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Posted (edited)

let's make sure the local newspapers get to read this thread


can you say impeached......he can't read ,he admits he stepped down to help them from the mayors chair and he making libelous statements, better hope he can back them up

Edited by Terry
Posted (edited)
  GregF2 said:
I don't get the perch pale point? So, all those perch were harvested from Rice Lake Ice Fishing? If so, that only proves the point that Ice Fishing should not be allowed on Rice Lake. Even if they were not caught their, anyone that is for these limits on panfish, should be opposed to ice fishing on Rice Lake. I find it utterly amazing that people are not pointing this out. Ice fisherman (I love ice fishing, but not on Rice) take more panfish, more easily than summer fisherman. So, this will put more pressure on the Rice Lake panfish population.


So, if we are all pure sportsman that practice conservation and want to preserve and make the Rice Lake fishery better for all, then we should keep the limit restrictions, but eliminate ice fishing. Pure, common sense.



its obvious you think that those are alot of pails of fish...correct????? that is the point ....its alot of fish and RLTA want almost double that amount for a DAILY limit


would you concur that that is outrageously greedy?

Edited by Twocoda
  Mayor of Rice Lake said:
ReplyI also heard the comment made at yesterdays meeting and I believe it was right on the money The avid fisherman are in my eyes some of the most crooked people in the mix here your group yesterday consisted of at least one poacher one crook your perch was caught in lake simcoe very legal no problem till one of yous tried to enter one of the fish in a small Rice lake derby. This person was under suspicion right from the start he lost any way by a rice lake fish we won't question the integrity of that. also have witnessed one of your group filling five gallon buckets of crappie. ask your group which one of them were holding the spear or the light many evenings around Idelwyld and goose creek. Every one of you know one in one thousand Canadians fish blue gills What was said about you and your group hating Americans was exactly the truth if you and your group had of entered the room in your hat and sheet. instead of your pails for that ridicoulous presentatiom.One of the councilours even rolled there eyes at that so that is the weight you carried with that council. I would have respected you fellas alot if you had of just represented yourselves honestly Have a nice day Mike and I will be at every meeting to expose your little group Mayor of Rice lake


OK... I can't take it .. ... ... what????


This guy represents who??? I'm confused??


The avid fisherman are in my eyes some of the most crooked people in the mix


your group yesterday consisted of at least one poacher one crook


your group hating Americans was exactly the truth
I LOVE AMERICANS!!! (except Marty... I love Dawson!!)



WHO?? Put the name out there and lets get a good slander lawsuit going.....


Maybe someone should tell the assoc. people, to get some better speakers for their cause. Personally.. and this in MY opinion only.. um.... no so good....

Posted (edited)
  Twocoda said:
its obvious you think that those are alot of pails of fish...correct????? that is the point ....its alot of fish and RLTA want almost double that amount for a DAILY limit


would you concur that that is outrageously greedy?


Thought I saw they wanted 500 sunfish, plus 1 day's possession, meaning 1,000? Even more astronomically stupid when multiplied by hundreds or thousands of anglers.


Dunno for sure but I think I'd lose interest cleaning them pretty darn quick!



(p.s. - Nice one Irishfield!)

Edited by cheaptackle
  Terry said:
let's make sure the local newspapers get to read this thread


can you say impeached......he can't read ,he admits he stepped down to help them from the mayors chair and he making libelous statements, better hope he can back them up



as i said early ...i suspect shenanigans ...who is to say he really is the mayor....kinda like fishin nanny ????


dont put anything past them after the racial comment in a meeting ...


i find it funny how the mayor fixated on the comments of ONE angler that allegedly said something about walleye fishing on the lake and that made EVERY avid fisherman a crook...


So because ONE RLTA member made a racial statement ...that would make the RLTA in its entirety racists???


I feel for the residents of the area for having a Mayor of his competence...problem is ....they are probably unaware of it <_<

The avid fisherman are in my eyes some of the most crooked people in the mix


He has no issues selling them bait and supplies TJ! I'm at a lose with this lad... he's making me have flash backs and bad dreams, of the fear mongering of the TLA and their payrolled councilors changing the MNR's regs for Lake Temagami. Thanks to that group the lake trout went to a one month season on Lake Temagami over a decade ago.. because they claimed the winter put too much pressure on the fishery and they couldn't catch anything during the week or two they actually were on the lake each summer... when it was actually the fact that they didn't want anyone around their cottages when they weren't there and they didn't know how to fish!

Posted (edited)

Please fellow anglers,


Lets keep this civilized. There is no need to stoop to lower levels. Serious accusations against a member of this board have been brought forward.


I can't stress this enough, please keep it civilized or this thread may get locked!


Hey Mike


Actually, my big fish came in third last weekend. My Nephew, who was fishing with me, his fish came in first. Nice Perch too, 1.08 lbs.


As for the very reason why they should close Rice Lake to ice fishing? Can you imagine if all those pails were filled with Perch and Bluegills? Heaven forbid if it happend during the ice fishing season. Certainly wouldn't do half the damage during the spawning periods on open water now would it.(hint of sarcasm)


In the parking lot after the council meeting, I too started up conversation with a couple of RLTA members. It was in agreement about their passion and also about our passion. But keep in mind, don't be putting words in our mouth. As you have stated yourselves, and I quote your introduction sentence to the council "I am here to represent the Rice Lake Tourist Association and I also represent my own resort (name withheld by my choice)". Now with the remark, when you spoke about being against Ice Fishing were you speaking for the RLTA or were you speaking for your resort? You made it sound like you were representing the RLTA and in your terminology with your presentation, were you sucking or were you blowing? Remember, you were the one who said you can't do both at the same time. You can't represent 2 different interests in a presentation can you?

Edited by Ron

Well, I've had more than my share of this one and was going to lock this thread a few pages ago, however, we'll leave it up for a while for the good folks at the rlta. This is all they have to do tonight anyhow, no guests at the cottages and no 'wrassling' on TV.

The OMNR is monitoring this thread and I'm sure they've heard enough as well from the good folks at rlta.


Goodnight children and goodnight FishinNanna wherever y'are.


If I may before this thread unfortunately gets locked.


Everyone, even the Rice Lake Tourist Association, (as I'm sure they already have) please read the articles, particularly the ones in my local newspaper. Read them carefully and understand what is written.






Once you have read the 2 articles, make your own judgement and take the time to send a letter to the editor of the news paper. Our voices must be heard! Mike and myself cannot send a letter ourselves as we are the ones identified in the article. Tell them you are for the regulation changes or against the regulation changes.


Regardless of who you are, either way you look at it, this is YOUR lake, respect it that way.


Letter to the Editor


Cheers, Ron...

  irishfield said:
Dang.. he's so mad he can't even type!


Ron the poacher.. the guy that won't even let us eat the specks we catch...



I have been reading this for a few days now and I'm sorry but to me its time I think this gets locked down and we move on. We the fisherman of Ontario Canada have rules we have to follow set out by the MNR and so do our brothers in the US when they fish here. Get use to it & get over it and move on with it!!!!!


I think to lock out this post would be a shame. Aside from a few, lets say "new" recruits to the board clearly only joining for there own agenda I am completely interested in the outcome of this post...I've read it thoroughly and really its pretty clean...not bad OFC'rs...and I'm talking to the salty old dogs not the fresh new fry..


My suggestion to the new guys, assuming your all members of the RLTA or the RLCA be nice....it's great to push your agenda and I support you for standing up for what I believe is a ridiculous cause...300 fish per day...not to mention an additional 80 for perch and crappie, but trash talking and racists comments may very well be why your bottom line is hitting the bottom...


I'll tell you all one thing....I DON'T BOOK A COTTAGE, GO TO AN UNKNOWN LAKE, TARGET A SPECIES I HAVE NEVER FISHED BEFORE...without checking on it with these boys first...To come on here and bash them, abuse this site, not to mention slander its (and in speaking I consider every member of this site a representative for it ) representatives, your not going to be doing much business with most of these boys anytime soon...


Just think you've spent all this time trying to tell us why you need to up these already outrageous limits to draw in the US clientel, when you could have been using this as an opportunity to draw in some business...Clearly your not concerned with our Canadian Dollars...therefore why should we be concerned with your lack there of????? I'm still not understanding when you were just given the opportunity to increase your seasons to 12 months a year, your not wise enough to use this forum to your benefit to try to drum up some new business???? Lets see 6000 members, I'd say times that by 4 at least for friends we talk to about this board and our adventures (and thats low balling) you may have just cost yourself 24000 potential clients just for ignorance alone...You guys say that we don't come to Rice Lake for the pan fish, but I'll tell ya this show me a kid who's first fish wasn't a rock bass or sunfish or perch...Nobody takes there kids out for the first time targeting Musky...Panfish are the backbone of the fishing community without them the 4 year olds of today may never turn into the ladies and gentlemen of this board...


We all appreciate what your doing Ron and Mike and I have signed the petition and sent a letter to the Editor of the Northumberland...without guys like you's and all of us I fear my kids may never know the pleasure of what I consider to be a corner stone in the Canadian way of life!!!

  RandyC said:
You also make it sound like you approached us after the meeting in an effort to give us new ideas on how to run our business. Let's set that record straight .. WE approached YOU in an effort to be friendly and show some simple manners. You offered an idea to me ... I should consider allowing people to fish off my docks for $5 per head. Now .. let me see .. we have 12 cottages and enough car parking for those 12 cottages plus trailers from their boats and enough dock space for those registered guests to use. There is no extra space , either in the parking lot or on the docks nor is there a central toilet facility for these "daily" visitors. My guests feel completely comfortable leaving their fishing gear in their boats or beside their cottages at all times. At $5 per head, I cannot justify policing things never mind the investment of thousands of dollars for a simple toilet facility


Sounds like your doing well then 12 cottages all booked, no space for anybody...Good on ya!!!

  Roy said:
Well, I've had more than my share of this one and was going to lock this thread a few pages ago,...



  tightline said:
I think to lock out this post would be a shame.


I agree with tightline that locking this thread would be a shame.


This is not only an interesting and relevant topic, but a very important issue for many people. IMO, you shouldn't shut down a conversation like this. There are ways to moderate a discussion without shutting it down, as seems to always be the case here. No disrespect intended, just an observation.


I mean, Rick pointed out that this is the biggest fishing site in Canada, where over 35,000 people come every day to talk about fishing in Ontario! I think it's great that an unfolding story of local (and ultimately province-wide) public interest is getting this kind of exposure from both sides.


Why bury it?


We're seeing the politics at work that control our fishing resource. And we get to participate because of this forum. A+ for OFC!

Posted (edited)

I dunno, its getting out of hand. I think its time to lock it down before someone like myself overrides the Mayor proclaims and themslef the Priminister. ln all due respect a mayor is elected not self apointed.


Mr Mayor, I am a local and I am fisheries biologist. You can come over and see my fancy papers hanging on the wall. Poaching happens all over the place regardless of limits, restrictions and seasons, thats why its called POACHING. The members here do not claim to know more about what is best for the lake. Really all we are doing is supporting what the MNR has decided. they are telling us the lake needs a limit, so we simply support their hark work and efforts. We also applaud them for additional seasonal opportunity. If this new opportunity has a negative effect on the ecosystem, I am sure the MNR will adjust accordingly and we will respect that.


There are a few bad apples in every bushel. That shouldn't spoil the rest. It seems that a few in the RLTA are doing just that for them though. We don't want anyone losing their lively hood and buisness. But if they don't want to play by the same rules as the rest of the users of the lake than they can take a hike.


It appears that you want an open limit and no ice fishing? Why? How can you demonstraight to us that would be good for the lake? Has rice really been pounded that hard this winter... I truely doubt that. These rules are in effect for the entire zone 17. If you guys really feel rice lake needs to be exempt for BIOLOGICAL reasons, i applaud you for voiceing your concern. To all of us here though, it is plain to see that your intersts are centered on the dollar, bottom line, and not the fish. Thats the MNRs job, they aren't out to get you.



The Biologist

Edited by MuskyGreenHorn
Posted (edited)

let me get this,So you can keep 50 perch and 300 panfish and eat em too


when the last time someone watch someone eating 50 perch let alone 300 panfish?


I'd be more concern of the ice holding up for those that can eat 300 pan fish!


I think a 50 perch and 50 panfish limit is suffice


we are living in the era of convenience,why are we so wasteful


300 panfish per person limit is not Biologically sound nor healthy for any fishery


If I may suggest,the service you offer your clients will surpass any possession limits set forth by any regulation established


there is much more to fishing than catching and harvesting

Edited by marc thorpe

Of course I get that point, but don't you get that it is obvious how much easier it is to catch those bigger perch ice fishing and why it is so contradictory setting limits (which I am for), but then allowing ice fishing????? I give up - everyone is so focused on the limit of bluegills, but yet everyone does not focus on the extra fish people are taking out of the lake ice fishing. This is obviously a one sided thread.


By the way, I don't agree that cottage owners are so bad, it sounds like just a couple bad apples. I know for a fact the the cottage owner we stay it is all for conservation and also is against ice fishing. Not against ice fishing, because it hurts his business, but because it may hurt the panfish fishery that we are trying so hard to protect.


It sounds like a few are speaking for the RLTA (ones that probably should not be) and a few are speaking for all anglers too.




  Twocoda said:
its obvious you think that those are alot of pails of fish...correct????? that is the point ....its alot of fish and RLTA want almost double that amount for a DAILY limit


would you concur that that is outrageously greedy?


There is a lot of bitterness in this thread that leaves a bad taste in the mouth. I doubt that I will feel too welcome at Rice after the dust has settled. Time to book elsewheres. It will leave more room for the more desireable out-of -province guest that some RLTA members prefer.




Do you have the opportunity to ice-fish back home in Ohio?


If so, why do you begrudge us the same opportunity?


I've lived on the shore of Upper Buckhorn for almost 14 years now, and until this year, was never allowed to drill a hole. Very frustrating at the least to have to travel at least an hour and a half in any direction to be able to fish in the winter when I have countless acres of safe ice right outside my door.


I've fished every available day this winter and just love it. In fact I'll be heading out very shortly on Chemong for what could be a T-shirt day on the ice, what could be better? Who are you to deny me this?


Even though I've fished probably 20 full days on the ice between Buckhorn & Chemong, I've only brought home a reasonable meal of perch and sunfish (about a dozen fish, Nanna's math is right) for my girlfriend and I 3 times in total. I could have filled buckets, but like the majority of fishermen, I try to be responsible and enjoy the opportunity with out abusing the resource.

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