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Cold snap = late ice out for Simcoe?


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Was wondering what the Simcoe experts thought about this extended cold snap that is coming. It looks like the storm will be followed by a several days of low single digit highs in the GTA. Presumably that means sub-zero temps for a pro-longed period up in Lake Simcoe country. I think I read on here the other day that there was still 18 inches of ice on the lake. Does this mean we're looking for ice out in like early May or can it still happen in April?




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it will be out by the last week of April..............damn I hope I am right

and I do think I will be right, if we could get high winds tonight much of it would be gone.. cooks bay could go with 30 sw winds

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Well I'm no weather expert but a short cold snap with 50+K winds should do no more than help break up the existing ice... I simply would not chance it to many varibles to consider.

Edited by Garyv
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Thank you for your concern and advice. I am a wussy fair weather fisherman. There is 0% chance of me going out on the ice. I have fished 1 time on the ice in 36 years and that was plenty for this lifetime.


I'm wanting to drop a boat in the lake so I'm hoping and praying Garyv is right and the wind will help expedite the ice removal from Simcoe.



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The weather forecast says cold for 4 or 5 days than it's going to be way above average temps. They are usually never right but we'll see. :D Remember it goes a lot quicker than it forms, couple warm days with heavy rain will do the trick.


My guess for safe ice fishing was almost perfect this year, so I'll go out on the limb and say Simcoe ice will be gone by April 19th. Any takers 2-1 odds :lol:

Edited by GbayGiant
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On Tuesday evening there was ice on the lake in front of our place, by the time I got up on Wed. morning the ice had moved 500' off shore, by last night most of the bay was open water, all that in 24 hours. In six years, that's the fastest I have ever seen it clear. I wouldn't be going out on any ice anywhere in this area.

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I had to take an alternate route home via Port Perry yesterday and noticed nothing but open water going across the causeway (hwy 7A) on Lake Scugog...


The north end of Pigeon Lake is still icebound but I'm hoping it will be open soon...13th April last year...

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The ice on my part of Buckhorn blew out yesterday afternoon. Open water as far as I can see...



I had to take an alternate route home via Port Perry yesterday and noticed nothing but open water going across the causeway (hwy 7A) on Lake Scugog...


The north end of Pigeon Lake is still icebound but I'm hoping it will be open soon...13th April last year...



Too bad the Kawarthas don't open until April 28, 2007 @ 12:01am EDT!


DIVISION 6 for both!

Edited by 98Fahrenheit
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I was driving by the top end of Simcoe the other day and it almost looked as if it was open in some spots way out. The ice was still all around the shorelines for a km or 2 but certainly looked open to me. I checked the satellite view but too many clouds the past couple days to see.

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:oops: Well, I think I spoke too soon, today the wind changed the ice blew back in with a vengeance, my marine railway has been "realigned", but I'm lucky, the marina 4 doors down has had some serious damage and it looks like some boats there have taken a beating also. I'll try to get some pictures tomorrow.
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:oops: Well, I think I spoke too soon, today the wind changed the ice blew back in with a vengeance, my marine railway has been "realigned", but I'm lucky, the marina 4 doors down has had some serious damage and it looks like some boats there have taken a beating also. I'll try to get some pictures tomorrow.


Ok, Big Cliff, your freaking me out here.


I keep my boat at that marina thats 4 doors down from you!! My Dad's big boat is there now......hope its ok.......his is out of the water tho, so it should be fine. You must be talking about the ones that are raised in the slips?


I'm gonna have to take a run up there tomorrow for a look see.........



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Sinker, it is the raised slips (not raised any more) on the SW corner of the marina where the point extends out into the lake that took the worst of the beating. It was dark by the time I got home last night but my wife said that the end of that building had come down on top of at least three boats and that they were now in the water and at least one of them was partly submurged. I have to go help a friend for a few hours this morning but I should be home by one pm. If you need ANY help at all just drop in and I will do whatever I can to help you.


if you have a camera please try to get some photos and post them, I'll try too but we have company coming today for the weekend and I might not get a chance to post until after the weekend.

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The ice on Simcoe went out on April 17th last year. I am betting it will be even earlier this year by a day or two. Hope to be able to put my Lund in the water at JP for some perch fishin 2 weeks from tomorrow. Can't wait!

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The ice on Simcoe went out on April 17th last year. I am betting it will be even earlier this year by a day or two. Hope to be able to put my Lund in the water at JP for some perch fishin 2 weeks from tomorrow. Can't wait!


According to my fishing log, I was on simcoe on April 15th last year. There were guys out there a few days before me as well. The perching was killer......my boat is ready!!




Big Cliff,


I'm heading up there in a couple hours. I'll take some pics for sure. My dad's boat should be fine......he's on shore still. It was only a matter of time before those outside slips took a beating, they needed some work as it is. Our slips will be safe I think, we're on the inside.



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