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Question? Who would be at fault?

Big Cliff

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Personally...I don't rely on somebodys brake lights coming on before I slow down. :whistling:


I was traveling at the speed limit, it was an open section of road and I was a safe distance behind him (I did manage to avoid hitting him) If his brake lights had been working there wouldn't have even been an issue.


In in the last 40 years I have never had an "at fault" accident although I guy did run a red light about three years ago and T-Boned me and I almost managed to get out of his way. Hell I haven't even had a parking ticket in something like 35+ years so I'd say I'm probably a fairly safe driver LOL.


With Dara stating that.. Cliff, didn't you recently have laser surgery for cats or was that someone else. Did they check your depth perception afterwards??


Yes I did Wayne, and yes they did check my vision and it is 20/20. I got a clean bill of health to drive without glasses. In fact it is probably better now than it has been in the last 20 years.



Anyway, there was no harm done, I just wondered who would have been at fault, I guess I have my answer now.

Edited by Big Cliff
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Not to be too irritating but maybe the guy was trying to get rear-ended. If you use your e-brake to stop I don't think your brake lights ever come on. :unsure:


A friend of mine was charged when he rear-ended a guy that was completely stopped in the middle of a highway on a blind corner. Not sure if his brake lights were on but it wouldn't have mattered except maybe for the speed of the impact. Cam Wooley, the retired OPP, says "it's never road conditions", it's about care and control of your vehicle. :angry: Don't think so Cam!


Dan O.

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I've driven twice behind vehicles with no brake lights. One was an old van and the other an old pick up truck. If you haven't been behind one of them you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and can't comment that he has bad depth perception. It's unbelievably difficult to tell when the vehicle slows down let a lone braking hard in front of you. Mine were both on regular streets (Mapleview Drive, barrie), not a 400 highway and it was a real eye opener.

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33 years of, legally, being on the streets.. A good few years before that driving as well...


I couldn't possibly count how many brake lightless vehicles I've driven behind in that time frame.


As for

If you haven't been behind one of them you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and can't comment that he has bad depth perception
I'm pretty certain Cliff knows I was asking in HIS best interest after surgery. I have a few friends without depth perception, yet with vigilance they drive and I even have one buddy that flies with only one eye.
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33 years of, legally, being on the streets.. A good few years before that driving as well...


I couldn't possibly count how many brake lightless vehicles I've driven behind in that time frame.


As for I'm pretty certain Cliff knows I was asking in HIS best interest after surgery. I have a few friends without depth perception, yet with vigilance they drive and I even have one buddy that flies with only one eye.



Sorry I didn't realize that, I wasn't actually trying to single anyone out although I see it came off that way, my apologies. I just get worked up over this topic after seeing it first hand and that it's pretty scary even on 50km/hr streets. Pretty remarkable that someone can fly a plane with one eye, must feel good for him. Curious, can he legally drive a car with one eye?

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Took a lot of hoop jumping to get Transport Canada medical examiners to allow him to fly. But since they did.... simply based on the fact TC gave him an aviation medical I can't imagine the provincial authorities could stop him from driving. He has to stay sharp to spot land, that's for sure, but he stays on it and lands on his own tree surrounded VERY short airstrip. I won't even land there.. it's that short. :w00t:

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Whenever you hit somebody from behind it is automatically your fault, regardless of what happened. In this case the officer would probably also ticket the motorist who did not have functioning brake lights as well. HTA states you must have full control of your car at all times, regardless of conditiions. People that end up in ditches due to bad weather all get pinned with Careless. Their throwing that careless charge at people like its nothing. A 6 point offence will ruin your life for a while.


FishNAutographs: If I were to get cut off, and in an attempt to swerve out of the way I lost control, would I still get pinned for careless? PS this did not happen to me, i'm just wondering.

Edited by Fish4Eyes
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Whenever you hit somebody from behind it is automatically your fault, regardless of what happened.


What I always thought as well... but it's not true. Daughter (Jen) totalled the rear of a Honda CRV and the entire front of my '98 GMC on the main drag in Collingwood one night after skiing Blue. Damn spare tire carriers on those CRV's or it would have been simple bumper damage and not $5300 in aftermarket parts going on my truck. Guy she "rear ended" was in the left lane.. she was in the curb lane and he decided to turn right into the gas station just after he passed her front bumper.. then slammed on the brakes and she tagged him right into the station. Office that responded charged him with improper lane change and also went to court with Jennifer when the guys father had him try to beat the charge. :worthy: Rare... but they get it right from time to time.

Edited by irishfield
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