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Hong Kong Fishing Adventures Part II


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In my first HK report I mentioned that I was going to go on a squid fishing trip, I haven't found time to post until now.


A bunch of family friends got together and rented a party boat on one evening for some squid fishing. This type of fishing is done at night. However, they know that I love to fish so they asked the owner of the party boat to head out a couple of hours earlier to give me a chance to catch some saltwater fish.


Small shrimp was the bait of choice and here's a beautiful one that I caught.



I managed to catch about 20-30 fish in about 2 hours but they are mostly on the small side. I have to say this is very different from fishing back home though. Even small fish seem to put up a decent fight and the specie of fish caught is always a surprise. I must have caught at least 7-8 types of different fish.


Here are two of the better sized ones...





Now...onto the squid fishing.


I actually don't know if this should be called "fishing", because it's more like snagging them. How it's done is that, the boat has several big lights that shine into the water and apparently that attracts them over. We used this rig shown below...



It's basically multiple hooks in one with a white electrical wire on the shank of the 'hooks'. All we do, is lower the 'rig' into the sea and keep jigging it. Squid gets attracted by the white wire, swims over, and tries to 'hug' the wire, then gets snagged. Our boat of 27 people boated 60 squid that night, and I managed 3 of them. I have to say this is not really the most exciting type of fishing and they don't fight ... but it is certainly a great experience. Of course, they were very tasty :D.



Hope you enjoyed the read :)

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Snagging? I'm going to have to call the CO on you Vic...POACHER!!! :w00t::lol:


It's a calamari safari :thumbsup_anim:


Really digging the colours on the bigger fish with the pink and brown stripe...It looks like a species of goatfish

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Hard to beat Hank Snow.. <br>



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Wow sorry I missed your first post. Fishing in Hong Kong eh? Very interesting. And colourful fish too I might say.


Thanks for showing us what its like.

The squid looks good.



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