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Classic - TTC Operator Asleep On The Job


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I used to take the blue light buses working the night shift in Toronto....I would take the bus from Isslington and Lakeshore to the Isslington Station...transfer there to the Bloor st bus...which never crossed paths at the same time mind you ...I would always see it from the light before Bloor st as it flew by...and have to wait a half an hour or so for the next one...anyway I would almost always catch this one driver who would stop at the Tim Hortons on Dundas near Kippling...one night after standing in the freezing cold waiting for the half an hour to fly by who pulls up but buddy with the Timmy's jones...we get to the stop sure enough he's out the door and grabbing a joe...10 mins later he's back and the 6 of us on the bus were not happy peeps...I can vividly remember our plot to just steal the bus and leave him sitting there but better judgment took hold and we waited it out like quiet little school children...so hes back and I gotta say something so I do...it went something like "must be nice to be able to just do what ever you want on the job and not have to worry about the other peoples lives you are affecting!!" where as he replied "yeah it's not bad you know your free to apply"...to this day I can't remember going from angry to laughing so fast...although I know they deserve breaks nobody wants them to have it on there time...but he defused the situation pretty quick with one whimsical little comment...the old boy at the station maybe had a rough day or night...who knows...I used that system for years and it has always been fairly decent...this guy is surely not the poster boy for all transit workers...hope there not to hard on him...I'm sure we've all slipped up to some extent on the job this poor bugger just got caught and will likely suffer more severe consequences because of the new age viral video...lets face it nobody wants to be that poster boy!!!

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At least he wasnt driveing the train lol . Most collectors have that cardboard thing over the slot to block the cold winds that whip through the stations , so it wasnt there so he could sleep , he must have just had a slow time and he leaned back and wellll ... Im sure hes not a happy guy to see his picture in the paper this morning , even if he wast at work not a real pretty sight with his mouth opened and alll to bad they didnt record the snores lmao .. every one gets his day of fame

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LOL I can imagine that it would be difficult to try and stay awake doing that for a living but I would like to try, the nice pention and the outragious salary should be enough incentive to stay awake.


Apparently there is a second photo floating around now of another hard working TTC employee taking a nap and a story of the union boss slamming people saying the employee could have been sick and shame on you for not checking to see if he was alright.


Comrade Giambrone should use the picture on his campaign material next year.


I feel sorry for the good people of Toronto, next election step up and get rid of all those left wing Liberal/NDP.

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You know I've worked with a couple older fellows that would take a 15 minute nap every day after lunch. Hardest workers around got more done than any of the younger guys and just needed that little recharge.


That said, we aren't in customer service so there's no risk of getting your photo snapped, or upsetting a customer that needs your attention...

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Apparently there is a second photo floating around now of another hard working TTC employee taking a nap and a story of the union boss slamming people saying the employee could have been sick and shame on you for not checking to see if he was alright.



I think it's the same picture of the same guy...he could be passed out I guess, but he looks pretty damn comfy...

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Actually reminded me of a funny story my dad told me...working at one of the steel mills as a young guy, he snuck away for a nap one day. Came back out after a half hour, thinking nobody had seen him. The guys asked him if he had a nice nap...which of course he denied vehemently...then the guys ask him why he painted the heels of his boots bright yellow. Which is when he turned a bright shade of red...they painted 'em while he was dozing :lol::lol:

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