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Who here uses bottled water?

Big Cliff

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The only bigger scam than bottled water is the filter people put on their taps...

What can your $40 filter do that the town's multi-million dollar filters can't?

Pepsi uses the same tap water that they use to make their cola, and puts it into plastic bottles and charges more for it! That is marketing genius!



HAHAHA! I bet those Pepsi people sit up in their office every day rolling in money and laughing their butts off at what they've done.

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We use the big bottles Cliff. They're glass though -- i'm not a fan of plastic. We use them here (in oakville, and previously toronto) because we don't like the lake water and have a little one in the house. For my own use, not really that worried about it. And, when we're away from Lake O we just use tap water.


And Rick...


The only bigger scam than bottled water is the filter people put on their taps...

What can your $40 filter do that the town's multi-million dollar filters can't?


...probably not needed in most places but there's lots of lead in toronto water, depending on the neighbourhood you're in of course.

Edited by cram
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as someone who has 35 + years working in water , (masters in civil engineering , phd in physics) senior engineer in storm water management , I would NEVER NEVER buy a bottle of water ,lmao and we complain about the cost of gas , wish I had no Conscience , I would have gone in the bottled water biz a long time ago , just hook up filter to TO tap water give it some name , bruce pure springs or such lmao and sit back and watch the paranoids buy it ...


"Lots of lead in Toronto water" ???????? sorry sir but your been had , lots of plumbers may want you to think that so they can get you to replace your pipes but .. DUUUUUUUhhh aint so

Edited by capt bruce
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at least filters do have legit purposes. homes/buildings that are older, still contain lead pipes, which is a source of contamination post water treatment. i believe provincially 10 ppb or something is an acceptable level...people with more than that are advised to use filters.


many people use charcoal filters because it does sometimes change the water. when i lived in london i had to use a brita because the water smelled funny until i filtered it. it may have been part in my head, but it seemed to work.


i agree that "scam" is the best word for bottled water!!!!



You might want to change this to the pipes and fittings are soldered with 50/50 lead/tin solder. The carbon filters that are found on the end of tap water are useless due to the contact time and the tunnel effect that occurs as the water passes thru the filter. If you want to remove Taste Odor and organic contaminants then a gravity carbon filter or a Reverse Osmosis system is the best choice.




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Got a guy in one of our buildings that is bottling water from a specific underground water source. He's 4 months behind on his rent.. wanna buy some bottling equipment?


Myself.. I only use bottled water when out fishing. Summer for a drink and winter to boil for my Mr. Noodles.

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In my little town we sit on one of the greatest aquifers in the world.

And until the water scare a few years back nothing was added to our water supply.

Apparently it didn't even need to be filtered but is.

Now chlorine is added just because it's legislated.

Sad really.

But to answer your question Cliff, no I personally don't use bottled water.

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The only bigger scam than bottled water is the filter people put on their taps...

What can your $40 filter do that the town's multi-million dollar filters can't?


Well for starters it can remove the taste and odour of the chlorine that the governing body pumped into it. I prefer a whole house carbon filtre though, about the size of a water softner without the brine tank.


To answer your question Cliff, yes I use it but only the large glass bottled carbonated mineral water. I will however bring my own water in a re usable rubbermaid thing to the gym etc .

Edited by Dano
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I think chlorine is better as a secondary treatment better to use UV as primary


You are correct Terry but current legislation requires chlorination if the water is distributed through underground piping. All of the systems I have designed and installed get both.

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I helped design ,construct, and now manage a class 4 100ML water plant in Southern Ontario.It is equipped with advanced taste and odour ozonation systems.

If you have a questions feel free to pm me.

99 out of 100 times bottled water is not needed in a house, house have to be in excess of 50 years old to have lead problems, if they have any.

A Brita in the filter will remove any combined chlorine taste and odours the water may pick up in its pipe travels.

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We're on a well here, so the bottle water just tastes better, and i don 't have to worry about what is in my well water. It gets UV treatment, but that's all. The water always tests fine.


The biggest reason we use the bottled water, is we have a water cooler with the hot water tap. So, when I want a cup of tea, its there and ready, rather than wait for water to boil.


Yeah, I'm lazy.......so what!!



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I use bottle water after hearing then reading that water from Lake Ontario has passed through at leased one kidney if not more. Then you have to add to that tasty mess what don't they test for. I figure with the combination of all that waste thats flushed down toilets, drains and sewers.

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Remember.. bottled water is regulated under the food and drug act and not the provincial safe water act!


It can be bottled from ANY source... even that tap you have an issue with coming out of Lake Ontario.


The bottler does not need any licence to bottle and sell water and does not have to disclose where they are getting the water... unless they label it as Spring water and then they have to list the springs source

Edited by irishfield
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Remember.. bottled water is regulated under the food and drug act and not the provincial safe water act!


It can be bottled from ANY source... even that tap you have an issue with coming out of Lake Ontario.


The bottler does not need any licence to bottle and sell water and does not have to disclose where they are getting the water... unless they label it as Spring water and then they have to list the springs source


No, no, no don't tell them that. Why would people want to know the truth when they could pay 2-3 dollars per litre (remember what happens when gasoline goes over a $1/L?) for water that is the same as what comes out of their taps...FOR ALMOST NOTHING, and they get the added benefit of that yummy plastic taste.


As my dad would say: Don't confuse people with facts, when their minds are already made up.

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