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Where did people learn to drive? NF

Lowe Rider

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It took me 5 hours to get from Bathhurst & Queen to Oshawa, 50 minutes in good conditions. It was my first experence with gridlock, people would pull through an intersection knowing there was no room to clear the area, noooooo their light turned green so they MUST go, wrong space cadet now you just made me miss my light 3 times because you have everything blocked! A lady so scared she left 20 car lenghts in front of her but if anyone went in there she'd slam on the brakes. IF you are that scared TAKE THE BUS!

The topper was at the 4 hour mark. Two yuppies in their cars that are worth more then my house, struggling to get up a hill. Now you'd think these guys where pretty smart to make all that money, they would at least invest in some winter tires for those beautifully engineered German automobiles. This is where I lost it, after watching for 15 minutes, looking in the rear view mirror watching the cars behind us build to the 100 plus mark, I decided to make my own road. Stress made me do it! I hit the first opening availble, the bottom of someones driveway, sidewalk and boulivard. With the Duramax screaming, all 6 tires spinning and a rostertail of snow flying out the back I cleared them before the next driveway. I'm sorry if it was your yard but I couldn't take it anymore.The only problem is that the company name is in big block letters on the back, I hope I don't have some explaining to do!



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I feel your pain. I went out today and saw a car at the top of the hill I was coming up on with his tail lights on, I thought, great, its backed up all the way to the top of the hill. But nooo, when I get to the top of the hill, there is only him and me and he's breaking all the way down the hill, at least 500 ft before the lights. Then he turns right (I had to turn right too) and it was a painfully slow turn, then same thing as you, leaves 20 car lengths between him and the car in front. I finally passed him and kept watching as cars were almost getting into accidents trying to get around him. Stay home or take the bus or back roads if your scared, Sheesh.



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Thats one of the reasons I like living rural. On my way home from work ( usually takes me 3 minutes ) today it took me 3 minutes. Only saw one vehicle going North on my way home. Traffic gridlock around here is 3 vehicles in a row going down Lakeshore road. I did the commute to my office by Pearson Int'l from Acton for 8 or so years. Each year the 401 would get worse and getting on by the airport off of 427 to head west was stop and go to highway 10 and then as time went by Mississauga road. I never want to have to do that drive again unless it becomes absolutely necessary.

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You're not alone with the gridlock


I left my house at 3pm to go to school for a mid-term exam downtown scheduled at 6:30. The TTC ride was deadly. From my place near Kennedy & Finch, the ride to Leslie & Finch took roughly 3hrs (Which on average usually takes 20mins). Called a friend and found out that classes were canceled. l ended up waiting for my dad to pick me up at a nearby plaza for an hour - No way was I going for another 3hr bus ride. Took another hour to get home from there. Overall a wasted day spent on the TTC when I could've been surfing OFC.

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I concur!

From 4:30 to 7 pm i was in a vehicle downtown going from Front/ Parliament to Dupont/Dufferin.

Usually a 30 minute drive during rush hour became 2 and half hours.

Every main intersection was gridlocked the worst being up University and Dupont from St. George.

Same experiences with fancy cars spinning out and people being ultra timid.

Still have the pain in my neck.



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I think I should not say much, but.......


My day today????


I cannot remember when I got up but it was early. There was still no rain or snow - what a pity cause I would love to see some day soon and get at least 2 feet of the stuff. The GTA would not only be crawling but crawling on its knees. Maybe Toronto's mayor would do what Lastman did in 1999 (I think) and call the army out.


The day went well. The first problem was when I went out to the gas station to buy a pack of cigs. About 8 hours later, I had my 2nd problem. I like Survivor and American Idol and both were on at the same time. Problem - I have to get my VCR fixed.


My 3rd problem took place only less than 60 minutes later once the 2 TV programs ended. I decided to get cigs because sooner or later, I would be blocked in when the town ploughs the side walks. And I would not want to go out and clear the snow just to go out for cigs.


Now while writing this post, I am trying to decide if I should clear the drive way or let the snow melt. There is quite a bit of snow especially since I did not clear the snow from the last snow fall of last week. If it is less than 8 inches, I let it melt in a day or two.


Decisions, decisions. Life is tough. But there is something that I must definitely do - I must go to a store and buy a pair of socks. I do own 2 pair but they are somewhere in a drawer. I have not worn socks since 1999. But today I needed a pair of socks. My feet and legs found out that the snow is cold.


Early retirement is beautiful and I love it. Maybe I will pull out the snow blower and clear the driveway.


I hope I will not haver any problems on Friday.


I hope you all will take it easy and drive safe on the roads. It is rough out there. It is not as bad as it was for Max but it is bad.


And make an attempt to make your day a pleasant one because if you do not, the only person that will be affected will be you.



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I came back to this thread a few times... wondering whether or not to reply.

I'll put away the soapbox but I have to ask... where did you need to go so bad that you would drive on a sidewalk and lawn and risk damaging your company vehicle not to mention risking your job?

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I have no defence for that little move other than being so frustrated at the situation. All I could see was sitting there for god knows how long while those two ill equiped vehicals struggled to get up a hill. The whole night all I kept thinking was if people obeyed the rules of the road and have a little repect for one another we would all get home alot faster then we did. I was getting honked at for letting one car merge from a side street. Only in Toronto, I'm glad we only work down there once in a while.

Slowpoke I was driving very calm before and after. I wasn't in a big hurry to get home, or wreck the company truck. There was no big drifts to plow through on my little offroad trip and once I cleared them I just went along at 40 to 50 kms an hour.


You are right, what I did was wrong. The risk for something going bad was low and I did something I don't feel I would nomally do. Just frustrated, thats all.



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I just have to say winter tires is the way to go.My Company is across Canada and only the Quebec sales reps have winter tires.I often hear we don't need winter tires in Toronto but I also here about the 700 to 800 accidents thats insain.What I can't understand is people pay $50 000 $60 000 for a BWM or a really nice SUV and they don't invest $600.00 for good snow tires.Not only that its snowing like hell and some people are driving 120kph on 4 seasons.How many lives could be saved each year if all canadians put some snow tires on.Winter is all over Canada!And one more thing SLOW DOWN WHEN IT SNOWS.MTP

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I just have to say winter tires is the way to go.


Absolutely Mike, and it's not just Toronto, it's everywhere.


All it takes is a couple drivers with lousy tires and it can mess things up for 100's behind him.


As far as I'm concerned, winter tires should be mandatory on all vehicles this time of year, just like seatbelts, and it would save all kinds of problems.

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never mind the snow that is now non existant on my driveway, or the 3 mm of ice under a coating of slush, in taking the kids to school I had to actually put the truck in 4 low to get through the 2 feet of water at the end of someones driveway. Here is one for ya, nothing erks me more then when ppl clean their driveways with snowblowers and blow all the crap on the street giveing me and other drivers a 20 foot wide by 3 foot deep snow pile to blow through saw a bumper get ripped off a cavalier trying to shoot through the pile.....

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Should I keep my mouth shut? Should I reply? Crap, I can't keep it shut!


You really do need some anger management lessons. :jerry: Maybe the home owner or a neighbour got your plate number. If you drove across my lawn like that it would be shoot first and ask questions later, there are no excuses for this action. But trust me, I have been there too and have done some pretty stupid things out of anger and impatience. Maybe a higher tolerance level only comes as we mature?


You are driving in very bad weather and road conditions. Just face the fact that you are not going to get anywhere in a hurry or on time. Plane simple fact. Don't carp at the other drivers for their inadequacies, I'm sure you are not a perfect driver yourself, after all you just admitted that you drove over a lawn :D


Some people just don't know how to drive, period. They are nervous, over cautious and a down right pain in the ass! But since I have to share the road with them, and with the over ambitious drivers I have learned to cope with them...although maybe only somewhat :blush:


Next time just take it easy, you will get there. If it is that bad find an alternate route or maybe just go into Horton's and get a coffee...decaf that is.


I hope you have a good explanation if the boss calls you in. :dunno:


Guess I'm going to get lots of flack over these comments...should have kept my hands off the keyboard. :oops:


Have a great and safe day everyone.

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Here is one for ya, nothing erks me more then when ppl clean their driveways with snowblowers and blow all the crap on the street giveing me and other drivers a 20 foot wide by 3 foot deep snow pile to blow through saw a bumper get ripped off a cavalier trying to shoot through the pile.....


I hear ya. What kind of pinhead does that anyway? Nothing more irritating than that. Actually, the snowblower isn't as bad as the morons that just push piles of snow out into the road. Is it even legal to do that? Now, give me the chance to rip across THAT guys front lawn...

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No flack Pikehunter, I know I'm not perfect my wife reminds me all the time. You seem to think I was driving like that all the way home. I did take it easy for 5 hrs except for a couple of minutes. No excuse it's the first boneheaded move I've done in a long time but as you stated you've been there too.

By the way my wife thanks you for the laugh, the anger management line cracked her up. Her quote "He doesn't know you at all does he." 99.9% of the time I'm the calmest out there. But thats ok, you have your thoughts about the subject and they are very valid. Don't worry about my job I'm fortunate to be in a industry that employers are constantly trying to get you to come work for them.


No matter how you look at it I had a momentary lapse of reason, it was stupid and I'm Sorry. This one action is not the way I conduct the majority of my life.



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Man called on the carpet twice on one post. I accepted your first apology easily because if we all gave an account of our day I bet we all could find a reason to say I am sorry to atleast one person.



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I find it kinda ironic that the person saying that someone else needs anger management would "shoot first and ask questions later" for driving on his lawn. lol


I was at Baton Rouge in Richmond Hill yesterday at 3:20 PM and it took me 1 hour to get to Leslie and 407. Yup, it is about 2 kms, but it took an hour. Some inconsiderate people would "make their own lane" of course needing to merge back in about 4 car lengths later, I guess they are just more important than the rest of us.


The entire drive took 4 hours and I only had 1 CD (not mine) in the car so I heard a LOT of Eminem over and over again. What an angry young man. lol


I couldn't get off the 407 at Hwy 10 because the plows had created about a 3 foot tall snow barrier on the off-ramp. Saw a big rig plow through it and even that 18 wheeler almost lost it, didn't want to chance it in my little car.


I got to dream about fishing and I got home safe. All in all, I've been less comfortable situations.



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I know why these fancy imports don't have snow tires.


They need to have 31/2 kids, A 600k mortgage. 2 fuel pigs of cars,

BMW and a huge SUV.

100 degrees in the house in winter -25 in summer.

Every single light on 24 hours a day.

And there kids in every sport that they did,t play.


who can afford snow tires.

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Thank our wonderful past mayor Lastman. who sat on his ass and did nothing about gridlock. Now we got another clown mayor Miller. Tell me one thing this guy has done for the city of Toronto to ease gridlock, and dont give me any crap about downloading from the Province, this mayor had millions and decided to spend it fighting bridge construction to the islands.


Chicago has it right, no major truck deliveries in the am or pm rush hour, anyone caught pays huge fines and is removed from the road. this eases city and hwy traffic for the most part.

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No prob Chris S. I didn't intend to sound as harsh as I did, my apology. We all do crazy things when frustrated. But did you see some irony in my line about anger management? I'm shooting off my mouth about you loosing your cool and in the next breath I'm saying I'd fire away at anybody chewing up my lawn :D:whistling: Talking about anger management :blush:

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