit... as a business, you need to make a profit, control your costs and develop new business. At best you are treading water, based on what I read here.

Find a part time job that will augment your income and still allow you to develop your guiding business... as for your "friend"... that's a very generous usage of the word.


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Can something be repo'd that has already been paid for?


IE - Can you take my blue Leisure Suit with the nice ruffles because I never paid you for the 2 Disco Balls in my bedroom or can you only go after my balls?



Collateral... If you borrow money from the bank and list your boat as collateral... Then you don't pay them back... They take your boat...






SORRY, but I totally disagree.....this is a guy he fishes often with....they know how much money it is to travel and fish....Mike has laid down a TON of money just to go fishing....a truck to tow with and a boat to fish in PLUS tons of equipment...why should this other guy always go for a free ride to fish....what if Mike called him to go golfing....should Mike pay for everything then....green fees and whatever....if they stop at the 19th hole should Mike pay for that too....I have friends that I take that insist on paying for everything when I call them to go fishing or hunting....but I always insist we split it....fair is fair in my eyes.






Well said...

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I told him my decision...


He's perfectly fine with it... And he apologized for stiffing me... He even offered me to keep more then the 50 I want out of this...


So I guess I did the right think cause we are starting to make plans to go fishing again...



You are setting yourself up for more headache and heartache. The guy doesn't have the cash to pony up but is out talking about flowers that he bought for his girlfriend and going out and getting gassed up. Do you really need a guy like this around?? Seriously?? I know you are trying to get a guiding service going but it's a tough gig to make any real money. I'm not going to preach to you about how you should live your life or make your living but BE REALISTIC AND BE TRUE TO YOURSELF. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you want to do.

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I know you are trying to get a guiding service going but it's a tough gig to make any real money.


Thanks for the well wishes...


Like I said... This situation has nothing to do with guiding...


As far as that goes... I'm not looking to make a living off of guiding... I'm looking to help cover my fishing costs and meet some cool people... And so far everyone that has been in my boat has stayed in touch in one way or another... And I covered my fishing cost last year...


So I'm really happy so far...

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Can something be repo'd that has already been paid for?


IE - Can you take my blue Leisure Suit with the nice ruffles because I never paid you for the 2 Disco Balls in my bedroom or can you only go after my balls?



:clapping: ....Who in their right mind would wear blue.... :wallbash:

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SORRY, but I totally disagree.....this is a guy he fishes often with....they know how much money it is to travel and fish....Mike has laid down a TON of money just to go fishing....a truck to tow with and a boat to fish in PLUS tons of equipment...why should this other guy always go for a free ride to fish....what if Mike called him to go golfing....should Mike pay for everything then....green fees and whatever....if they stop at the 19th hole should Mike pay for that too....I have friends that I take that insist on paying for everything when I call them to go fishing or hunting....but I always insist we split it....fair is fair in my eyes.





Fair enough but I guess we roll differently. The golf course analogy is not exactly apples to apples. The boat and truck I own but the course is private property so they need to get paid regardless.


I look at this way as well. If I asked some buds to come up to my cottage because I wanted some company for the weekend, I wouldn't be pissed if they showed up with nothing but the clothes on their backs and a toothbrush. Not going to turn down some nice aged steaks from Cumbrae either but the point for me is, *I* asked them to come up so I don't see why they should be *expected* to pay for stuff is all I'm getting at.


and fwiw, re: Mike's *friend*....I woulda cut him off second time around. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

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