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If you can't wait talk to the guys you know who are more senior than him and they can pull him aside and have a "chat" if not then talk to his supervisor. There's always OCAP complaints or walk in complains. Most likely the officer in charge will direct you to ocaps. If he's a young guy on the service he needs to be brought down a peg

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His boss will be back on Tuesday .. lucky guy is gone to see the Daytona 500...

I will file a formal complaint..with him 'cause I really trust the Man

I would have thought that his first talking to would have set him straight but it just seemed to jack him up..

Unless he decides to start a rumble I'll steer clear of him... and if he does I'll do my best to turn the other cheek.


It just angers me to see someone with authority abusing it.




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Not sure you want to rumble with him........


I would wait for your buddy to get back, he may feel you went around him if you don't. Sounds to me like he needs to be taken into the alley by a few of his fellow officers. The decent cops don't want a bad name becasue of this putz.

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You also realize Randy that a few things within this posting here aren't gonna help your cause when someone prints it out for their side of the defense. May wanna do some editing.. although Google has probably captured it already..

Edited by irishfield
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Something just doesnt sound right here.I cant figure out why the cop would have just talked down to you without cause. I'm sure this is not the first time you have seen him on duty.Has he always been this way Randy ? You said he was a school buddy. Was he this way back then too?Maybe someone pee'd in his cornflakes that morningdunno.gif

Ya didnt mess with his girl back in the good ole days did ya?whistling.gifwink.gif

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If you know you can physically take him then he probably knows it too! Thus dont even go there because itll be bad news for everyone involved, before the altercation and being pulled over there was no major issue and im sure after a couple of weeks of not fanning the flames this will all subside...


just my 2 cents, that or just knock him out cold with a sucker punch when hes off duty and take compromising pics of him while hes out with his pants off while in the company of another man, then just hold the pics over his head for the rest of your lives....


either or!

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Well..... I just got back from the Police Station... I was greeted at the window by the one and only "Constable Mike Davis"


He politely asked can I help you Mr.Kirkwood...

I told him that I would like to file a formal complaint on his truly and I asked for another constable.


Our new Police Chief then assisted me... WOW talk about good service... I was questioned about what causes I had to want to file such complaints. We logged onto OFC so he could see for himself.... Hmmm... I then asked if I could get in trouble for posting such a topic On-Line... he re-read it and said no.

Since I didn't use the Officers real name nor the name of the Detachment or other Officers I was OK. PHEWWW!!

Word of my being pulled over in December had long ago came to his attention by way of my Buddy the Staff Sargent.


Instead of having me file the complaint against said Officer ... he called him to the office and sat him right beside me like a School Principal would do... he then reiterated my claim and asked if they were true...Cnst Davis quickly said "Yes Sir".


Our Chief asked me if a formal apology and a handshake would suffice... I hesitated and said Yes.

The Constable then extended his hand and said "Mr.Kirkwood ,I'm sorry for what I have done to you and you can be assured that it will never happen again"... WOW! Holy Friggin' professional!


The Chief asked me if there was anything else ... I had nothing to say but Thank You... he let me out of his office and SLAMMED the door shut with said Constable still sitting in there.


I think that he may have been a little angry :sarcasm:


I feel better now that I know the Chief himself has an eye on him.


All is well that ends well...thanks for all the advice guys ... I'm glad I didn't do anything drastic..


Mr. Kirkwood :rofl2:


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Glad that things seem to be working out for what could have been (and still might be) a really tough thing to get off your back.

That being said; this cop must have an ego the size of King Kong’s.

With today’s wealth of information, at anyone’s finger tips (internet) where you can easily find, legal documented means of combating someone like this; he still tries to brow beat you?

He’s either very full of himself or has mental issues; thinking you’d cower and take his crap?

For him too even try this, he should had been forced to have a sociological evaluation performed; he needs professional help!

Will a person like this stop or will he just pick his next victim a little more carefully?

Someone that he feels doesn’t have the resources and can hold that person under his thumb; as too fuel his ego?

Scary stuff when someone in police uniform and supposedly trusted, invades your life for personal means; whatever they be?



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I'm the kind of guy that usually minds his own business and very seldom do I.. snoop into others.


I just picked up my kids from school and was chatted up by a friend that had seen my truck at the Police Station this morning.. he asked me if something was up. I told him what I was there for.

He already knew of my being pulled over in December and went on to say that .. the Officer in question has many complaints against him , hear say? maybe?

I, for the sake of this small town, hope that he calms down and acts like a professional from now on.

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