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Best border crossing? NF


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If you are not going over for work whatsoever then have a printout of your hotel confirmation or something for the conference registration..it'll make it easier if they ask you more questions which they like to do sometimes.When I cross to fish they love to ask the same question twice looking for a variation...mostly all I get is "hope they're biting..good luck"

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If I am going for a conference and am not working, (technically, - I will be manning a trade show booth), but attending as a individual who is acquiring knowledge, what would I need from HR?


A letter stating that would be good to have. If you are there to acquire knowledge then you probably won't require any Visa or work permit. Also, have the address where you will be staying.

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If your paperwork to work in the States is not in order keep your mouth zipped as to the reason for entering.


We got grilled once a long time ago for crossing in a car that was lettered with our companies name when we were crossing for a weekend get away.


My son got grilled even further not too long ago when he was asked why he was crossing and he told them he was trying out for a basketball team in Erie PA. Finaly after over an hour one of the custom guards told the other to let him go, he's only trying out for the team and not yet going there to work or there for money. BTW...he never did need to apply for a visa after the tryouts... :(

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If I am going for a conference and am not working, (technically, - I will be manning a trade show booth), but attending as a individual who is acquiring knowledge, what would I need from HR?


Sorry, I misunderstood thought you were crossing to do a job of somesort. But still choose your words with care. Some of them think they carry the power of God. Then others are have a good day and enjoy your stay, go figure :dunno:

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If you are ever in customs or immigration in the US, DO NOT CALL ANYONE "CHIEF"


I made the mistake of "Hey Chief, how much longer???" while waiting for someone from customs to go through the car...


I was 1 step away from a rubber glove... me, my passenger and my car

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Sorry, I misunderstood thought you were crossing to do a job of somesort. But still choose your words with care. Some of them think they carry the power of God. Then others are have a good day and enjoy your stay, go figure :dunno:



Make no mistake....They ALL have the power of God :worthy: LOL

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I know everyone here is trying to help but some are just comical.....


I live about 15 miles from the boarder and have crossed so many times over the years I couldn't even give a accurate count. My sister owns a cottage in Pleasant Beach, Ontario so many crossing have been to her cottage....but not lately.


I no longer use the Peace Bridge...at times it can be down right BRUTAL, but other times while driving along the I-190 I see almost no traffic on it...


The trick to crossing a bridge is timing....what time to you expect to arrive at the bridge and what day of the week will it be....the earlier in the morning the better....but then there's rush hour and I have never crossed at that time so I can't help you there.


I will say I almost never have a problem....as far as which bridge has the best custom officer and or immigration officers (one wears white shirts while the other wears blue).....well that will never be figured out because they rotate the officers so you can't get your buddy for obvious reasons.


But I will say this....have your ID ready, be polite and friendly and tell them it's a pleasure trip to visit someone....DON'T say it for work of any kind. And have all your answers ready as they now ask some weird questions, like where about's in Philly does Aunt Edna live, etc...he may not know the area but can and will read your reactions to each question.


Bottom line, "WISER" had the correct answer.......USE THE RAINBOW BRIDGE...it's the shortest and least used bridge and NO trucks are allowed on it.....truck traffic is what screws up the Peace Bridge...


I just wrote all the rest of this crap for fun....LOL....really the Rainbow Bridge is the best and if your coming down the QEW and it looks like it's backing up to the bridge, get the hell off the QEW and go through the city and you'll pop right on the bridge next to the Duty Free Store and by-pass all the cars and be right on the bridge....it don't get no better then that... :whistling:


And if you have trouble at the inspection booth, just tell them you know Billy Bob from Lancaster....that will get you across and into a nice holding cell where you might even meet my brother from a different mother...BUBBA....LOL





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Gonna hafta disagree with billy bob on the 'don't say it's work' thing. This can and probably will come back to bite you hard in the butt. Lie once and get caught and you'll most likely be flagged in their system, making future crossings a major PITA, not to mention any possible problems you may create for your company.


Tell them that you're going to a conference/workshop/etc representing/employed a CANADIAN company. Basically as long as they don't perceive you to be taking work away from an American, all *should* be good. Be honest is all.


But definitely ask HR what you should do/say at border crossings and good answers to have on hand. btw, will you be bringing the display booth stuff with you or is someone else doing that ?

Edited by woodenboater
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You should be fine and paperwork is good.


If you do end up bringing some samples, would it be a good idea to have the word PRODUCT SAMPLE written or stickered on it so it doesn't look like you're trying to resell down there (check with your boss to see if this suggestion is even worthwhile) ?


Since you're going as a conference attendee, there shouldn't be any issues as friends have been going stateside to attend photo conferences for years without issues.

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this january will be our first time crossing to head down to florida. any tips for some newbs going on their first real road trip? we're heading down to florida, but wont be able to tell the border officers what we're doing, where we're going, or how long we'll be as we won't know until we get there. i'm assuming it would be best to make up a Bull story about where we're going and when we'll be back just to avoid any problems?


after hearing many horror stories im dreading the border crossing because i don't deal with stupid very well and don't have a problem letting people know how i feel about them. i'm thinking it might be a good idea to let the girlfriend do the talking... :dunno:

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after hearing many horror stories im dreading the border crossing because i don't deal with stupid very well and don't have a problem letting people know how i feel about them. i'm thinking it might be a good idea to let the girlfriend do the talking... :dunno:


Stupid is as stupid does..... :)


Tell them what they want to here with no proof otherwise.


Over the hundreds of boarder crossing I have made through out the years I have always respected the job that the boarder crossing inspectors do on both sides of the boarder and have never had a problem. Now that's not to say I haven't brought too much of this or too much of that into either country, because I do...but it's just stretching the limits of maybe food and beer to save a buck or mostly a lot of inconvience to the trip.


Bottom line, crossing between our countries boarders is a cake walk unless you really have something to hide or try to cross during a holiday or peak rush hours...and that's just plain stupid IMHO.



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but wont be able to tell the border officers what we're doing, where we're going, or how long we'll be as we won't know until we get there.


15 years ago my wife and I decided to go for a 2 week drive thru the States with no particular destination.


When I got to the Detroit border and the customs dood asked my destination, I told him just that, I won't know where I'm going until I get there and didn't even know where we were gonna sleep that night, and that was a big mistake. I was more or less trying to be funny with the guy but he didn't see it that way.


He didn't pull me aside, but held us up, along with everyone behind us, for quite awhile with a million different questions.


I wouldn't tell any lies to those guys but would definetely give him the name of a specific destination.


Humour stops BEFORE the border :blush:

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Many of the times I have crossed were for work training and conferences and never had any issues. Have the conference details and hotel details with you, your green roof displays should be no problem as they are not a sellable product. Never , Ever make up a " BULL " story this is what gets you burned when they uncover it and then we get upset about being hassled. They are there for a reason and when they catch you in a lie they need to uncover why you needed to lie.


We have a number of U.S reps coming up this week and have been coming up for years for the Construct Canada Trade show in Toronto and never have any issues. Vice Versa we have company reps attend trade shows in the U.S and as long as your documentation is in order you are fine, no visa is required to attend training or trade shows. They will always ask for proof of accomadations in the U.S for the time you are staying or at least the first night you will be there or the address of the friend or relatives home you will be staying at. They will repeat questions to see if there is hesitation or you can't look them in the eye ,they will dig deeper it is about reading your reactions. Nothing to hide nothing to worry about.

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