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To all the Mothers that have gone before us..

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Condolences Joefish. I still have mine (90) and going out to get her now so she can be with her grand- and great-grandkids. But every day that passes takes us one day closer to the day that we will also lose her.

A reality that will come to pass for all of us.

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A great post Wayne!

And Joe, I am very sorry to hear of your loss.

My folks are in Hawaii today and I'm not even sure when they are coming back. It seems that I get so wrapped up in my own existence that I often don't even think of my parents (a daughter is a daughter all her life, a son is a son 'till he takes a wife). I would be mortified if my son had the same attitude and I know that it will come back to haunt me when they are gone.

Happy Mother's Day, and happy memories to all!


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A great post Wayne!

And Joe, I am very sorry to hear of your loss.

My folks are in Hawaii today and I'm not even sure when they are coming back. It seems that I get so wrapped up in my own existence that I often don't even think of my parents (a daughter is a daughter all her life, a son is a son 'till he takes a wife). I would be mortified if my son had the same attitude and I know that it will come back to haunt me when they are gone.

Happy Mother's Day, and happy memories to all!



Joanie Mitchell said it very well -


"You don't know what you've got till it's gone."


I know she didn't say Moms specifically but it sure applies.


I'm one of the lucky ones who still has a chance to treat Mom the way she deserves. She's 92 and getting a little shakey but she'll be here for dinner today along with all three of her kids and her only living grandson. It's getting to be a challenge knowing how to involve her in our lives but the one thing that seems to really work is just visiting her and giving her a little solo "you" time. I'm trying to do it more often now. I spent too many years taking her for granted, the classic son in your little poem. I only wish she wouldn't keep telling me how she finds it so hard to believe she has a son in his mid-60's.


And speaking of singers who said it really well -




I know it's about fathers & sons but it could as easily have been about mothers & sons. After our son died I would get a lump in my throat whenever I heard this on the car radio. I still do 16 years later.



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I find myself going in that direction too, John. It's a shame.....older but still able to help folks.


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JOEFISH, sorry to hear about your loss. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. 7 years ago we lost our daughter suddenly and as previously posted this morning mothers and fathers day are still a little hard to deal with. But u always seem to find some love in your heart to share with others in need. If u ever need to talk feel free to pm me. God Bless thru these challenging times.

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Picture in the tube behind the boat... 81 years old. Picture in the boat, last July, with the laker (her first since being a very young girl on Glamour Lake).. 83 and also the day I had to tell her that her youngest daughter was dead. Mom passed 7 weeks later.

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I still can't listen to old Hank Snow sing this without getting all teary-eyed...


Great reminder to all you lucky ones that still have your moms...






My sincerest condolences Joe on your loss...I still miss mine after close to 30 years...





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Very worthy post Wayne.



My condolences to you as this would have to be the worst imaginable day for your Mother to have passed on. Not there is ever going to be a good day, but passing on Mothers day is just so sad.


My own Mom is turning 88 this year and we took her out to Stage West on April 30th to celebrate Mothers Day a little early. I spoke to her a couple of times yesterday as well. She could not really see the show, but enjoyed "hearing" it and the dinner, and the company as well.



All the best to Moms everywhere!

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Sorry for your lose Joe, it is one of the most difficult things that will happen in your life. Time will heal, but the scar will always stay.

Lost my Mom about 15 years ago. I'm very fortunate to have a Mother in Law that is 2nd to none. Now don't get the idea that she has replaced my Mom, but I for one can't imagine having a more caring, honest and dedicated person in my life... I have been blessed twice.

I may not place alot on Mother's day, I tend to do my good deeds all year long, but I do take a moment or two to reflect on the past and to cherish the time I now have with my Mother in Law.


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This surely hits home as i lost my mom what seems to be forever ago, and at the same time it feels like yesterday.

I remember being at the University and the Campus Security officer walking into my class and asking for me and telling me i had to go to my grandmothers house, theres been a family emergency and he wouldnt/couldnt tell me what happened. It was the longest 20 minute car ride I'd ever taken. I walked in to my grams house somewhat expecting the sad news of my grandmothers passing.......and when i saw my gram there with other family members waiting for me, just looking at me as i walked in, my stomach dropped into my toes wondering what had happend. My mom, sister and dad were the only ones not standing there......so i knew it was bad. My gram burst into tears and told me in one quick sentence that she barely got out. I was too young to lose her, and she was much to young to go. She was having headaches and had an angeogram scheduled that morning, she didnt tell us kids so as not to worry us and passed in the hospital of a brain annurism. The most heartwrenchingly surreal day of my entire life.

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I had a small glimpse of the pain of losing my mom last weekend when she was rushed to emergency not breathing. Fortunately it was in time and she is stable today.


Well wishes truly go out to those who have lost their Mommas.

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The people on this board are awesome..... I still cant read this thread without wiping the tears from my eyes.

Today was a nothing day but tomorrow is the visitation and then the funeral on Wednesday. I cant seem to get past Saturday night let alone this evening.

Thanks to all who have posted and pm'd me. I love all of you even though I havent met you. God bless all of you.


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The people on this board are awesome..... I still cant read this thread without wiping the tears from my eyes.

Today was a nothing day but tomorrow is the visitation and then the funeral on Wednesday. I cant seem to get past Saturday night let alone this evening.

Thanks to all who have posted and pm'd me. I love all of you even though I havent met you. God bless all of you.



What got me thru it was reminding myself that I should do what my Dad and later my son would have wanted me to do, stand strong for the rest of the family so they could grieve however they needed to. As it turned out most of us seemed to have the same idea and together we got through it strong and proud. It's a kind of cumulative energy. You give strength to each other and that'll get you through. Even the non-relatives will appreciate that you made the day easier for them cuz a funeral is a crummy time for everyone but we just gotta do it. I know it sounds like a lot to ask of yourself but later you'll be proud of yourself and know you did what your Mom would have wanted you to do.


Stand tall, and even smile through it. You'll have plenty of private time for tears later.


All the best


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Sorry to hear of your loss joefish. It has been 18 months since my mom passed away from cancer. You sure do appreciate those moments so much more. Mothers day takes on a greater meaning now than it ever did. For all of us who miss our mothers, keep those good memories alive in your hearts and minds. They are watching on us from up there, regardless of you creed.

I miss her so much, but she will never be forgotten.

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.. I walked into the hospital to visit, but a nurse stopped me and said " sorry but she's gone" it took a few minutes to register..

Saddest day in my life.


My mom passed away from cancer at the age of 52.


Miss her everyday.

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I knew when I seen this thread Wayne (which I didnt want to open) it was going to sadden me.I still have me mudder, but when the day comes,I know it,s going to hurt like hell.


Joe Im very sorry to hear of your loss.On that day of all. :(

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Joe, sorry to hear about your mother. My sincerest condolences. Mother's are the greatest thing ever.

We had a family bbq on Sunday at my brother's place and my mom stayed the night at our place to do her favorite job in the world, take care of the kids on Monday while we worked. Come to think of it, I think our mom's had us so we could provide them with grandkids.

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It's been 15 months now since my Mom passed away and I don't think an hour ever goes by that I don't think about her. She was 87 and lived a very happy life and was basically quite healthy except for the last few months.


She loved a boat ride and the faster I went and the bigger the waves the more she enjoyed it and I got her out on the water as often as possible. I've got a great pic of her just after I slowed the boat down, with her hair all messed up from the wind. I'd luv to post it but she made me promise to never show it to ANYONE hahaha :thumbsup_anim:


Mom's are definetely special people and for those of you who are lucky enuff to still have your Mom around, cherish every moment you have with them.


I was very fortunate that I had a great family but sadly I'm losing them all way too fast. That's my dad, my son, my brother and now mom all in the last few years. Good thing I've got LOTS of wonderful memories and albums full of pictures.


And Joe, very sorry to hear of your Moms passing, specially at this time.

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