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You want To Talk About Rants?? NF


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How's about everytime someone sneezed---10 minutes later the oil price per barrel went up then jacking prices at the pump


Now we all gather en masse and try petitions and boycotting everything short of runnin somebodys petro uniform up the flag pole---then it dies down till thwe next hurricane or war or whatever??


Anybody notice lately as the price per barrel hit the low 80's mark


Anybody see this instant change at the pumps---anybody makin a new petition?


Everybody still payin bout $1:26 / litre


Big Oil Slogan---Bend for a friend


End of Rant


Have a great anglin day

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It still seems that gas is has been hanging around 1.20 a liter for the last little bit regardless of the cost of crude. Short of government regulation I don't know what can be done. The oil companies figured out a few years ago that we will still keep buying gas when it is 1.20. In many ways its our fault, as we are reliant on it.

Having said that it still pisses me off that we are paying so much for gas. Definitely rant worthy.

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Don't blame the gas station guy. I think it's been explained before that the delay in the drop in prices occurs because the retailer has to sell that gas based on the price he paid for it, not based what he will or might be paying the next time he has his tanks filled.



Funny when the barrel prices rise---the pump prices go up overnight---not allowing the cheap fuel in reserve tanks to be used up---that argument seems to only work one way

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Don't blame the gas station guy. I think it's been explained before that the delay in the drop in prices occurs because the retailer has to sell that gas based on the price he paid for it, not based what he will or might be paying the next time he has his tanks filled.



So mister GAS Guy paid (?) to fill his tank on Monday, Wednesday the price of oil goes way up, Wednesday night we're all paying alot more for gas? What happened to mister GAS Guy selling for the price he paid for it in the first place. Cause all the gas in his tanks cost alot less than what he's selling it for! But I do agree that he doesn't want to sell the gas in his tanks for less. Whatever we're all getting screwed

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It's all a conspiracy to make it too expensive for the average working class guy to drive and to reduce the number of cars on the road. The rich, ruling class are tired of all the traffic on the 400 on their way to their multi-million dollar 'cottage'.

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i think its not about how much a barrel is-- but more of how much the USA dollar is crapping. If the federal reserve keeps printing money out of thin air-- we will be spending 1000$$ for a small coffee at Timmies--


Really??? come on dude The USA conspiracy is now tied into oil :wallbash: The price of gas here in the USA has dropped in proportion to the availability of oil and the recent release by the International Energy Agency says that Libya is the reason for the decision to release oil reserves. This is being done to soften the landing since the world is known to consume more oil in the latter part of the year and Libyas unrest has disrupted its ability to supply the amount they had been putting into the Global Economy. Why is it high at the pumps because we will pay it.




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Don't blame the gas station guy.


I agree 100% that it is not the owner/operator of the gas station that is to be blamed; but for different reasons and I'm talking at a branded (Shell, Sunoco, Petro & Imperial) sites.

It’s the oil company that is delegating the price that he/she MUST set the pumps to.

90% of the company op. gas station's owner/operators are forced to be consignment agents and are told where to put the street price.

When I ran my site, we would get a call from price management, three or four times a day with a price move. We would take the readings on the pumps, change the price and then call in the readings, along with tank dip measurements of inventory.

My commission was based on approx 1.5 cents for reg. and 2.2 cents per liter for premium; regardless of street price; I made my money on volume not pricing.

I’ve been out of the gas station business for a few years now; but I've been told that with today’s technology and satellite communications; the companies don’t need the site operator to change pricing or check actual inventory. It can all be done from some office somewhere with a push of a button; taking the operator even further away from pricing. No more calling a bunch of friends, telling them to make a dash for the pumps before the price increase.



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I agree 100% that it is not the owner/operator of the gas station that is to be blamed; but for different reasons and I'm talking at a branded (Shell, Sunoco, Petro & Imperial) sites.

It’s the oil company that is delegating the price that he/she MUST set the pumps to.

90% of the company op. gas station's owner/operators are forced to be consignment agents and are told where to put the street price.

When I ran my site, we would get a call from price management, three or four times a day with a price move. We would take the readings on the pumps, change the price and then call in the readings, along with tank dip measurements of inventory.

My commission was based on approx 1.5 cents for reg. and 2.2 cents per liter for premium; regardless of street price; I made my money on volume not pricing.

I’ve been out of the gas station business for a few years now; but I've been told that with today’s technology and satellite communications; the companies don’t need the site operator to change pricing or check actual inventory. It can all be done from some office somewhere with a push of a button; taking the operator even further away from pricing. No more calling a bunch of friends, telling them to make a dash for the pumps before the price increase.




You are so correct Dan I have seen the daily report arrive at the local Gas station and he punches up the new prices on the computer then he is on the way to get his cup of coffee. Technology has made it possible for the companies to maximize their profits and pass it on to themselves and reward the stockholders.



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Welcome to Capitalism boys. Rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Don't worry though another 20 years there will be a revolution. majority of people will not be able to live and those that are rich won't be able to live off our sweat anymore. Has anyone seen house prices these days? Might as well just rent.

Edited by SirWhite
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Was starting to think you were asleep at the switch Connie.. I was just putting in my gold bullion order... :D


That 25 lb bar worth 12,000 in 1970 is now worth $785,000 ! (unfortunately I don't have one :wallbash: )


Every once in a while I look up from watching the new web cam at my favorite lake. It's calling me. Calling LOUD. Saw two guests head across the lake last night around sunset. Went to Surprise Bay. They left an hour earlier tonight. Found me a hot spot. Actually that hot spot found me almost 40 years ago.

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Don't blame the gas station guy. I think it's been explained before that the delay in the drop in prices occurs because the retailer has to sell that gas based on the price he paid for it, not based what he will or might be paying the next time he has his tanks filled.



That does not hold true either...i've seen the tanker filling up our local place at least 3 times in the last month....the only change in price at that das station was for the Audust long weekend....and guess what....it went up....while the price per barrel was lowere than it has been since whenever.....its a scam.



meanwhile...ooooh....look at the quarterly profits of the oil companies....but ooooooh noooooo...musn't criticize them for making obscene profits because they will threaten to stop pumping because they dont have enough money to invest in increasingly difficult to access resources...any way you look at it they have it covered to continue as is....bend over and enjoy!

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