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Olympic Opening Ceremonies


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Except for the one pillar not going up, I enjoyed the technical stuff. I don't know what the circumstances were (who was late and why) but the empty seats in the executive area when the GG was introduced was completely unacceptable, there was no excuse for it, people taking coats off, racing around, setting up chairs. I give credit to the young woman singing the anthem, awesome voice, it just should have been something we could all sing. I was thoroughly disgusted when the kinda different version of the anthem was being sang. There were people in the executive box still missing, and others still talking and moving about,(the woman behind the Prime Minister in the red sweatshirt and dreads should be deeply ashamed for being an embarassment to the nation) and hardly anyone standing at attention. I'm still pissed. The troups in Afghanistan showed how it's done, all at attention during the entire song. I couldn't figure out why the flags weren't waving more than they were, they didn't look right either. Overall, I thought it was good, it just looked like someone tried a little too hard at times, and tried to accomodate too many sensitive people, without getting the small stuff right. But what do I know. Andy

Edited by Andy
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I thought the opening ceremonies were a solid A-. The National Anthem was butchered to death, it is our national anthem not some R&B soul song, I wish singers would have alittle more respect and play the song in a traditional manner, it was unrecognizable in parts and to me an embarisment. The performers sang great, not sure exactly what K.D Lang's deal is but she does have an awsome voice and performed well. The olympic hym was alittle much, but all in all a good show.

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Personally these kind of shows are not my bag...I gues I'm not "cultured" enough to enjoy the Interprative dance LOL

But as far as comparisions go vs. other shows in the past?

Truth be told i think it rocked....


Sorry but I didn't get the Beijing show either, and certainly don't think it was any better?

The Light show alone was enough for me to think it was awesome.


Was the dance, or song part better or worse then the others?

No I don't think so.


But that light show was killer.

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My problem with the show was if you were say from Italy you would think we revere native canadians their culture and way of life and thats just not the case. I found the whole native spin incredibly hypocritical.



Sad to say that if you live in Ontario that is the case, but out West and in the North it is a totally different scenario.

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It was well done, but I thought there was way too much emphasis on the Natives. People around the world are simply going to have the wrong impression. Not to mention their legs must've been dead tired after an hour of non stop dancing while the athletes came in.


The show itself was great, although it simply wasn't as good as what the Chinese did in my opinion. Not to mention a 25% failure at the end didn't help, Steve Nash was looking around like what the hell is going on?


I thought the girl who did the commercial for the olympics who sang the national anthem is an absolute gem of a singer but I absolutely hated the version she sang. It lacked the power that our song has with it's normal tempo.


I also wish Celin Dion sang... let's be honest, she represents.


Regardless of the technical flaws, Go Canada Go - Win it on home soil!

Edited by Governator
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I thought the opening ceremonies were a solid A-. The National Anthem was butchered to death, it is our national anthem not some R&B soul song, I wish singers would have alittle more respect and play the song in a traditional manner, it was unrecognizable in parts and to me an embarisment. The performers sang great, not sure exactly what K.D Lang's deal is but she does have an awsome voice and performed well. The olympic hym was alittle much, but all in all a good show.



The style in which the Anthem was sung was dictated by the producers not theperformer.

They had her on this morning and the commentator commented about the R&B twist and she said she performed it the way she was asked and said she is just a performer doing what the director and producer wanted for the show.

I agree that I would have rather heard a more traditional version but her version wasn't bad, just different. She does have a heck of a voice. I also agree about the operatic singing of the olympic hym. Not a fan of opera at all.

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Actually i liked the spin that little girl put on our national anthem...i thought it was refreshing although while it was happening i found it uncomfortable ....but after it was absorbed into my brain ....i loved it


Shame about the glitches ...Must have been a microsoft program to lift 4 BC Bud joints


Aboriginal aspect was a bit too long ....but very much appreciated for the representation


special effects was simply amazing and entertaining .....


Sad for the dark shadow of the Georgian team...hopefully something GREAT comes from their tragedy

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My thoughts:


1. I was embarrassed by the rockification of the national anthem. Not only was it a poor setting for it, she even had to come up with one of the worst abominations ever committed. It gets treated with more respect at HNIC games broadcast from American arenas.


2. The show for the most part did a decent job of showing our cultural diversity. The fact that Canada also has a bunch of just plain old folks who say thanks and sorry too much was kind of lost in the shuffle. BTW, the poet's piece was spot on, wasn't it? After I pondered on the areas of our diverse culture that were emphasized it occurred to me that us boring uncultured types (the majority of Canucks) would be admirably represented by our team of athletes. I was impressed that our team was exceeded in number by the Americans alone and then by only a handful. That's quite an accomplishment given our relative populations.


3. The snowboarder at the opening was great.


4. I kinda liked KD singing Cohen, a three Canadian birds with one stone thing.


5. The finale was pretty weak. Not bad up till the mechanical failure, but then it bogged down instead of building in intensity , and having to follow Wayne riding in the rain to do a lackluster outdoor lighting didn't exactly revitalize it. Lousy choreography at best. The flame lighting needs to be explosive and dramatic, not pedestrian and routine. Perhaps that was some choreographer's commentary on our Canadian persona.


6. I thought Furtado looked funny in the fancy duds.


7. The show effects weren't bad. I liked the killer whales. The Peter Pan thing was a tad obscure. The piratical fiddlers were a bunch over the top. I'd have preferred Natalie McMaster to MacIsaac if they wanted to get in the maritime celtic thang.


I'm not a big fan of these productions so I won't even try to grade it. Now I'm looking forward to watching the events coverage and hopefully seeing some Canadian golds medals.



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The style in which the Anthem was sung was dictated by the producers not theperformer.

They had her on this morning and the commentator commented about the R&B twist and she said she performed it the way she was asked and said she is just a performer doing what the director and producer wanted for the show.

I agree that I would have rather heard a more traditional version but her version wasn't bad, just different. She does have a heck of a voice. I also agree about the operatic singing of the olympic hym. Not a fan of opera at all.

I apologise to the very tallented singer she does have great voice, so my disgust goes out to the producers. Get it together, perform our National anthem in a traditional respectfull manner, your not producing a new song to make the Bill-board charts have some National pride and respect for the anthem.

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KD LANG ?????? I thought it was Mario Lemieux trying to one up Gretzky!



I actually really enjoyed the show. Sometimes you gotta look at this stuff through kids eyes. I recorded it last night and played it for my Twin 5 year olds today, and they were amazed by it.



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In general I thought it was good. I didn't like the rendition of our national anthem, The whales was really cool. And all the salmon swimming around. Thought for sure they would of shown a fisherperson trying to catch one. All the first nation stuff was nice but a bit much. They should of thrown a moose in there somewhere along with a few beaver shots, but all in all a good job. I'm proud to be CANADIAN. Go Canada go.

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My thoughts:


The piratical fiddlers were a bunch over the top. I'd have preferred Natalie McMaster to MacIsaac if they wanted to get in the maritime celtic thang.




Have to bow to pop trends sometimes, not.


Truth be, pirates and privateers were a way of life in Nova Scotia for 100 years. The early wealth and history of Liverpool is steeped in it.

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QUOTE (fish_fishburn @ Feb 14 2010, 06:34 AM)

They should of thrown a moose in there somewhere along with a few beaver shots,






Not trying to stir things up here but I thought that KD Lang's performance "Woke" the interest in the event and for me her voice and performance was far and away better than any other part of the opening . A true Canadian symbol .....albeit minus the beaver.

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