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Posted (edited)

Basskickers thread and Zib asking him how he found a women that fished brings me to ask. How many of you lads and gals have a better half that enjoys going fishing with you?


With Leah being the oldest of three girls...her Dad brought her up right..as a son LOL.


Fushimi Aug 2003 on our 21st anniversary


Fushimi Lake - Hearst - Aug 2004..again on our anniversary


Opening day in May 2005


Opening Day Lake Temagami 2006


A not so fun day a couple days later


Sept/06 ready to portage the tinny over a beaver dam into a back lake off Temagami


Ice fishing Feb/07


Edited by irishfield

My friend Eva comes out fishing with me all the time,I might add she is new at it but getting better everytime we go out.


Posted (edited)

My wife goes with me all the time as well. She'll fish for quite until ... we'll, while the fish are biting anyway. When things get slow, she just enjoys sitting back and catching up on her reading. ALl four of us really enjoy being out on the boat ... the wife, the two dogs, and myself. It's nice quiet time together. She'a a little disappointed that she won't be able to make the trip to Lakair with me in June.

Edited by Rich Clemens

After I found out she could catch these....



AND Drive this.....



I had to put one of THESE on her finger....





TechnaGirl and I will be married this Oct 27th. :w00t:


The last time I took my wife fishing was in a fun club tournament. Blast off was at 8 AM, so we woke up at 8, got breakfast and then launched the boat at 11:00 AM. We had a great time and she caught a 4.4 lb largemouth from the back just after someone had rudely cut their boat literally inches from the back of my boat cutting off the area she was casting to (we had caught a number of fish in front of them). Needless to say we celebrated the big fish quite loudly to the chagrin of the jerks and she proudly posed with it at the weigh-in.




She talked excitedly about that fish for months.


She was pregnant and unable to get out much last summer but just recently has been talking about how she's wondering if she still has "the touch". Can't wait until my daughter catches her first fish...




Why Wayne?


You going to take her off my hands for, say a couple of

































YEARS!!! :clapping:


My wife likes to fish, but not for a long time and she gets bored if she's not catching. Here's a pic from last week in Florida, her first saltwater fish, a jack crevalle.


Gave her a really nice fight, and it was exciting to watch because the water was boiling from what was probably a school of jacks busting bait right in front of the dock where we were casting from...





  snag said:


Here comes CCMT and Bly to rub it in....................



:P :P :P


Enough said lol





My girlfriends don't last long enough.. :wub: But my mom and sisters make me take them out fishing....Man I wish I could trade in 3 sisters for one brother. :D


Anyone wanna trade ? lol.


I can get Ol' Yeller to go every once in a while, she's such a magnet! She always catches the first fish, and sometimes is nice enough to stop fishin' 'til I catch up! :rolleyes:


Here we are on our Honeymoon, I think she had me like 3-0 before I caught my first fish... and she was actually nice enough to let me catch the most fish that day! ;)



Redfish, Sheepshead (saltwater, and a Black Drum that liked to have pulled Ol' Yellers shoulders out og the sockets!


Here she is again with the first fish of the day as usual. :whistling:



She is a "fairweather" fisher person, won't go if it's too hot and won't go ice fishin... but when she does go... look out!!!


My Laurie does whenever we get a chance to all go as a family. Family outings are real nice and we get a kick out of watching the kids catch fish.





My bride will come out all day with me, crossword puzzles and magazines and catching a few rays is what she dose.

She is not much of a fishing person, but still love her the same.


Yep, she does, but not every time. She went to the Grand R. once or twice last year and we had a weekend on Couchiching last summer nailing the perch. :thumbsup_anim:


Funny thing is...she often catches more than my son or I :oops::dunno:


My wife tried it once a few years ago. Caught a little bass that inhaled a small spinner deep - no chance for the bass to survive, so I took it out of it's misery with a paddle, she's never picked up a rod since... Probably not the best intro to fishing :)


Getting her to a cottage now is a minor miracle.


If anything, my wife is more of a fanatic than I am!!! Anyhow, I am lucky...fishing is either family time or just "our" time together. There's nothing more I'd rather do than spend the day fishing with them.


My wife's complaint is she doesn't get out enough .

The new larger boat last year was her idea !


Planning to get her out on Lake O for some trout/salmon action this summer . :thumbsup_anim: ( keep that to yourself Pikeie don't want to spoil the surprise)

The sacrifices we make for our spouses !




It's been about 10 years since my wife fished with me, but for alot of years prior to that she was a very avid fisherman and had no qualms about heading out at 4:00 in the morning or 9:00 at night


Heck, she even landed a 14 pound musky off the end of the dock all by herself at 6:00 AM one morning while she was trying to catch a pickeral for breakfast while I was out in the boat getting skunked.......she still rubs that one in every chance she gets :blahblah1::thumbsup_anim:


Wife used to fish with me until about 20 years ago, now health problems has made that almost impossible....thats why I have my dog Amy traveling everywhere with me. My daughter loves to fish but with her and her husband working and having a young family ( 4 and 2 ) it's almost impossible to get her out. We keep talking about doing a family trip in the next few years and will have to see what will happen.


Wifey started fishing a few years ago,enjoyed catching Sunnie's and Perch.I had to do the baiting and taking fish off the hook.............Then she hooked a decent sized Muskie,when it jumped, she looked at me............tossed the rod AT me. She has never been since, scared the bejaber's out of her. She dont like boats either!!!!

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