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The River is My Church II


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Almost a year ago I made the pilgrimage to one special river I hadn’t yet fished. Frozen-Fire and I scouted as much water that trip and were rewarded with some small chrome fish for our efforts. It was also there on the bank while stepping over a fallen tree that I realized something wasn’t right - It turned out to be cancer.


Over the last 10.5 months I’ve been visualizing my return back to that special river. I could see all the pools and runs I scouted in my head and imagined that a long bar of steel at the end of my line was dancing across it. It’s a river that has humbled a few of my friends and left them fishless the last few years.


A few weeks ago, Frozen-Fire and I made our first trip back. It was an exercise in reading the water and probing depths by using either the biggest roe bags we tied up or clamping on a set of hemostats when the roe ran out. Numbers weren’t great and no really big fish were landed but when it comes to steelhead, the fight of October chrome (even smaller ones) is second to none – Especially from this river...They are a special breed.


First steelhead of the fall for me – A great welcome back gift from the river gods









Snapped an underwater pic of a small one – Even when the river is low and clear, the water has a muddy tinge to it…Out of 50 underwater pics I took that day, only 1 came out decent :(




Perhaps the weirdest thing we saw that day were 3 guys drifting downstream in a small tinny showing us 2 salmon they had kept...It wouldn’t have seemed so weird if we actually saw fishing rods in the boat and the salmon didn’t seem quite as dead. Ironically we saw them launch upstream 6hrs earlier and their license plate read Nova Scotia – Go figure :dunno:


This weekend with some free time, I loaded the car with my fishing and camera equipment and made my way to the end of the street...There I decided I’d go back to the river


The morning brought a cold mist hovering over the river and ice was forming on the guides and the reel. Seriously, it’s just too early in the season to be dealing with that! :(


With no other angler in sight I had free reign on that stretch of river. Action was non-existent the first few hours...I thought I hit the river at the wrong time until I started catching some fish :D


A steelhead in training







At 1:30pm I saw the most remarkable thing – 2 steelhead in the pool I was fishing were rolling and boiling on the surface quite frequently. There definitely was a small hatch of insects going on...Either small stoneflies or caddis flies (they were brown with long wings). It didn’t matter though, as they were boiling on leaves and floating debris as they drifted downstream. One fish around 5lbs torpedoed itself 1ft above the water parallel to the surface. I haven’t seen this type of activity in many years! :w00t:


I quickly stashed my gear in the shrubs and ran back to the car through the bush and forest to grab the 12’ 6wt spey rod and a few boxes of flies I borrowed from a friend – I was supposed to test drive the outfit anyway to see if it was the right setup for me before I bought one. I swapped the sink tip for a floating “cheater” tip, attached a leader of 6lb Maxima and tied on one of my friend’s floating flies in the box (it’s yellow and black and made of foam with rubber tentacles and googly eyes). The fish were still surfacing...


The first couple casts weren’t pretty at all but they mostly got out there...My earlier practice doing the Perry Poke and Circle-C casts on the front lawn did help - My neighbours have gotten used to the sight of fly line shooting past their window :lol:


Fifth cast I hit the seam close to far bank and for a couple seconds it V-wakes across the surface...Until the fish boiled on it...


I was so shocked at the sight of it, I didn’t really set the hook...The fish jumped, cartwheeled and danced across the surface before I actually did anything...It wasn’t big but I don’t care...I hooked it on a dry fly :thumbsup_anim:




I was on an adrenalin high when I landed that fish (I still am feeling the effects of it at this very moment)...Pumped up so much, the next cast I launched the fly and then some into the trees on the far bank :lol:. I can’t imagine the next time I’ll see chrome steelhead rising.


I spent the rest of the day alternating between swinging big sinking flies, tossing spinners and float fishing and managed a few more small fish doing each. It really is a pain in the ass carrying 3 long rods and my camera stuff :lol:. This trip definitely made up for the lack of fishing I’ve done so far this fall. Bring on November! :D



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Fishing does more for the soul than simply catching fish.


Wish I could have been there to fish like we used to and lend some support in person through your personal challenges.


Hopefully we'll get to talk about it all on a river real soon.

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Awesome report, always like your reports. You know some people will probably never get a steelhead on a dry fly that is an amazing achievement.


Me - I am still hoping to get a steelhead on fly rod. Perhaps this weekend. Wife and daughter are away for the weekend so I should finally have time to make a good attempt at my goal for the fall season.

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