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Kopper's Live target


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The person's fame has nothing to do with it for me -- it's their experience....these guys fish a LOT more than I do....and I never really saw them talking on the board about how great the Rapala's were....not to say I don't love the 'raps....but guys as experienced as these see something special about LT lures and that jumps out at me. They also seem to be pretty down to earth guys and to me that makes them believable. But that's just me...and we don't have to agree....here at the wonderful OFC.....whistling.gif

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I'm with Dave on this one! now I remember why I havnt posted for so long Grimace! truth is I get paid by a lure company-the one i own! not Live Target, I happen to be a fan of lures that work for me LT is Canadian and makes a quality product , there are lots of really good lures out there, I'm just stating my experiences as an angler, I dont consider myself a celebrety but I am a guy who has been successful fishing competitevly, so I use lures that I feel give me an edge, thing is for every Grimace there are lots of really nice people on this site, many of which I have met, . Hi Chris-nice to hear from you, and glad the swimmers worked for you , we are waiting for packaging -othewise they will be ready this spring, say hi the family for me! see you soon. Mark

Very well said Mark I can't wait to try those swammers I am not sure why guys feel the need to target people that are more succesful than they are I'm sure they are just jelous that they can't be succesful in the fishing industry I know I am LOL

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All I have to say is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



HI MARK,BEEN AWHILE.Nice to hear from you. :thumbsup_anim:


Everyone take a CHILL PILL :canadian:



Exactly :clapping:


Off to the gym now got to go work off that big SUBWAY samidge I had for lunch!!!Hmmm which fishing celebrity got me hooked on SUBWAY anybody remember??? :sarcasm::clapping:

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I'm pretty sure Dave's not gonna abandon us.. lol.. its easy to take things out of context in print form. I get paid to promote alot of the things I do. But just cause I promote something doesn't mean I can't like the product as well.

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I love Dave's show, Live Target AND Rapala... I just don't think Live Target would be happy that his display pic is him wearing a Rapala hat, Rapala hoodie and a Rapala DT series crank in a smallie's mouth. lol I'm a Rapala fan but if I had the chance to work with a homegrown company taking off internationally and winning awards like Live Target is, I wouldn't hesitate either. Not to mention the state of Canada's increasing water clarity as Dave has stated before, requiring more natural lifelike presentations...

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I'm pretty sure Dave's not gonna abandon us.. lol.. its easy to take things out of context in print form. I get paid to promote alot of the things I do. But just cause I promote something doesn't mean I can't like the product as well.

Um, how the socks from BPS holding up? :whistling:

ahh, just messing. It was the first thing that came to mind when I read what you said TJ. So your marketing is working...


I'm not going to scroll back up and see if it was Mike's post but that too is what I want to see in a show. Not worried about fishing in some far off place, just how to use the right gear at the right time.


Hey Mark, welcome back. I might be joining the Durham club this year as Corrado's non-boater. Time will tell...

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Um, how the socks from BPS holding up? :whistling:


Ya see... lol.. they are holding up great!!! It was a fun thing to do.. lol.. as a mattter of fact ive been wearing them, all winter. I have at least 6 pairs that i waer all winter. Ill tell ya and im sure theres a ton of people here that will tell ya they are the only fall.winter socks you'll ever need!!

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Ya see... lol.. they are holding up great!!! It was a fun thing to do.. lol.. as a mattter of fact ive been wearing them, all winter. I have at least 6 pairs that i waer all winter. Ill tell ya and im sure theres a ton of people here that will tell ya they are the only fall.winter socks you'll ever need!!

see what I mean, you made me think of them right away :thumbsup_anim:

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Guys at no time did I say I was leaving the board or not posting. I will just be thinking twice before I comment on any fishing product. This board is a great place with many great people that I am proud to call my friends. It's just to bad that often when any pro posts something he is jumped on and accused of spamming. But hey I guess it is easy to do that when you don't use your real name like I do. Maybe I should register a different screen name that I can just use for such attacks. Hmmmmmm what should it be maybe something really cool....something like Grimace but I think that is already taken lol.

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Hey Grimace,

Thanks for pointing out the obvious, Just like the sky is blue, professional fisherman, especially the very successful ones with TV shows, have sponsors. If given the opportunity to endorse a product that supports them, they should.

Dave is also sponsored by many other fishing companies, yet I do not see him plastering the board advocating them. He made some specific comments about why he likes the live target lures.

If he had said something like "They are the best lures that I have ever used, everyone should go out and buy a ton" that would have been different.

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As a fishing advisor, Dave is very good and credible. If he says this is a good thing I will listen and probably purchase because of the respect that I have for his opinion. It worked very well when I bought the Dave's special rapala a few years ago.

In my line of work I shill for my employer as well, however I do so with the same integrity that Dave shows. With the manufacturing capability that we have today, the small refinements are what make the difference. I can catch fish on a Barbie rod and reel, but I prefer to use my (insert favorite rod here) combined with (insert favorite reel here) because it is much nicer to use.

Nails can be driven just as well with a 22 oz estwing but that $300 hammer just feels sooooo good.

Live target baits are a very nice looking bait, and probably will result in more hook-ups if presented properly.

So Dave keep doing what you're doing and I'm hoping for a new FYI soon. :clapping::whistling:

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Hey Dave, Dave is not wrong, and made a valid point. I enjoy the show, appreciate the hard work required to bring a fishing show to air and know that the work doesn't end when the show is in the can. I also know you contribute a great deal to this board as well.


I don't buy my vehicles based on who won the last hillbilly circle race however.

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I made the same argument in this thread and nobody crapped on me then.




I do not think I was disrespectful in either of these two threads. I was merely stating a point.


I think the disrespect in this latest thread was not shown by me. I did not imply anyone was a bad person or make a remark about changing my name to Grimace. I stated my points like an adult I thought.


Sorry to offend, but I stand by my words.

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I made the same argument in this thread and nobody crapped on me then.




I do not think I was disrespectful in either of these two threads. I was merely stating a point.


I think the disrespect in this latest thread was not shown by me. I did not imply anyone was a bad person or make a remark about changing my name to Grimace. I stated my points like an adult I thought.


Sorry to offend, but I stand by my words.


I wouldnt worry about it too much G. nerves are frayed and people are running on hi octane joy juice in here lately. It will pass like everything else.




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Me either Lookin, but we can dream. When new stuff appears in my garage and the wife notices (very seldom since my garage is like a condemned hazardous waste area) I just explain that I got that stuff free from my buddies who have too much. lol


I've learned to cut the tags off right away! :)




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I made the same argument in this thread and nobody crapped on me then.




I do not think I was disrespectful in either of these two threads. I was merely stating a point.


I think the disrespect in this latest thread was not shown by me. I did not imply anyone was a bad person or make a remark about changing my name to Grimace. I stated my points like an adult I thought.


Sorry to offend, but I stand by my words.


Your argument was similar but the context was quite different. Your post on this topic could be seen as a direct reply to the endorsement that some pro's were giving. I would take offense to your comments if I were a pro.


I also do not think that it is necessary to state the obvious, as you seem to enjoy doing.

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Oh, my!....What have I done? :oops:


Amazing how arguments came ascend from a mere thread about fishing lures?


Let's see, hmmmm.......How about: Bombardier rocks, and Arctic cat sucks? :D

Edited by eazy
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I would have to say that my favorite fishing shows would have to be a toss up between Bob Izumi's real fishing show and Dave Mercers, just watching a episode of either puts me in a good mood no matter what!

Dave, I like the SCORE part on your show, cuz it cuts through the TV part of the program and reveals the truth that even the Pro's have to work to get fish in the boat.......Keep up the good work Bud! :good:

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