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So on the weekend I was up near Whitestone fishing, a friend and I rented a boat from the marina. We finished fishing for the day and docked the boat, left our gear in the boat and walked to the truck which was maybe 80-100m away. We were setting up a propane BBQ when I decided I would go back to the boat and get my camera to take a couple photos. I get to the boat and my stringer and pliers are on the floor in the boat, and a new pack of cigarettes was open with only 2 taken.. It didn't appear that anything else was out of place, but I had been in to a few beverages and it was dark out, so I shrugged it off thinking I was crazy or paranoid. Anyway we pack up and leave for the night.

The next morning we get back and head out to our first spot. I go to pick up my new mojo bass rod and citica reel, but there was a daiwa reel on my mojo and my citica was gone, my buddies RType rod was gone - the daiwa reel attached to my rod.


We had about 10 rods in the boat - they chose a rod and reel and put it together in a matter of 10mins - while in vision of where we were cooking.. ballsy to say the least. Fortunately my buddy had customized his RType with a little fenwick logo on the bottom.


So we fly back to the marina and speak to the guy who runs it (really nice guy, very helpful!) and we explained the scenario and he told us there were some older teens staying in their parents trailer and he would wait for them at the dock when they come back in fishing. At this point my buddy and I thought it was a real longshot at getting our equipement back, but when we arrived back at the dock that night, the marina guy had our rod and reel for us!! Just amazing - the only downside is I didn't get a chance to have some choice words with them myself! Ah well probably for the better and I'm glad they didn't attempt to take everything!


What about the rest of you? Anyone else run into this type of scenario?

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very bizarre. Why not just grab it and run? Can't believe they took the time to swap reels etc. had all my musky lures taken a few years back (well over $1000). Felt absolutely sick about it...then I went shopping


Three years ago in a mess of confusion I had left my tackle bag and my new rod/reel combo near the dock of a lodge. (a friend was supposed to get all the gear and blah blah) I came back the next day and it was GONE. It's my own stupid fault, but it was a small lodge with mostly "regulars" and no one fessed up to taking my stuff, even the owners seemed disappointed. I was not happy, and I'm still recovering from that loss. My name was all over the gear with my phone number and everything. I learned a solid lesson that day.

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about a month ago my house was Robbed , they stole 11 guns rifles and shotguns , 2 laptops , ipods a bag full of CT money and a monster changer jar that musta weighed 100 pounds !

all guns were locked up in a safe and bolted to a wall but they pryed it open and popped the locks

Not cool !!!!

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about a month ago my house was Robbed , they stole 11 guns rifles and shotguns , 2 laptops , ipods a bag full of CT money and a monster changer jar that musta weighed 100 pounds !

all guns were locked up in a safe and bolted to a wall but they pryed it open and popped the locks

Not cool !!!!


wow thats intense, anyone ever get caught?

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Someone on this board must remember this...


A few years ago, I remember reading of a guy at Port Credit having had a heart attack or some other medical condition (actually I am not even sure he made it), but while he was being attended to by the paramedics, someone stole either his fishing rod or wallet. Can;t remember the exact details but I believe they got the guy.

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bondar - was all that stuff in your garage, basement or just all in one place in general?...sounds to me like somebody who knew what they were getting


my buddy just went through the same thing but a lot smaller scale, the crap they took was not just laying around...nothing else was out of place, they knew right where to go...cops were telling my buddy that some crazy percentage of break ins are people that have either been in the house before or share a mutual friend and knew what and where to go....


I've had my car broken into twice...thankfully both times they didn't pop the truck, i keep a lot in there, could've been much worse.....most significant things i lost were a watch(which i got back by routinely checking the pawn shop in our small town) and my grandpa's jack knife

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Many years ago I had someone break into my work truck and take all of the power tools in cases and all of the products faucets and Garbage disposals that were in sale-able boxes. Cops were called but they were sure they went to assorted flea markets over the state lines. So far we have never had anyone brave enough to come on the farm and remove something we all have ways to detain the person till the ambulance arrives.




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Or how about my neighbour last year...


It was a cold winter morning. He was going to go out for the day and had just started the car in his garage when he realized he forgot something in the house. Just as he was about to go get it, he thought he would take his 4 year old son into the house with him (he had just strapped him into the back seat). Luckily he did that because when he got back, he sees his car driving away.


Not only did his car get stolen from right under him, as he was standing on his porch speaking on the phone with the police, he sees his car drive by the street again with 2 teenagers in it. As they were driving by, they decide to play with his garage door opener - up and down.


They eventually got the guys but it was just a slap on the wrist for them and a waste of a day in court for my neighbour.


Talk about being gutsy!

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Someone on this board must remember this...


A few years ago, I remember reading of a guy at Port Credit having had a heart attack or some other medical condition (actually I am not even sure he made it), but while he was being attended to by the paramedics, someone stole either his fishing rod or wallet. Can;t remember the exact details but I believe they got the guy.



Here is the article...


Sep 19, 2007 - 12:00 AM | 0 Man accused of stealing from dying fisherman

A Kitchener man is accused of stealing from a dying man at Bronte Harbour.


Early Friday morning, police say, a 68-year-old man was fishing at Bronte Harbour when he suddenly collapsed.


Another fisherman rushed to the man's aid, performing CPR until an ambulance arrived, but despite these efforts the man died in hospital a short time later.


Police say this tragic event was compounded by the fact that while the victim lay fighting for his life, another man walked over and stole the victim's fishing equipment.


"While the other people on the pier were performing CPR this man goes up and starts to reel in the victim's line and then walks off with his rod and equipment," said Sgt. Peter Payne, Halton Police Media officer.


"He had only just expired and these people were performing lifesaving measures to try and keep him alive and do what they could for him. This individual took it upon himself to seize that moment and steal from someone at their absolute weakest moment."


With the assistance of those present, police say, the thief was identified, arrested and charged.


Jamie Harland Gross, 24, of Kitchener, has been charged with theft and two counts of breach of probation.


At press time he was remanded in custody awaiting a bail hearing.

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I made the mistake of leaving my car window open in Toronto at night at gas station while I ran into get a pack of cigars..


Didn't realize till i got home, but someone snatched my $600 watch... I was only in the store for a minute or two. Lesson learned :wallbash:

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I'll give 2 boat related stories involving thieves.


Story # 1....For years we had a house trailer in a small park in the Kawarthas and I always left my boat in the water all summer long. I bought a brand new boat in 1985 and decided to chain it to the dock when not in use.


I had to go home on a Friday to work the weekend and my wife was gonna be at the lake with her girl friend so I unlocked the boat so they could use it.


Saturday morning the girls head down to the lake to go for a boat ride and the boat is gone from the dock :w00t: The lady that owned the park lived right beside the water and my dock and when Diane enquired about the missing boat, the owner said she heard it start up and take off at 4:00 A.M. She knew I was a very early riser so just assumed it was me going fishing.


The police were called, plus a few of my buds went out on the lake to search for it and sure enuff they found it 5 miles away run up on a beach. No serious damage was done and the thieves were never found.


Story #......2


It was in the same trailer park about 20 years ago when 4 loud mouth punks rented a cottage for the summer. They were all about 18-20 years old and none of them worked, but they had an old bassboat with a big motor and they just roared around the lake all day long. We wondered where they were getting all the $$ for gas and then after awhile guys in the park were having gas stolen from their boats.


One of our boys :whistling::whistling: had an old Jerry can and put in 2 gallons of gas and 2 gallons of COKE, then left it sitting on the seat of his boat, and sure enuff it was empty in the morning. We sat down at the beach in the morning and watched the punks take off for a boat ride but they only made it a very short distance before the motor gave up the ghost. It wouldn't start and they had to flag down a passing boat for a tow back to the dock.


They hauled the boat & motor of to a mechanic but said later it would be too expensive to repair :clapping:


They left the park shortly after that and were never seen again and nobody ever had any gas stolen again either after they left :)

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Was out fishing with my kids on the credit river near caledon a month ago, and three teenagers, stole our camera. I know this because it was sitting on our cooler, the teens were fly fishing, and we thought nothing of them then all of a sudden they got real quiet and left. Not thinking much of it we carried on, I went to take a pic of my kids and vioala no more camera. I remember what they look like and if I see them again I am gonna say something.


Also had my minivan stolen out of our driveway one night, golf clubs, fishing gear and carseats all gone, allong with the passenger window and ignition. :(

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Same Thing Happen With Us Last Year In Algonquin Park. Although I Was Passed Out When They Where Scavanging Through The Camp Site :wallbash:


The Idiots Came By Canoe Though And A Buddy Of Mine With A Pair Of Binoculars Spotted Them And Zipped Through The Lake Before They Got Away With Anything. :clapping:


For The Next Two Days Of The Trip I Was The Joke Of The Trip.


From What They Told Me They Where A Bunch Of Punk Kids

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I had worse situation than you, 2 years ago I was visiting my friends in Midland area, panatanguishine, one morning we went out for shore fishing under a bridge. there were 10+ people there fishing. including 4 years old kid and some people waling on the trail nearby.


My friends called to to go over to his place, so I did, holding my rod, leaving my fishing box back, since I only leave for a few minutes and there are not a lot of people here. I thought it is safe.


Only 5 minutes, I went back to my original spot, which is 50 meters away, my fishing box has gone!

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Guest LivingLegend

So on the weekend I was up near Whitestone fishing, a friend and I rented a boat from the marina. We finished fishing for the day and docked the boat, left our gear in the boat and walked to the truck which was maybe 80-100m away. We were setting up a propane BBQ when I decided I would go back to the boat and get my camera to take a couple photos. I get to the boat and my stringer and pliers are on the floor in the boat, and a new pack of cigarettes was open with only 2 taken.. It didn't appear that anything else was out of place, but I had been in to a few beverages and it was dark out, so I shrugged it off thinking I was crazy or paranoid. Anyway we pack up and leave for the night.

The next morning we get back and head out to our first spot. I go to pick up my new mojo bass rod and citica reel, but there was a daiwa reel on my mojo and my citica was gone, my buddies RType rod was gone - the daiwa reel attached to my rod.


We had about 10 rods in the boat - they chose a rod and reel and put it together in a matter of 10mins - while in vision of where we were cooking.. ballsy to say the least. Fortunately my buddy had customized his RType with a little fenwick logo on the bottom.


So we fly back to the marina and speak to the guy who runs it (really nice guy, very helpful!) and we explained the scenario and he told us there were some older teens staying in their parents trailer and he would wait for them at the dock when they come back in fishing. At this point my buddy and I thought it was a real longshot at getting our equipement back, but when we arrived back at the dock that night, the marina guy had our rod and reel for us!! Just amazing - the only downside is I didn't get a chance to have some choice words with them myself! Ah well probably for the better and I'm glad they didn't attempt to take everything!


What about the rest of you? Anyone else run into this type of scenario?



Hmmmmm, i dunno JBZ, are you sure it wasnt the marina guy who attempted this and then since you complained he returned it to you that night? Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmm!

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Hmmmmm, i dunno JBZ, are you sure it wasnt the marina guy who attempted this and then since you complained he returned it to you that night? Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmm!


haha the thought crossed my mind but we heard the kids pull up in the boat and watched them leave within the 10-15mins we were at the truck and they were the only people to come off the dock - also he was gone for the night

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Made the mistake of leaving the cap of the truck unlocked one night after a day long excursion in the canoe on the Grand. Lost everything - rods, reels, backpack. Glad I took the canoe off. Parked in the driveway, backed up tight to the other car. Cost a few (understatetment) hundred to replace.

I was a tad peeved. excl.gif

Its a sad statement that so many of us have been through this. The guys who stole it wouldn't even get enough for a case of beer but it costs us how much to replace?wallbash.gif

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Guest LivingLegend

haha the thought crossed my mind but we heard the kids pull up in the boat and watched them leave within the 10-15mins we were at the truck and they were the only people to come off the dock - also he was gone for the night



Then i stand corrected. I just bought a new shimano Cumulus rod and curado reel and I wont ever leave it in the boat after hearing this story, although I dont think I would anyways but i will be bringin the rest of my stuff back to the cabin for sure.. Stinkin little punks eh? They gotta ruin it for others, its good you got ur stuff back!

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My son in law is the GM for a Canadian Tire outlet. A few years ago he was in the store at 1 pm when one of his employees asked him why he had taken such a short lunch. What lunch he said? "I just saw you drive out of the lot no more than 10 minutes ago!"

Went to his parking spot an his brand new Honda SIR was gone! Not a trace was ever found.


An Ad agency that I worked would give us Lexus to drive if we wanted. The account person had his car in the shop so he took one, LS400. $85,000+.

Went out to dinner and when he came out two hours laters it was gone and all they found was the lock sitting on the pavement! The cops told him it was probably packed in a container and ready for shipping!

I took one a week later but it was always inside for the time I had it!

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Then i stand corrected. I just bought a new shimano Cumulus rod and curado reel and I wont ever leave it in the boat after hearing this story, although I dont think I would anyways but i will be bringin the rest of my stuff back to the cabin for sure.. Stinkin little punks eh? They gotta ruin it for others, its good you got ur stuff back!


yea i learned my lesson for sure, and was honestly suprised we got our gear back, you'd think they would have stole it and left - not use it the next day! I guess I'm lucky they weren't very bright haha :thumbsup_anim:

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One of our boys :whistling::whistling: had an old Jerry can and put in 2 gallons of gas and 2 gallons of COKE, then left it sitting on the seat of his boat, and sure enuff it was empty in the morning. We sat down at the beach in the morning and watched the punks take off for a boat ride but they only made it a very short distance before the motor gave up the ghost. It wouldn't start and they had to flag down a passing boat for a tow back to the dock.


They hauled the boat & motor of to a mechanic but said later it would be too expensive to repair :clapping:


They left the park shortly after that and were never seen again and nobody ever had any gas stolen again either after they left :)



Now that put a smile on my face :thumbsup_anim: If you posted that story on here before Lew I must have missed it.

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Years ago I had my brother living with me. I was looking after an infant for an acquaintance. They came the next day to get their little one. I went out for a bit. Came back home and my television was gone. The left over baby formula was emptied into a different container.

I knew right away who took my television - they did. The nerve after I looked after their little one for free.

So I called the police. An officer came, I told him the story and we drove to their home and confronted them. They denied taking my television. The officer and I went back to the cruiser, I convinced him to get the guy to open his garage. I was sure my television was there.

He did, and it was not there.


The officer took me back home and as we are pulling up to my residence I see my brother taking a television out of a car.

He had borrowed the television to take to a friends house. He needed the container that the formula was in to make some kind of drink.


I had something to do. And so walked the 30 minutes back to the people that I had just accused. Said my apologies and walked away feeling like a total twit.


Huge learning lesson that day.

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When I lived in Pickering (go figure).... some little PUNKS hit my truck. They took about $4000 worth of stuff from it, including a top-of-the-line stereo system, complete with an in-dash DVD player, custom made Rockford Fosgate amp/sub, tools, movies, you name it!


It feels as though you've been violated. You feel kinda dirty about it.

Never did find out who...which is probably a good thing, cause I'd be facing 25-life for murder!




But as for your story...that's pathetic. Talk about Canada's DUMBEST criminals.

1) When you steal..DONT leave stuff in it's place

2) Try to make it less obvious, because the guy at the store pretty much knew who it was

3) They are lucky you didnt meet up with them...


I'm sorry but little PUNKS that steal really need to be taught a lesson. I can almost guarentee that if someone got caught stealing something and got their :asshat: kicked... chances are they wont do it again.


It's sad how the world operates now, when parents can get charged for spanking their own children, and its next to impossible for kids to fail highschool. We need to stop BABYING these kids, and teach them about the real world... man oh man.


What would you boss do if he caught you stealing? Just make you put it back and warn you? Ummm.. NO!

I'm not very old, but the world needs to go back to the "old school" days of sleeping in the bed you make for yourself, no matter what the price.

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