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Contractor Help Needed

Billy Bob

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Had a new entry door and two new storm doors installed by a private contractor.....he didn't do the best job or maybe I'm just too fussy.....the inside door casing he slit because he tried to nail it too much because it was being held out from the spray in foam insulation he applied....I went and purchased another one and painted it....I'll install it tomorrow....he also marked up the ceramic tile in both foyers and it took me and the wife 30 minutes in each foyer to scrub with a pot scrubber to remove the marks from the tile floor.....but here's the real problem.....he put one of the storm doors together so it opens with the hinge on the left and I wanted it hinged right so when I enter the house you naturally flow away from the stairs that lead to my basement. I'm concerned it's a safety issue...it can't be changed around...another door would cost me $300 and he's charging me $245 to do the entry door with storm door plus $120 for the front storm door installation.


I haven't paid him yet, although he did ask for his payment. But he still needs to finish some trim work on the outside of the entry door. So my policy is never pay until ALL the work is done.......


But now I'm not happy with the storm door opening the wrong way. However, I don't want to screw him but I feel like I'm being screwed....I feel like telling him either purchase the $300 door he installed wrong and install a new one the proper way or maybe not pay him $120 he charged me for installing the front storm door.....


Any thoughts ? ? ?



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BB, did you specify the way you wanted it to open.If so, then he should reinstal it.If you just changed your mind after the job was done, then you show pay him to change it.He also should pay for any danages he caused during the construction, unless again,he made you sign a waiver removing this responsibility from him.

My brother in law is a renovations contractor, and when he leaves a job after it is complete, you dont even know he was there.He vacuums up and debris, and repairs any small damage caused during the job.

Any changes his customers make during the job are always extra, at the going rate agreed upon when the contract is signed.

Did you sign a contract with this guy BB, or is he doing it persona non grata.

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I told him I wanted the storm door the same way it was before and he did it the opposite way...no contract signed. He's a private local guy I was recommended to by friends.


I feel bad the way this is playing out.....he put a lot of hours in and if I stand my ground he'll basically not make any money.



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As a former contractor, if it is not written down and signed, then any agreement made does not exist. On the other hand, if I messed up and installed a door that swings the wrong way, I should fix it. The best way to deal with this IMHO, is to talk it over with the contractor, and give him the oppourtunity to make it right.

As for the split trim, that should have been replaced no questions asked. With air nailers it is rare to split trim from nailing.

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Well BB, ur gonna have to speak with him and come to an agreement.Ethically, you should pay him for his work.Legally,neither of you have a thing to say.No contract signed usually means the job was done under the table, so i think the best thing to do, is have him over for a beer, and get the misses to bake some cookies. Cookies and beer will get to any mans heart. Pay him for the work he did on the other projects, and ask him if he would mind doing the last bit the way you originally asked.

Tell him mercman, the crazy canuck will come down there and bust his knee capswhistling.gif

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if he didnt do as you asked then ...hold the value amount back ...until your happy....you say he came recommended from friends so ..he is obviously a good man ...talk to him ...see where that gets ya ..then let him know he will have another recommendation from you for future work....

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this is unfortunate, however common sense has to come into play. A storm/screen door will usually always follow the swing as the main door, by this I mean the latch side is the same.. this is done for a number of reasons.. one for safety and the other so you can easily move things in and out of the house! Just unhook the closer and you are golden!


Seems as though you have hired a "fly by night" Sorry to tell you the truth... you mention him as a "private contractor".. is He licensed? is he insured?


Common sense has ALOT to play in the job I do as a Licensed and Insured contractor. it seems as though you either have someone that is new/newer? or someone without common sense to know what way a door is to swing!


If I were the homeowner.. I would expect my contractor to have common sense enough to know how to install a door, after all that is what I am paying them for. I would lay blame on the contractor to have purchased and installed correctly the proper door given the parameters involved.


If the door was ordered by you're contractor it is his responsibility to ensure it is the correct door for you're application. If he lost $$ on the job it is unfortunate but it comes with the territory,


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me



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I have to agree with Gerrit on this one. However I will add that its half your fault by doing this the "cash" route, usually goes ok but when it doesnt it can get ugly. Not saying this in a bad way but it is what it is. I'm a licenced contractor and when people talk cash I walk away. Sorry but its not worth it. Also Gerrit is right about the doors, Latch sides meet always unless specified otherwise. The guy seems like a run of the Mill guy that in all reality means well but is just a handyman. Big difference. We charge a little more usually which covers our insurance/expert advise and gives the homeowner a leg to stand on when a contract is signed. I even get a deposit up front that covers my materials that way without a legal battle if someone doesnt want to pay I'm not out just for my time only.


With that said, talk to him and see what happens. Tell him your not happy and that he should have listened properly when asked to make it the same. I'm sure he realized it and was hoping nothing was going to get said about it. I get calls about this all the time and I usually stay away from getting involved in them anymore.


Hope it works out for ya.

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If you found him on a referal then he more then likely gets most of his work on referal. A contractor like this wouldnt want to risk his business with an unhappy customer..Talk it over with him and see what he says. If he is a respectfull guy he will look after you.I know I would anyway.

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Thanks for all you input.....this was not a cash deal or at least hasn't been yet.....


His son is suppose to return today for the final trim work......I will take the advice from several here and say I'm not happy and we need to work together on this problem...here's hoping...


Thanks Again for your time,


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What do you expect? You got cheap labour from a guy that is at best a handyman. You should have had him finish the job properly and then pay when you're satistied. Now I betcha the guy has no license, insurance or workers compensation.


The guy obviously over foamed it and he should have at least trimmed the excess foam after it had completly expanded before continuing on.


Sorry if I offend you but as some of you know windows and doors have been my main employment for about 20 years. I get ticked off when I hear of people that try to cheap out and hire a cowboy to do the job. Let it be a lesson to others to do your research then decide who will do the job. Where I live a typical steel door with installation will run $1300 or more depending on door quality, doorlite (glass,) options and whatever is required to do the job right. Not only that I decided to take on an hourly paid job abuot a few years back in the Millwork dept. of a big box store and have to put up with so called "handymen" every day. The guys who come in and are clueless, then they go out and take hard earned money from some sucker that knows no better. A home owner that is trying to learn and is full of questions is all good and I love to help them along, but I hate to have to deal with clowns that haven't the foggiest idea of how to use a square or hold a level that come in and purchase a product then go out to some poor buggers house and get paid for being stupid. We are all being inundated by these "expert craftsmen" with the poor economy. So many out of work guys are picking up a hammer and doing small jobs to make a buck but are only screwing not only the paying homeowner but the legit construction industry.



Sorry for ranting Billy Bob, I do wish you all the best getting the door matter straightened out. As for the storm door being hinged wrong you don't have much recourse if you have nothing on paper. And I admit it, I got screwed around on my garage roof because I was being a tightwad and got someone to reshingle it and then had to raise hell to get it done right.

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Thanks Pikehunter for your knowledge........


The contractor "George" is not a fly by night guy.....he's been in the business for over 30 years......I don't just hire anyone and MOST times I will do the job myself but because of my RA and my bad shoulders, especially my left shoulder I can't do any heavy work anymore. Back in the 80's I built a complete house myself (with friends) except for the foundation, septic and electric work.

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Thanks Pikehunter for your knowledge........


The contractor "George" is not a fly by night guy.....he's been in the business for over 30 years......I don't just hire anyone and MOST times I will do the job myself but because of my RA and my bad shoulders, especially my left shoulder I can't do any heavy work anymore. Back in the 80's I built a complete house myself (with friends) except for the foundation, septic and electric work.

Sorry for your troubles BB, and especially for your shoulder wows... may I suggest that you hold your catch up with your right hand in the future and save that Left shoulder for other things....

(going by the pic in your avatar!)LOL


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BB as a contractor for over 25 years, most of my jobs have been verbal and on a handshake, old school.

Contracts happen on big jobs or commercial jobs. All jobs, receipts are given when work is complete.


I have made a few errors over the years, and fix what I have to, to the customers satisfaction.

Don't pay the guy until he corrects the situation. At the least for him, it's a learning experience.


If you let this go, you will be the one regretting it every time you use the door.

Don't pay an extra penny either.

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Sorry for your troubles BB, and especially for your shoulder wows... may I suggest that you hold your catch up with your right hand in the future and save that Left shoulder for other things....

(going by the pic in your avatar!)LOL



Ya, I wish it felt that good now...it has progressively gotten worse over time...took a early retirement because of it...broke it high school playing football and had major surgery on it when I was 19...I need a replacement per my orthopedic surgeon but my arthritis specialist keeps telling me to put it off as they have not perfected that procedure...I see him next week for my cortisone shot. Should feel a bit better for Christmas... :) ...Large amounts of adult beverages will have to do until then... :P



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BB as a contractor for over 25 years, most of my jobs have been verbal and on a handshake, old school.

Contracts happen on big jobs or commercial jobs. All jobs, receipts are given when work is complete.


I have made a few errors over the years, and fix what I have to, to the customers satisfaction.

Don't pay the guy until he corrects the situation. At the least for him, it's a learning experience.


If you let this go, you will be the one regretting it every time you use the door.

Don't pay an extra penny either.


Thanks knightfisher for your support.....his son never called today so nothing new to report....bottom line....even if I have to pay AGAIN for another storm door I am leaning very heavy that way for safety sake.



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BB, I don't know how your residential building code works but I'm sure that there are laws in place for that kind of thing. Google "New York State residential building code".

As many have mentioned however including yourself, I would first try to look after this little problem in a friendly "handshake" manner.

Good luck to ya.

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Looks like you have a good background BB. I still think you aren't going to get anywhere in regards to the storm door though. As far as a handshake deal I never entered into them, contracts not only protect the customer but they also protect the contractor. Any misunderstandings are addressed and there is always something to go back to for proof of you said or I said what....no matter how small the deal.


It used to bug the crap out of me when ever I lost a deal to someone else over price and I got a chance to read their agreement, if they had one that is, there were never any details spelled out. There are a couple of companies that come to mind around here that would fill out a window contract like this: Replace 5 windows in house, total $ "whatever the amount." That would be it! Usualy on follow up opportunities I would see how disapointed the customer was.


All the best BB :good:

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Two days later since I have had "George the contractor" here and no contact since...owe HIM money so I'm glad I didn't pay him....


BUT the new update on George....he works for my Town Assessor office...Oh, boy.. :rolleyes: ....but a man has got to do, what a man has got to do. :(

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